Sentences with "vote, voted, voted, voting, votes"
Found: 153
- We decided by vote. T22793
- 我々は投票で決めた。 T185660
- We'll decide by vote. T279685
- 投票で決める。 T124310
- I gave my vote to Ken. T253429
- 私はケンに投票した。 T161088
- He solicited our votes. T297368
- 彼は私たちに投票を勧誘した。 T106318
- Each man must cast a vote. T21748
- 各人が1票ずつを投じなければならない。 T184620
- He voted for the proposal. T291176
- 彼はその提案に賛成投票をした。 T112501
- They summed up the voting. T307233
- 彼らは投票数を合計した。 T96472
- We voted against the bill. T23201
- 我々はその議案に反対投票をした。 T186069
- Are you old enough to vote? T279684
- 投票ができる年齢ですか。 T124309
- We voted for the candidate. T23192
- 我々はその候補者に賛成投票した。 T186059
- The final vote was decisive. T243971
- 最終投票がすべてを決めた。 T170511
- He is not old enough to vote. T300707
- 彼は選挙権がある年齢に達していません。 T102986
- At best he'll get 1,000 votes. T286619
- 彼の取れるのはよくて千票でしょう。 T117047
- If I were twenty, I could vote. T72963
- 20歳になっていれば、投票できるのに。 T235583
- They took a vote on the motion. T44702
- 彼らはその動議について採決をした。 T207449
- No one will vote for the budget. T276676
- 誰も予算案に賛成の投票をしないだろう。 T135694
- A majority voted against the bill. T275826
- 大多数がその法案に反対投票した。 T137410
- He cast a vote for the proposition. T291177
- 彼はその提案に賛成票を投じた。 T112500
- We selected the chairman by a vote. T22794
- 我々は投票で議長を選んだ。 T185662
- As he is already of age, he can vote. T293105
- 彼はもう成人なので投票できる。 T110581
- For whom will you vote for president? T22346
- 会長選挙でだれに投票しますか。 T185215
- Who did you vote for in the election? T69149
- あなたは選挙で誰に投票しましたか。 T231780
- The whole nation voted in the election. T273763
- 全国民が選挙で投票した。 T140809
- When it was time to vote, he abstained. T66491
- いざ投票という時、彼は棄権した。 T229133
- We are entitled to vote at the age of 20. T262671
- 私達は20歳になると投票権が与えられる。 T151883
- I figure that my vote won't change anything. T246895
- 私が選挙で一票入れたところで、何も変わらないと思ってしまう。 T167605
- Some women longed to have the right to vote. T273542
- 選挙権を持ちたいと願った女性もいた。 T141030
- We are free citizens with the right of vote. T249107
- 私たちは投票の権利を持った、自由な市民である。 T165398
- American women didn't have the right to vote. T67574
- アメリカの女性には選挙権がなかった。 T230208
- Everyone should exercise their right to vote. T51721
- すべての人は投票権を行使すべきだ。 T214429
- He attracted votes away from both candidates. T300817
- 彼は双方の候補者から票を奪った。 T102877
- Nagano beat Salt Lake City by 46 votes to 42. T278140
- 長野はソルト・レイク・シティーを46票対42票で破った。 T125852
- We are entitled to vote at the age of twenty. T22784
- 我々は二十歳になると投票する権利を与えられる。 T185652
- Were those women in favor of votes for women? T279918
- 当時の女性は、女性に投票することを支持していたのですか。 T124077
- I don't plan to vote at the upcoming election. T242328
- 今度の選挙は棄権するつもりだ。 T172147
- We have the right to vote when we come of age. T248938
- 私たちは成年に達すると選挙権を手にする。 T165567
- Strange to say, no one voted for the candidate. T20628
- 奇妙な話だが、誰もその候補者に投票しなかった。 T183505
- The bill passed by a small majority of 10 votes. T20026
- 議案は10票の小差で通過した。 T182905
- His voting record is riddled with contradictions. T287372
- 彼の票決記録をたどると矛盾だらけです。 T116297
- It is very brave of you to vote against the plan. T48546
- その計画に反対の投票をするとは君も勇敢だね。 T211272
- The candidate whom I cast a vote for was elected. T246961
- 私が投票した候補者は当選した。 T167539
- The president shall be selected by majority vote. T275912
- 大統領は投票の過半数をもって選ばれる。 T137324
- Now you've come of age you have the right to vote. T16390
- 君はもう成人したから投票する権利がある。 T177538
- The result of the vote was a win for the Liberals. T279686
- 投票の結果は自由党の勝利だった。 T124308
- They dreamed they'd gain the right to vote someday. T317555
- 彼女らはいつかは選挙権が得られるだろう事を夢見た。 T86156
- Shareholders voted to liquidate the company's assets. T21196
- 株主たちは会社の資産を処分する事を決議しました。 T184068
- The majority of the committee voted against the bill. T28281
- 委員の大多数はその議案に反対投票をした。 T191121
- She voted for Mr. Nishioka irrespective of party lines. T315323
- 彼女は政党に関係なく西岡氏に投票した。 T88384
- The constitution was amended so that women could vote. T318747
- 婦人参政権を認めるように憲法が修正された。 T84966
- The old guard was nearly voted out of the Upper House. T239870
- 古参議員たちは、選挙で参議院の議席を失いそうになりました。 T174599
- The Labor Party's vote increased at last year's election. T328752
- 去年の選挙で労働党の票数が増えた。 T74967
- If you enjoyed this, please give a click on the vote link! T328772
- お楽しみいただけましたら、ポチっと1票お願いいたします! T74947
- The assembly voted to protest against any nuclear armament. T46694
