Selected Excerpts from Spoken Wikipedia
Text & MP3 Files
These are short excerpts from Spoken Wikipedia selected for advanced ESL students.
The speakers have American accents unless otherwise noted.
- Cheese
(Donbert) - Canada
(Ka-Ping Yee) - Bicycles
(Thecyberwasp - British Accent) - Julius Caesar
(Kevin F. Story) - Dinosaurs
(Mrdallaway - British Received Pronunciation) - The recording has a bit of echo. - Bob Dylan
(PyroGamer) - Dizzy Gillespie
(Kevin F. Story) - Harry Potter
(M4th5 - British Accent) - James Madison
(Howcheng) - Mayflower
(Nbierma) - Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
(Macropode - Australian Accent) - Edgar Allan Poe
(FlyingToaster) - Star Trek
- These are not in "Special English" like some of our similar-looking pages.
- The source of this material is Spoken Wikipedia.
- In compliance with Wikipedia's license, the edited text and edited audio files within the subdirectory have the same license (Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License). Briefly this means that if you adapt the material from what I have edited, you need to also give me credit. If you adapt the material directly from Wikipedia, you don't.
- Editing done for this website includes converting OGG files to MP3 files, choosing excerpts and cropping the audio to match the chosen excerpts.
- These will print very cleanly (without printing the MP3 player and menu.)