The Long and Short of Cornering the Market in Global Finance Lingo
03 July 2007
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hedging, for example."
positions to protect their assets.
unwind the position. That's what means: unwind the position. Make the position reverse, and get out of your commitment."
bull market or a bear market. A bull market is a sustained period in which investment prices rise higher than their historical average. A bear market means investment prices are lower. Of course one can diversify one's strategy -- that is, spread out one's risks. A bearish spread is one that bets that the price of a security will decline, and a bullish spread is a bet that the price will rise.
butterfly spread mixes both bull and bear. Whichever strategy is adopted, Salih Nefcti says financial people don't usually engage in punting.
long-short. So I am long India, I am short China.'"
Going long is not that.
corner the market in some so-called soft commodities like sugar, salt, cotton or coffee.