- その集会はいかなる核武装にも抗議することを決議した。 T209433
- Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. T273938
- 素早い決定を切望していたので、議長は投票を要求した。 T140635
- An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. T28508
- 圧倒的多数がその残酷な刑罰を廃止することに票を投じた。 T191346
- Management will have all employees vote at the upcoming meeting. T237974
- 経営陣は全社員に今度の会議で投票を行わせる。 T176490
- Attempts to redraw voting districts have hit a wall of opposition. T273541
- 選挙区の見直しの試みは、反対の壁にぶちあたりました。 T141031
- The new law will deprive religious minorities of their right to vote. T269235
- 新しい法律は宗教的少数派の住民から選挙権を奪う。 T145328
- The clause provides that all decisions shall be made by majority vote. T46174
- その条項は、議決はすべて過半数をもって成立すると規定している。 T208914
- In the U.S., most people can vote when they reach eighteen years of age. T67628
- アメリカではほとんどの人は18才になると投票することができます。 T230262
- The Board of Trustees voted to divest the organization's overseas holdings. T325338
- 理事会は海外の持ち株を放棄することを議決しました。 T78378
- In most countries, people under the age of 18 are considered minors - they cannot vote. T274831
- 多くの国で、18才以下は未成年とみなされ、投票することはできない。 T138404
- Almost everyone in the class voted in favor of having a thank-you party for the teachers. T62929
- クラスのほとんど全員が謝恩会を開くことに賛成した。 T225593
- In most elections, whichever candidate gets the majority of the votes, wins the election. T273528
- 選挙では、それが誰であれ、過半数を得た候補者が当選とされる。 T141044
- The Clinton camp became desperate to eliminate the white votes Obama had got in both states. T182606
- クリントン陣営は、両州でオバマが取った白人票を取り崩そうと必死になった。 T74488
- In the past I used to vote the Democratic ticket, but from now on I'll climb on the Republicans' bandwagon. T55356
- これまでに民主党に投票したものだが、これからは共和党に乗り換えるつもりだ。 T218047
- Er, well, I'd like to take a vote. Would people in favor of Mr. Ogawa's proposition please raise their hands. T328841
- えっと、じゃ、決を取りたいと思います。今の小川君の提案に賛成の人、手を上げてください。 T74878
- In the past I used to vote for the Democratic ticket, but from now on I'll climb on the Republican bandwagon. T55346
- これまでは民主党に投票したものだが、これからは共和党に乗りかえるつもりだ。 T218037
- They vote in secret, may seek public office, and may demand the removal of public officials who behave improperly. T307462
- 彼らは秘密に投票し、公職をめざしてもよいし、また不適切な行為をする公職老の免職を要求してもよい。 T96243
- All had voted for Aaron Burr. T804303
- No Translation T804303
- All the delegates voted to approve it. T804328
- No Translation T804328
- Almost sixty-nine million people voted. T804329
- No Translation T804329
- Americans vote for a new president every four years. T682347
- No Translation T682347
- Americans voted on November 2, 2004. T804323
- No Translation T804323
- By the end of June, they were ready to vote. T802553
- No Translation T802553
- Delegates voted over and over again. T804324
- No Translation T804324
- Each congressman could vote. T804302
- No Translation T804302
- Each state had just one vote. T804315
- No Translation T804315
- Every vote counts in an election. T682346
- No Translation T682346
- Everyone voted yes. No one objected. T681599
- No Translation T681599
- Finally, the delegates voted. T804304
- No Translation T804304
- Ford won by one hundred-seventeen votes. T804332
- No Translation T804332
- Four states voted for Aaron Burr. T804316
- No Translation T804316
- Garfield won 214 electoral votes. T804317
- No Translation T804317
- Have you already voted? T558565
- No Translation T558565
- He received more than six million votes. T803168
- No Translation T803168
- He said Harrison had only one vote. T803093
- No Translation T803093
- He won by a small number of popular votes. T803213
- No Translation T803213
- He won by a small number of votes. T803083
- No Translation T803083
- Her party won the most votes in the election. T777826
- No Translation T777826
- His vote would decide the issue. T804313
- No Translation T804313
- Hoover won fifty-eight percent of the votes. T804335
- No Translation T804335
- I abstain from voting. T436277
- No Translation T436277
- I didn't vote in the last election. T682348
- No Translation T682348
- I voted for Ken. T465055
- No Translation T465055
- In any case, you need to vote "yes" in the February 18th referendum. T508838
- No Translation T508838
- It was clear to everyone that the vote would be close. T804345
