Sentences with "wash, washed, washed, washing, washes"
Found: 329
- Wash your face. T20754
- 顔を洗いなさい。 T183631
- Wash your feet. T274488
- 足を洗いなさい。 T139852
- I washed myself. T259289
- 私は体を洗った。 T155250
- Wash your hands. T464330
- 手をきれいに洗いなさい。 T148631
- 手を洗いなさい。 T148622
- It needs washing. T273351
- 洗う必要がある。 T141221
- He is washing a car. T299059
- 彼は車を洗っているところです。 T104631
- Please wash my back. T282468
- 背中を洗ってくださいよ。 T121537
- I'll wash the dishes. T244973
- 皿洗いをやります。 T169513
- My car needs washing. T251071
- 私の車は、洗う必要がある。 T163441
- Wash your hands well. T265931
- 手をよく洗いなさい。 T148628
- He is washing his car. T298494
- 彼は自動車を洗っています。 T105195
- He is washing the car. T299058
- 彼は車を洗っています。 T104632
- Help me with the wash. T273354
- 洗濯、手伝ってよ。 T141218
- I'm washing the dishes. T258749
- 私は食器を洗っています。 T155788
- I had him wash the car. T260421
- 私は彼に車を洗わせた。 T154122
- I saw him wash the car. T283828
- 彼が車を洗うのを見られました。 T120181
- Please wash the dishes. T64476
- お皿洗いをして下さい。 T227127
- This car needs washing. T58709
- この車は洗う必要がある。 T221384
- Did you wash your hands? T265929
- 手をきれいに洗いましたか。 T148630
- I had my T-shirt washed. T252641
- 私はTシャツを洗ってもらった。 T161876
- Is this dress wash-able? T60773
- このドレスは水洗いができますか。 T223438
- I washed my shirt clean. T253910
- 私はシャツをきれいに洗った。 T160610
- 私はワイシャツをきれいに洗った。 T158575
- Mother washes every day. T320863
- 母は毎日洗濯する。 T82853
- One should wash oneself. T270100
- 人は体を洗うべきである。 T144465
- Your hands need washing. T70585
- あなたの手は洗う必要がある。 T233214
- His work is washing cars. T286432
- 彼の仕事は車を洗うことです。 T117233
- I got her to wash dishes. T308879
- 彼女に皿を洗ってもらった。 T94827
- I helped her wash dishes. T261043
- 私は彼女が皿を洗うのを手伝った。 T153502
- I wash clothes every day. T261847
- 私は毎日洗濯します。 T152702
- My job is to wash dishes. T250934
- 私の仕事は皿を洗うことです。 T163578
- She did two washes today. T313721
- 彼女は今日2回洗濯をした。 T89994
- This shirt needs washing. T60315
- このワイシャツは洗濯する必要がある。 T222984
- This shirt wants washing. T61028
- このシャツは洗う必要がある。 T223692
- When was this car washed? T66329
- いつこの車は洗われましたか。 T228970
- Would you like it washed? T273372
- 洗髪いたしますか。 T141200
- You wash the dishes, Ben. T33828
- ベン、君は皿を洗いなさい。 T196649
- I've got a big wash today. T242913
- 今日は洗濯物が山ほどある。 T171562
- Wash your hands right now. T241650
- 今すぐに手を洗いなさい。 T172822
- Wash your hands with soap. T272213
- 石けんで手を洗いなさい。 T142357
- Has the wash come back yet? T273367
- 洗濯物はもう洗濯屋から返ってきてますか。 T141205
- He started washing his car. T299057
- 彼は車を洗いはじめた。 T104633
- He told me to wash my face. T20755
- 顔を洗いなさい、と彼は私に言った。 T183632
- I have just washed the car. T255025
- 私はちょうど車を洗ったところです。 T159498
- I want you to wash the car. T252771
- 私はあなたに車を洗ってもらいたいです。 T161745
- I washed my hands as usual. T253152
- 私はいつも通り手を洗った。 T161364
- Washing clothes is my work. T273357
- 洗濯は私の仕事です。 T141215
- Your car was washed by Ken. T70594
- あなたの車はケンによって洗われました。 T233224
- Go and help wash the dishes. T241114
- 行って皿洗いを手伝いなさい。 T173356
- Have you washed the car yet? T69743
- あなたはもう車を洗ってしまいましたか。 T232374
- He was seen to wash the car. T283827
- 彼が車を洗うのが見られました。 T120182
- I've just washed the dishes. T40150
- ちょうど皿を洗い終えたところだ。 T202915
