Sentences with "weigh, weighed, weighed, weighing, weighes"
Found: 32
- Weigh your words well. T240183
- 後先をよく考えて物を言え。 T174286
- I weigh about 60 kilos. T251399
- 私の体重はおよそ60キロです。 T163113
- Can you weigh this, please? T58562
- この重さを計ってもらえませんか。 T221239
- Will you weigh this parcel? T267678
- 小包の重さをはかってもらえますか。 T146883
- Mary weighed it in her hand. T31982
- メアリーはその重さを手で量った。 T194809
- The argument weighed with him. T48743
- その議論を彼は重要視した。 T211467
- This weighed heavily on my mind. T59011
- この事で私は反問した。 T221685
- He weighed the stone in his hand. T300574
- 彼は石を手に持って重さをみた。 T103119
- He cut up the meat and weighed it. T302187
- 彼は肉を切り刻んで重さを量った。 T101508
- His lie weighed on his conscience. T26655
- 嘘をついたことが彼の良心を苦しめた。 T189504
- My sister is always weighing herself. T245579
- 姉は暇さえあれば体重を計っています。 T168911
- The baby weighed seven pounds at birth. T45832
- その赤ん坊は生まれた時体重は七ポンドでした。 T208573
- I weighed myself on the bathroom scales. T324956
- 浴室の秤で体重を計った。 T78760
- A good specimen might weigh up to a kilo. T66746
- いいものになると1キロにもなるものがありますよ。 T229387
- We weighed one opinion against the other. T22785
- 我々は二つの意見を比較検討した。 T185653
- My daughter weighed eight pounds at birth. T322886
- 娘は生れた時8ポンドの重さだった。 T80829
- I weigh 70 kilos, give or take a few kilos. T259291
- 私は体重70キロ、数キロの上下はあるが。 T155248
- You can weigh your baggage in this balance. T60713
- このはかりであなたの荷物を量っていいですよ。 T223380
- How tall are you, and how much do you weigh? T70523
- あなたの身長と体重はどれくらいですか。 T233154
- On average, these packages weigh two pounds. T55167
- これらの小包の重さは平均すると2ポンドです。 T217857
- His wife was weighed down with various worries. T286359
- 彼の妻はさまざまな心配事に打ちひしがれていた。 T117305
- Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. T59502
- この決定はあなたの提案に負うところ大であった。 T222177
- Lightly weigh the tofu down, leave it for about 20 minutes then drain. T328136
- 豆腐は軽く重しをして、20分ほどおいて水切りする。 T75582
- The Japanese fiscal authorities are weighing measures to restore public confidence in their economic management. T281390
- 日本の財政当局は経済運営に対する国民の信頼を回復するため手段を考慮中である。 T122613
- Boxers have to weigh in before a fight. T621930
- No Translation T621930
- Canadian officials weighed the supplies of each man. T804288
- No Translation T804288
- In any decision one makes there is a weighing of options. T665534
- No Translation T665534
- It weighed about 14 kilograms. T807052
- No Translation T807052
- On the moon I would weigh only fifteen kilos. T639388
- No Translation T639388
- Political pundits have begun weighing in on the president's speech. T553030
- No Translation T553030
- We should weigh the options carefully before making a decision. T739165
- No Translation T739165
- Weighing in at 30 kilograms, the suitcase was too heavy to carry far. T448738
- No Translation T448738
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).