- No Translation T804345
- Jefferson received 162 electoral votes. T804330
- No Translation T804330
- Many of the votes were illegal. T804308
- No Translation T804308
- Many Republicans did not vote for their own candidate. T804346
- No Translation T804346
- Monroe received 65 votes. T804299
- No Translation T804299
- Most blacks were too afraid to vote. T804325
- No Translation T804325
- Most opponents of slavery did not vote. T804331
- No Translation T804331
- Mr. Bush had slightly more votes than Mr. Gore. T804339
- No Translation T804339
- My apathy for voting comes from my distaste for politics. T1914
- No Translation T1914
- Nine million people voted in the election. T804334
- No Translation T804334
- Nineteen states voted in the elections of 1816. T804340
- No Translation T804340
- Nixon won the election of 1972 by a huge popular vote. T804347
- No Translation T804347
- No man received enough votes to win the nomination. T804342
- No Translation T804342
- No one received enough votes to win the nomination. T804344
- No Translation T804344
- No one voted against it. T804297
- No Translation T804297
- None of the candidates got a majority of the votes. T804343
- No Translation T804343
- One by one, the Senators voted. T804309
- No Translation T804309
- Only twenty-seven had voted no. T804310
- No Translation T804310
- Polk got only forty-four votes. T804311
- No Translation T804311
- Ross Perot received about eight million votes. T804337
- No Translation T804337
- She voted for Mr Nishioka irrespective of party lines. T315323
- No Translation T315323
- The convention voted again. T804301
- No Translation T804301
- The convention voted on the issue sixty times. T804338
- No Translation T804338
- The convention voted. T804300
- No Translation T804300
- The delegates elected him on the first vote. T804336
- No Translation T804336
- The delegates voted immediately. T804314
- No Translation T804314
- The delegates voted ninety-five times without success. T804348
- No Translation T804348
- The delegates voted on the issue. T804318
- No Translation T804318
- The delegates voted six times. T804307
- No Translation T804307
- The employees voted on the manager's proposal. T682349
- No Translation T682349
- The House voted thirty-three times. T804320
- No Translation T804320
- The House voted three weeks later. T804319
- No Translation T804319
- The people voted in November. T804305
- No Translation T804305
- The radicals had failed by one vote. T804326
- No Translation T804326
- The Socialist Party only got 18% of the votes. T877814
- No Translation T877814
- The vote on the question was close. T804321
- No Translation T804321
- The vote took place on May sixteenth. T804327
- No Translation T804327
- The vote was twenty-eight for and twenty against. T804341
- No Translation T804341
- The voting began again at noon. T804312
- No Translation T804312
- The voting continued. T804298
- No Translation T804298
- Their party won the most votes in the election. T681516
- No Translation T681516
- There was little question how they would vote. T802589
- No Translation T802589
- They elect their representatives in a voting booth. T680794
- No Translation T680794
- They failed to get the necessary votes. T802611
- No Translation T802611
- They had voted for action. T802181
- No Translation T802181
- They voted to create a committee. T802343
- No Translation T802343
- This meant Florida had to count the votes again. T804041
- No Translation T804041
- Three voted against the idea. T804306
- No Translation T804306
- Tilden won more popular votes than Hayes. T804333
- No Translation T804333
- Tom won the election by just three votes. T682344
- No Translation T682344
- What will it take to get you to vote for me? T954585
- No Translation T954585
- Who are the voting members? T687716
- No Translation T687716
- Who are you voting for? T813833
- No Translation T813833
- Will turkeys vote for Christmas? T551383
- No Translation T551383
- With this vote we righted a wrong. T674854
- No Translation T674854
- Women were given the right to vote. T804322
- No Translation T804322
- You elect your representative by voting. T680795
- No Translation T680795
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).