- My jeans shrank in the wash. T250332
- 私のジーンズは洗うと縮んだ。 T164178
- Please bring in the washing. T273370
- 洗濯物を中へ取り入れて下さい。 T141202
- These nylon socks wash well. T60756
- このナイロンソックスは、洗濯がきく。 T223422
- You need to wash this shirt. T61025
- このシャツを洗濯する必要があります。 T223689
- He wants these shirts washed. T289983
- 彼はこれらのワイシャツを洗ってもらいたいのです。 T113690
- He washes the car every week. T303864
- 彼は毎週車を洗います。 T99833
- I wash my face every morning. T261837
- 私は毎日顔を洗います。 T152712
- Wash your hands before meals. T268719
- 食事の前には手を洗いなさい。 T145846
- 食事の前に手を洗いなさい。 T145843
- Father got me to wash his car. T319201
- 父は私に自動車を洗わせました。 T84514
- Go and help wash up, will you? T273350
- 洗い物を手伝いに行って下さい。 T141222
- Go downstairs and have a wash. T25376
- 下へ行って顔を洗ってきなさい。 T188237
- Have a good wash before meals? T268715
- 食事の前にはよく手を洗いなさい。 T145847
- He washes the bike every week. T303861
- 彼は毎週バイクを洗います。 T99836
- My sweater shrank in the wash. T51365
- セーターが洗濯で縮んだ。 T214074
- The washing is still damp wet. T273366
- 洗濯物はまだ湿っている。 T141206
- This cotton shirt washes well. T56779
- この綿のシャツは洗濯がよく効く。 T219459
- Wash your hands before eating. T54335
- ご飯を食べる前に、手を洗ってね。 T217028
- 食べる前に手を洗いなさい。 T145927
- Your shirts need to be washed. T70893
- あなたのシャツは洗う必要がある。 T233523
- Father told me to wash the car. T319203
- 父は私に車を洗うように言いました。 T84512
- Have you washed your hands yet? T31342
- もう手を洗ったかい。 T194173
- Her work is to wash the dishes. T309315
- 彼女の仕事はお皿を洗うことです。 T94391
- Ken has not washed the car yet. T238897
- 健はまだ車を洗っていません。 T175568
- My father made me wash the car. T319202
- 父は私に車をあらわせた。 T84513
- She was doing the washing then. T311274
- 彼女はその時洗濯をしていた。 T92437
- The children washed their feet. T245637
- 子ども達は足を洗った。 T168853
- The sweater shrank in the wash. T51360
- セーターは洗ったら縮んだ。 T214070
- Wash yourself with their blood. T305190
- 彼らの血で体を洗え。 T98511
- When was the car washed by Ken? T46846
- その車はいつ健に洗われたのですか。 T209584
- Everybody washed in the kitchen. T32102
- みんな台所で体を洗いました。 T194927
- He doesn't have to wash the car. T290970
- 彼はその車を洗う必要はない。 T112706
- I helped my father wash his car. T261523
- 私は父が洗車するのを手伝った。 T153022
- She was washing the dishes then. T311116
- 彼女はそのとき皿を洗っていました。 T92594
- The ink stain will not wash out. T65759
- インクの染みが洗濯しても落ちない。 T228403
- The waves washed upon the rocks. T282337
- 波が岩に打ち寄せた。 T121668
- This sweater will stand washing. T60941
- このセーターは洗っても大丈夫です。 T223605
- You may as well wash your shirt. T16658
- 君はシャツを洗ったほうがいい。 T177807
- If it rains, take the washing in. T30926
- もし雨になったら洗濯物を取り込んでね。 T193758
- I have already washed the dishes. T255773
- 私はもう皿を洗ってしまった。 T158755
- I washed the dishes after supper. T252380
- 私は、夕食後、お皿を洗った。 T162135
- Shall I help you with washing-up? T25713
- 汚れた食器を洗うのを手伝いましょか。 T188568
- She gave the blouse a quick wash. T311140
- 彼女はそのブラウスをすばやく洗った。 T92570
- She hung the washing on the line. T315479
- 彼女は洗濯物を紐にかけた。 T88228
- This ink stain will not wash out. T61322
- このインキの染みは洗っても落ちない。 T223987
- Wash your hands before each meal. T322353
- 毎回食事の前に手を洗いなさい。 T81362
- We took turns in washing the car. T263008
- 私達は交代で車を洗った。 T151548
- Will you help me wash the dishes? T244970
