Sentences with "trace, traced, traced, tracing, traces"
Found: 31
- He disappeared without a trace. T2096
- 彼は跡形もなく姿を消してしまったんだ。 T5282
- The police have traced her to Paris. T238363
- 警察は彼女をパリまで追跡した。 T176102
- Our feud traces back to our childhood. T262630
- 私達の不和は子供時代にまでさかのぼる。 T151923
- The decline can be traced to the 1950s. T45980
- その衰退はざっと1950年代までさかのぼる事が出来る。 T208721
- Is there any trace of the missing child? T241143
- 行方不明の子供の足跡はありますか。 T173327
- There was a trace of anger in her voice. T309504
- 彼女の声は少し怒りのひびきがあった。 T94201
- We saw the traces of a bear in the snow. T248965
- 私たちは雪の中にクマの足跡を見つけた。 T165540
- The thief was traced by the stolen goods. T44932
- その泥棒は盗品から足がついた。 T207679
- I noted a trace of eagerness in her voice. T261288
- 私は彼女の声に熱意があることに気づいた。 T153258
- The dog traced the rabbit into the forest. T239155
- 犬はウサギの跡を追って森の中へ入った。 T175311
- The thief fled without leaving any traces. T278636
- 泥棒は何の跡も残さずに逃げた。 T125357
- Did the police find any trace of the murderer? T238283
- 警察は殺人者の手がかりを何か見つけ出しましたか。 T176182
- Media sells a trace of hatred at bargain prices. T31791
- メディアが憎悪の痕跡を安売りする。 T194618
- The police have found no trace of the suspect yet. T238372
- 警察は容疑者の足取りがまだつかめていない。 T176093
- Since you've been gone, I've been lost without a trace. T18049
- 君がいなくなって僕は途方に暮れている。 T179193
- We must go back to the Middle Ages to trace the origin. T48762
- その起源を突き止めるには中世にさかのぼらなくてはいけない。 T211486
- When I got back, my bag had disappeared without a trace. T323839
- 戻ってみると私のバッグは影も形もなかった。 T79879
- The only evidence was the traces of semen stuck to the underwear. T393913
- 唯一の証拠は、下着に付着していた精液の痕跡。 T393912
- The burglar was traced by one of the things he had left on the scene. T19204
- 強盗は遺留品の一つから足がついた。 T180479
- 強盗は遺留品の一つから突きとめられた。 T180478
- Tracing a renegade's family background, you'll find him the black sheep. T325372
- 裏切り者の素性を追ってみれば、その裏切り者が家族の厄介者だとわかるでしょう。 T78344
- A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. T71703
- アテネへ向かう一隻の貨物船が何の痕跡も残さずに地中海で沈没した。 T234327
- After cleaning the windows, there always seems to be a visible trace of dirt. T274233
- 窓を拭いた後、よくほこりの跡が見える。 T140340
- By demolishing buildings of bygone times, we wipe out every trace of the past forever. T272145
- 昔の建物を取り壊すことによって、私たちは、過去の痕跡を永久に消し去ってしまうことになるのである。 T142425
- He disappeared without leaving a trace. T410187
- No Translation T410187
- He's disappeared without a trace. T757377
- No Translation T757377
- I can trace my ancestors back 200 years. T744529
- No Translation T744529
- The cops didn't find anyone's traces. T958736
- No Translation T958736
- The police didn't find anyone's traces. T958735
- No Translation T958735
- The police dog found trace amounts of cocaine in his luggage. T526846
- No Translation T526846
- Their traces can still be found. T894769
- No Translation T894769
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).