Dutch: English Expressions Unrelated to Dutch People
Common expressions that have nothing to do with the Dutch people.17 February 2007
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Dutch agreement was one made between men who had drunk too much alcohol. Dutch courage was the false courage produced by the effects of drinking alcohol. And, Dutch leave was what a soldier took when he left his base without permission.
Dutch treat is one example. Long ago, a Dutch treat was a dinner at which the invited guests were expected to pay for their own share of the food and drink. Now, Dutch treat means that when friends go out to have fun, each person pays his own share.
in Dutch. If someone said to you, you were in Dutch they were telling you that you were in trouble. An important person -- a parent or teacher, perhaps -- was angry with you.
Pennsylvania Dutch.
to talk to someone like a Dutch uncle did come from the Dutch. The Dutch were known for the firm way they raised their children. So if someone speaks to you like a Dutch uncle he is speaking in a very severe way. And you should listen to him carefully!