- 皿を洗うのを手伝ってくれませんか。 T169516
- Can you help me wash these dishes? T246458
- 私がこのお皿を洗うのを手伝ってくれますか。 T168038
- I have just washed all the dishes. T255021
- 私はちょうど皿を全部洗い終えたところだ。 T159502
- Jane has a lot of clothes to wash. T53834
- ジェーンには洗わなければならない服がたくさんあります。 T216530
- May I wash all my laundry at once? T32514
- まとめて洗濯していいですか。 T195340
- My father often washes the dishes. T319064
- 父はよく皿洗いをします。 T84649
- Was the car washed by your father? T46845
- その車はきみのお父さんによって洗われたのでしょうか。 T209583
- He wanted to get his shirts washed. T288264
- 彼は、彼のシャツを洗ってもらいたかった。 T115406
- I helped my mother wash the dishes. T261675
- 私は母が皿を洗うのを手伝った。 T152871
- My housework is to wash the dishes. T250568
- 私の家事は皿を洗うことです。 T163942
- My work is to wash my father's car. T250939
- 私の仕事は父の車を洗うことです。 T163573
- Please rinse often with mouth-wash. T65643
- うがい薬でたびたびうがいをしてください。 T228288
- You can't use this washing machine. T58107
- この洗濯機は使えません。 T220784
- All you have to do is wash the dish. T16109
- 君は皿を洗いさえすればよい。 T177260
- Do you wash your hands before meals? T15980
- 君は食事前に手を洗いますか。 T177132
- The girl didn't like to wash dishes. T267228
- 女の子は皿洗いがいやだった。 T147332
- The man washing the car is Mr. Jones. T265611
- 車を洗っているのはジョーンズさんです。 T148947
- 車を洗っている男の人は、ジョーンズさんです。 T148945
- The washing machine is out of order. T45721
- その洗濯機は故障している。 T208461
- They washed themselves in the river. T307013
- 彼らは川で身体を洗った。 T96691
- This handkerchief didn't wash clean. T60636
- このハンカチは洗ってもきれいにならなかった。 T223304
- Well, it's all come out in the wash. T51107
- そうね。いずれ分かることね。 T213820
- We must wash all these dirty plates. T247961
- 私たちはこの汚れた皿を全部洗わなければなりません。 T166541
- When I wash dishes, I am all thumbs. T257860
- 私は皿を洗う時にはきわめて不器用です。 T156674
- You had better have your car washed. T16017
- 君は車を洗ってもらった方がよい。 T177167
- How do you find your washing machine? T45722
- その洗濯機の使い心地はどうですか。 T208463
- I washed myself and felt much better. T275236
- 体を洗い、ずっと気分がよくなった。 T137999
- She has an automatic washing machine. T314582
- 彼女は自動式の洗濯機をもっている。 T89124
- She has just finished washing dishes. T311591
- 彼女はちょうどさらを洗い終わりました。 T92120
- She wanted to wash the dirty clothes. T312725
- 彼女は汚れた着物を洗濯したかった。 T90989
- These cotton socks bear washing well. T56778
- この綿の靴下は洗濯がきく。 T219458
- All you have to do is wash the dishes. T16521
- しなければならないのは、皿洗いだけです。 T216142
- 君はただ皿を洗いさえすればいい。 T177669
- Don't wash your dirty linen in public. T25722
- 汚い下着を人前で洗うな。 T188577
- The boy washing the car is my brother. T265612
- 車を洗っている少年は私の弟です。 T148946
- He washes his car at least once a week. T299609
- 彼は少なくとも週に一度車を洗う。 T104082
- How often do you wash your car a month? T70300
- あなたは、ひと月にどのくらい洗車しますか。 T232929
- I paid my son 5 dollars to wash my car. T259211
- 私は息子に5ドルを払って車を洗わせた。 T155328
- I watched TV after I washed the dishes. T253283
- 私はお皿を洗ってからテレビを見た。 T161235
- Tell me how to use the washing machine. T273360
- 洗濯機の使い方を教えてください。 T141212
- Wash your face before you go to school. T21502
- 学校へ行く前に顔を洗いなさい。 T184374
- Bob was washing the dishes at that time. T33218
- ボブはその時皿洗いをしていた。 T196042
- Is that green striped shirt in the wash? T328929
- あのグリーンの縞のシャツ、今洗濯してるん? T74790
