Nuts and Bolts: The Mechanics of Any Organization

Mechanical English with a tight fit.
08 March 2008

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nuts and bolts are its basic, necessary elements.  They are the parts that make the organization work.

In government, the president or prime minister may plan and shape programs and policies.  But, it takes much more work to get them approved and to make them successful.

nuts and bolts.

Behind every Senator and Congressman, however, are assistants. These people do all the detailed work to prepare congressmen to vote wisely on each issue.

In a military operation, strategy decisions are important.  But much more time is spent on the nuts and bolts -- generally called logistics -- of how to transport and supply an army.  It has been said that Napoleon was successful because he knew the field position of every one of his guns.  He gave careful attention to the nuts and bolts of his operations.

nuts and bolts was expressed by the Elizabethan poet, George Herbert. He wrote:

For want of a nail, the shoe is lost

For want of a horse, the rider is lost.

Benjamin franklin carried these lines even further.  He wrote:

For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost


Voice of America Special English