- I washed my hands of the whole business. T46564
- その商売からはすっかり足を洗った。 T209303
- My hair was still wet from being washed. T251581
- 私の髪はまだ洗ったばかりで濡れていた。 T162932
- My sister washes her hair every morning. T251920
- 私の妹は毎朝髪を洗う。 T162594
- My sister washes her shoes every Sunday. T245601
- 姉は毎週日曜日に自分の靴を洗う。 T168889
- Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. T33696
- ポーラは明日車を洗うつもりです。 T196517
- The bridge was washed away by the flood. T18976
- 橋は大水で洗い流された。 T180116
- The color ran when the dress was washed. T36856
- ドレスを洗ったら色がにじんだ。 T199654
- I'll take in the washing before it rains. T26852
- 雨が降る前に洗濯物を取り込もう。 T189698
- I had all my clothes washed by my mother. T261680
- 私は母に衣服を全部洗濯してもらった。 T152866
- Let's not wash our dirty linen in public. T65527
- うちの恥をさらすな。 T228172
- She washed the dishes and she dried them. T313865
- 彼女は皿を洗い、それから乾かした。 T89850
- The dishes can be washed in half an hour. T244967
- 皿は半時間で洗えます。 T169519
- Their boat washed ashore a desert island. T287019
- 彼の船は無人島に漂流した。 T116649
- These clothes are dirty and need washing. T55103
- これらの服は汚れているので洗濯する必要がある。 T217793
- You need not wash the dishes after meals. T69198
- あなたは食後に皿を洗う必要はありません。 T231831
- At the car wash next to the shopping mall. T52858
- ショッピングセンターの隣にある洗車場だよ。 T215556
- He washed her dirty hands before the meal. T299783
- 彼は食事の前に汚れた手を洗った。 T103909
- My dish-washing duties are a heavy burden. T250921
- 私の皿洗いの仕事は大きな負担だ。 T163591
- Come here after you have washed your hands. T265938
- 手を洗ってしまったらここへおいで。 T148621
- He was ready to help her with dish-washing. T302791
- 彼は彼女の皿洗いを進んで手伝った。 T100906
- If you wash it at home, the color will run. T24266
- 家で洗濯すると色がにじむ。 T187129
- In washing himself, he started on the legs. T301158
- 彼は体を足から洗いはじめた。 T102536
- Mummy has to do the washing this afternoon. T32487
- ままは午後洗濯をしなくてはいけない。 T195313
- She employed herself in washing the dishes. T313867
- 彼女は皿洗いをしていた。 T89848
- She washed her dirty hands before the meal. T315102
- 彼女は食事の前に汚れた手を洗った。 T88605
- Wash your hands before you handle the food. T268659
- 食べ物に触れる前に手を洗いなさい。 T145903
- A woman was hanging the washing on the line. T267245
- 女の人が洗濯物をロープに干しているところだった。 T147315
- Hey, Bob. Where do you have your car washed? T30311
- やぁ、ボブ。どこで君の車を洗ってもらったんだい。 T193146
- My big sister washes her hair every morning. T250274
- 私のお姉さんは毎朝髪を洗う。 T164235
- Something is wrong with the washing machine. T273361
- 洗濯機の調子がどこかおかしい。 T141211
- You should wash your hands before each meal. T268717
- 食事の前には手を洗うべきです。 T145845
- He got his car washed at the filling station. T289529
- 彼はガソリンスタンドで車を洗ってもらった。 T114142
- She breaks a dish every time she washes them. T315478
- 彼女は洗い物のたびに皿を割る。 T88229
- She is going to wash the bike this afternoon. T313725
- 彼女は今日の午後バイクを洗います。 T89990
- Something is wrong with this washing machine. T58108
- この洗濯機は何かおかしい。 T220787
- The washing machine facilitates my housework. T273358
- 洗濯機のおかげで私の家事が楽になる。 T141214
- The washing machine is a wonderful invention. T273362
- 洗濯機はすばらしい発明品だ。 T141210
- The washing machine is somewhat out of order. T45720
- その洗濯機はすこし故障している。 T208462
- You have not washed your hands yet, have you? T16423
- 君はまだ手を洗っていませんね。 T177571
- A lot of houses were washed away by the flood. T41043
- たくさんの家が洪水で流された。 T203802
- Even if you wash it, the color won't come out. T273353
- 洗っても色が落ちない。 T141219
- I did the washing while the baby was sleeping. T45850
- その赤ん坊が寝ている間に私は洗濯した。 T208592
- その赤ん坊が寝ている間に私は洗濯をした。 T208591
- I'll sweep the floor while you wash the dishes. T71434
- あなたが皿を洗っている間に、私は床を掃除します。 T234061
- If you wash it, your car will shine in the sun. T273352
- 洗えば、車は太陽の光をあびて輝くだろう。 T141220
- I got him to wash my car for a hundred dollars. T260256
- 私は彼に100ドルで車を洗ってもらった。 T154287
- The floor is so dirty that It requires washing. T268092
- 床はとても汚れているので洗う必要がある。 T146470
- You should always wash your hands before meals. T268742
- 食事前にはいつも手を洗わなくてはなりません。 T145820
- I'll get my son to wash my car somehow or other. T24918
- 何とか息子に車を洗わせよう。 T187778
- Mother is busy cooking and washing all day long. T320694
- 母は一日じゅう料理をしたり、洗濯したりするのに忙しい。 T83022
- She took in the washing when it started to rain. T26889
- 雨が降り出すと彼女は洗濯物を取り込んだ。 T189735
- I'll help my mother wash the dishes after supper. T261678
- 私は母が夕食後皿を洗うのを手伝おう。 T152868
- Mike doesn't have to wash his mother's car today. T32921
- マイクは今日お母さんの車を洗わなくてもよいです。 T195746
- She used to wash her hair before going to school. T315946
- 彼女は登校前によく髪を洗ったものだった。 T87761
- This jacket has the virtue of being easy to wash. T58423
- この上着は洗濯が簡単だという長所がある。 T221101
- Could you tell me how to use this washing machine? T58110
- この洗濯機の使い方を教えて下さい。 T220786
- It rained so hard that the shrine was washed away. T67725
- あまりにも雨が激しく降ったのでその神社は押し流されてしまいました。 T230359
- She is now well enough to wash her hair by herself. T313671
- 彼女は今では自分で髪を洗えるほど元気になった。 T90043
- The wild and windy night that the rain washed away. T26998
- 雨がきれいに洗い去っていった風の強いワイルドな夜。 T189842
- Washing machines spare housewives a lot of trouble. T273359
- 洗濯機のおかげで主婦はずいぶん手間が省ける。 T141213
- Where is the ladies' room? I want to wash my hands. T267279
- 女子用トイレはどこですか。私は手を洗いたい。 T147281
- "How do you find your washing-machine?" "Not so bad." T73871
- 「その洗濯機の使い心地はどうですか」「まあまあです」 T236537
- My father has been washing his car since this morning. T64064
- お父さんは今朝からずっと車を洗っている。 T226720
- It looks like rain. You had better take in the washing. T26906
- 雨が降りそうだ。洗濯物を取りこんだ方がいいよ。 T189752
- This morning I left for school without washing my face. T242201
- 今朝は顔を洗わないで学校へ出掛けた。 T172274
- Rub briskly with soap, and the stain will soon wash off. T272216
- 石けんを付けてごしごしこすれば汚れが落ちます。 T142354
- In Japan, practically every family has a washing machine. T629237
- 日本では、ほとんどすべての家庭に洗濯機があります。 T196166
- The jeans looked none the cleaner for having been washed. T53891
- ジーンズは、洗濯した分だけきれいに見えるようになったわけではなかった。 T216585
- Wash the shirt in soapy water and the stains will come out. T50334
- そのシャツを石けん水で洗えば、シミはとれるよ。 T213050
- Your explanation won't wash; it's too improbable to be true. T17011
- 君の説明は見えすいている。とても本当とは思えないよ。 T178158
- He's only got one shirt because all the rest are being washed. T274623
- 他のシャツが全部洗濯中なので、彼には一枚しかシャツがない。 T138786
- Pure water was washed away to this river as well at that time. T279923
- 当時はきれいな水がこの川にも流れていた。 T124072
- Would you please sort out all the white clothes from the wash? T273365
- 洗濯物の中から白い衣服をすべてえり分けて下さい。 T141207
- When it began to rain, she told her son to take in the washing. T26899
- 雨が降りはじめると、彼女は息子に洗濯物を取り込むように言った。 T189745
- She didn't want to wash the dishes, but she made the best of it. T313866
- 彼女は皿洗いはいやだったが、我慢してやった。 T89849
- The girl did not like to wash dishes, but she made the best of it. T46449
- その少女は皿洗いは好きではなかったが、何とか我慢した。 T209188
- That shirt is very dirty. It needs washing before you go to school. T68689
- あのシャツは汚い。学校に行く前に洗う必要があります。 T231321
- When you wash the bag, please do not put it in the washing machine. T50008
- そのバッグを洗うときは洗濯機に入れないでください。 T212725
- Every Monday Mrs. Evans washed all the family's clothes in the tin bath. T238863
- 月曜日にエヴァンス夫人はブリキの風呂桶で全員の衣類を洗いました。 T175602
- If that washing machine goes wrong again, I shall complain to the manufacturer. T31012
- もしその洗濯機の調子がまた狂ったら、製造会社に文句を言ってやろう。 T193844
- The man's statement to the pretty girl that he was a millionaire was all eye-wash. T45440
- その男が、自分は百万長者だとあのきれいな女の子にいったことはまるっきり眉唾だった。 T208183
- My robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks. T250421
- 私のロボットは食事の支度、掃除、皿洗いその他の家事が出来るでしょう。 T164089
- The Prime Minister's explanation of the scandal just wouldn't wash with the public. T266137
- 首相のスキャンダル釈明は国民にとって見え見えだった。 T148422
- Your robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks. T70846
- あなたのロボットは食事の支度、掃除、皿洗いその他の家事ができるでしょう。 T233476
- Drying the washing on a fine day in the rainy season; I felt like it was already summer. T328436
- 梅雨の晴れ間に洗濯物を干すと気分はもう夏でした。 T75283
- Bearing in mind the durability in washing and various factors this is what we arrived at: T328969
- 洗濯の耐久性やあらゆることを考慮するとコチラに辿り着きました。 T74750
- I'll call a repairman I know who'll be at your house to fix the washing machine promptly. T277018
- 知り合いの修理屋さんに電話して壊れた洗濯機をすぐさま直してもらうわ。 T127072
- You can't cop out on explaining a price increase of that size by blaming OPEC; that won't wash. T275954
- 大幅な値上げをOPECのせいにしようとしたってそうはいかない。とても納得できないね。 T137282
- Obviously wash your face, but you must also take care of your appearance before assembling here. T327848
- 朝は洗顔はもちろん身だしなみを整えてからここに集まるんだ。 T75870
- A confidence man polishes his "hood winking" or "eye-washing" techniques before bilking a new victim. T243620
- 詐欺師は新たに人をだますまえに、目隠し、すなわち、人をだますテクニックを磨く。 T170860
- It's better to carry plastic chopsticks and wash them than to use disposable chopsticks to throw away. T245485
- 使い捨ての箸を使うよりもプラスチックの箸を洗って使う方がいい。 T169002
- A wounded whale washed up on the beach. T682496
- No Translation T682496
- About how many times a month do you wash your car? T613322
- No Translation T613322
- Anita washes the tub. T716156
- No Translation T716156
- Are you done washing your hands? T628380
- No Translation T628380
- Can you help me with the washing up? T523898
- No Translation T523898
- Cut, wash and dry, please. T2239
- No Translation T2239
- Do you wash your hands before eating? T496321
- No Translation T496321
- Either he doesn't know how to wash the dishes or he is just lazy. T862895
- No Translation T862895
- Fear washed across the stock market. T807253
- No Translation T807253
- Give me a cut, wash and dry please. T690431
- No Translation T690431
- Go wash up! T703254
- No Translation T703254
- Hand washing is one way to control bacteria. T680326
- No Translation T680326
- He washes himself. T435024
- No Translation T435024
- He washes his hair. T435026
- No Translation T435026
- He washes his t-shirt. T435028
- No Translation T435028
- He washes the car. T435030
- No Translation T435030
- He washes the pants. T435032
- No Translation T435032
- How often do you wash your hair? T682364
- No Translation T682364
- I always hand wash my bras. T940495
- No Translation T940495
- I am going to wash my hands. T436365
- No Translation T436365
- I am washing my hands because I have dirty hands. T436455
- No Translation T436455
- I get up, wash, shower, shave, and get dressed. T436613
- No Translation T436613
- I think it's time for me to wash my car. T903883
- No Translation T903883
- I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. T903884
- No Translation T903884
- I want to wash my hair. T656800
- No Translation T656800
- I want to wash myself. T774874
- No Translation T774874
- I wash my car in front of the house without any problems. T411879
- No Translation T411879
- I wash my hands before eating lunch. T726457
- No Translation T726457
- I wash my hands before lunch. T437146
- No Translation T437146
- I wash my hands. T646252
- No Translation T646252
- I wash my socks. T437148
- No Translation T437148
- I wash myself. T437150
- No Translation T437150
- I wash the blouse. T437152
- No Translation T437152
- I washed my shirt. T582687
- No Translation T582687
- I washed my t-shirt. T528551
- No Translation T528551
- I will wash my car in a hand car wash today. T535809
- No Translation T535809
- I'm in the bathroom because I'm washing my hands. T455907
- No Translation T455907
- I'm washing my hands because they're dirty. T516203
- No Translation T516203
- If I don't wash my hair for a day it becomes slick with oil and flat. T507210
- No Translation T507210
- If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you. T953955
- No Translation T953955
- Is it possible to repair the washing machine? T792742
- No Translation T792742
- Is there a washing mashine in the house? T726353
- No Translation T726353
- It shrunk because I washed it. T797258
- No Translation T797258
- It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. T682363
- No Translation T682363
- Leaving the restroom we must wash our hands! T453796
- No Translation T453796
- Let's wash our hands when leaving the toilet! T426623
- No Translation T426623
- Many homes were washed away by the flood. T387570
- No Translation T387570
- My mother washes clothes every day. T484053
- No Translation T484053
- On the doorstep sat his old woman, with the broken wash-tub before her. T533413
- No Translation T533413
- One hand washes the other. T453127
- No Translation T453127
- Over the weekend I have a lot to wash. T411928
- No Translation T411928
- People should wash their bodies. T570780
- No Translation T570780
- People should wash themselves. T570777
- No Translation T570777
- Please wash your hand properly before eating. T416546
- No Translation T416546
- Please wash your hands after meals and restroom. T897454
- No Translation T897454
- Pull into shape after washing. T1573
- No Translation T1573
- She often sings when she does the washing up in the kitchen. T639085
- No Translation T639085
- She was ready to help him with washing the car. T887557
- No Translation T887557
- She was washing the dishes. T501378
- No Translation T501378
- She washes her skirt. T462406
- No Translation T462406
- She washes the sweater. T462408
- No Translation T462408
- Thanks for bringing the washing in, Gerry. T621190
- No Translation T621190
- That table cloth urgently needs washing. T387623
- No Translation T387623
- The father washes his face. T462710
- No Translation T462710
- The girl washed her hair. T680019
- No Translation T680019
- The little girl didn't feel like washing off the dishes. T660364
- No Translation T660364
- The man washing the car is Mr Jones. T265611
- No Translation T265611
- The rain washed away the soil. T660392
- No Translation T660392
- The shirt is very dirty. Before you go to school, it has to be washed. T522509
- No Translation T522509
- The stain disappeared after we washed the shirt. T680702
- No Translation T680702
- The woman washes her face. T463016
- No Translation T463016
- The women washed him, tried to dress him, and also gave him a new name. T706863
- No Translation T706863
- They wash their car every Saturday. T463234
- No Translation T463234
- They wash their hands with soap. T463236
- No Translation T463236
- They wash their hands. T463184
- No Translation T463184
- They're washing their hands. T485155
- No Translation T485155
- Wash before first wearing. T1574
- No Translation T1574
- Wash eggplants and cut their endings. T852603
- No Translation T852603
- Wash the chicory and remove the leaves which may spoil. T491965
- No Translation T491965
- Wash the quince thoroughly. T750871
- No Translation T750871
- Wash the quinces thoroughly. T528585
- No Translation T528585
- Wash up. T20763
- No Translation T20763
- Wash your face and hands. T433499
- No Translation T433499
- Wash your hands before you eat. T707218
- No Translation T707218
- Wash your hands please. T464328
- No Translation T464328
- Washing clothes and sheets is my work. T569803
- No Translation T569803
- Washing is my work. T569804
- No Translation T569804
- We'll go wash ourselves in the river tomorrow. T508056
- No Translation T508056
- What time will the washing machine repairman come? T911163
- No Translation T911163
- When will you wash your car? - I think that during this week. T436995
- No Translation T436995
- Why are you washing your hands? T687778
- No Translation T687778
- Why is mom washing the dog? T687794
- No Translation T687794
- You should wash fruit before you eat it. T954803
- No Translation T954803
- You should wash your hands before you eat. T682365
- No Translation T682365
- You wash yourself . T687992
- No Translation T687992
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).