Sentences with "throw, threw, thrown, throwing, throws"
Found: 232
- He threw the ball. T292712
- 彼はボールを投げつけた。 T110975
- Don't throw stones. T272226
- 石を投げてはいけない。 T142344
- I threw up my food. T279378
- 吐いてしまいました。 T124616
- Tom threw his game. T37107
- トムは試合を投げた。 T199907
- Please throw the ball. T33628
- そのボールを投げて下さい。 T212629
- ボールを投げてください。 T196449
- Don't throw trash here. T61822
- ここにゴミを捨てるべからず。 T224487
- I threw up three times. T72718
- 3回吐きました。 T235340
- I was thrown off guard. T318582
- 不意打ちを食う。 T85131
- I feel like throwing up. T279379
- 吐き気がします。 T124615
- I threw him a nice ball. T284545
- 彼にいい球を投げてやった。 T119118
- Can you throw a fastball? T15926
- 君は速球が投げられますか。 T177079
- Don't throw in the towel. T241202
- 降参するな。 T173269
- It's junk. Throw it away. T42765
- それはくずだ。捨てなさい。 T205520
- She threw a glance at us. T314101
- 彼女は私たちをちらっとみた。 T89614
- He threw a stone at a dog. T300573
- 彼は石を犬に投げつけた。 T103120
- He threw the big man down. T291125
- 彼はその大男を投げ倒した。 T112552
- He was thrown out of work. T299747
- 彼は職を失ってしまった。 T103946
- Jane threw a glance at us. T53752
- ジェーンは私達に目線を投げかけた。 T216448
- Throw the ball back to me. T33627
- ボールを投げ返してください。 T196448
- I threw down the newspaper. T258832
- 私は新聞を投げ出した。 T155705
- He threw a stone at the dog. T290758
- 彼はその犬に石ころをなげつけた。 T112918
- 彼はその犬に石を投げた。 T112917
- Hey! Throw that float to me. T65167
- おーい、その浮き袋をこっちへ投げてくれ。 T227814
- I threw a stone at the bird. T254577
- 私はその鳥めがけて石を投げた。 T159945
- Who threw a stone at my dog? T276332
- 誰が私の犬に、石を投げつけたのですか。 T136904
- Don't throw a stone at a cat. T282021
- 猫に石を投げるな。 T121982
- Don't throw away your chance. T20487
- 機会をむだにするな。 T183363
- She threw on a coat and went. T315060
- 彼女は上着を引っかけると外へ出た。 T88647
- Throw a tear-gas bomb at him. T243658
- 催涙弾を彼に投げつける。 T170822
- We can't really throw it away! T322194
- 本当に捨てるわけにはいかないよ。 T81520
- Don't throw a stone at the dog. T239144
- 犬に石を投げてはいけません。 T175322
- Don't throw away this magazine. T59199
- この雑誌は捨てないでくれ。 T221873
- He got thrown out of the house. T294388
- 彼は家から放り出された。 T109302
- He threw a ball over the fence. T303518
- 彼は塀の向こう側にボールを投げた。 T100179
- He threw a stone into the lake. T453336
- 彼は湖に石を投げ入れた。 T107512
- He threw a stone into the pond. T300575
- 彼は石を池に投げた。 T103118
- I told him not to throw stones. T260253
- 私は彼に、石を投げるなと言った。 T154290
- She threw herself into my arms. T314397
- 彼女は私の腕の中にとびこんできた。 T89310
- Throw a sprat to catch a whale. T22146
- 海老で鯛を釣る。 T185014
- He threw a stone at the big dog. T291116
- 彼はその大きな犬に向かって石を投げた。 T112560
- He threw the ball to first base. T293846
- 彼は一塁へ投げた。 T109844
- A rope was thrown into the water. T29443
- ロープが水中に投げ込まれた。 T192280
- The boy threw a stone at the dog. T268006
- 少年は犬をめがけて小石を投げつけた。 T146556
- 男の子が犬に石を投げた。 T127259
- He threw a piece of meat to a dog. T293775
- 彼は一切れの肉を犬に投げ与えた。 T109914
- He threw the letter into the fire. T299223
- 彼は手紙を火の中に投げ込んだ。 T104468
- I'm trying to throw this cold off. T57283
- この風邪をなんとか治そうとしている。 T219963
- The boy threw a stone at the frog. T46399
- その少年はカエルめがけて石ころを投げた。 T209138
- Don't throw a stone into the river. T273184
- 川に石を投げ込んではいけない。 T141387
- He asked me to throw the ball back. T290541
- 彼はそのボールを投げ返してくれといった。 T113133
- He lost his temper and threw a cup. T253365
- 私はかんしゃくを起こしてコップを投げた。 T161153
- 彼は、かんしゃくを起こしてコップを投げた。 T115680
- He threw the ball against the wall. T292713
- 彼はボールを壁に投げつけた。 T110973
- She liked throwing her money about. T313305
- 彼女は金をばらまくのが好きだった。 T90408
- The boy knows how to throw a curve. T46400
- その少年はカーブの投げ方を知っている。 T209139
- The child threw a stone at the cat. T245977
- 子供は猫めがけて石を投げた。 T168515
- The child threw a stone at the dog. T245952
- 子供は犬に石を投げつけた。 T168540
- Don't throw a ball against the wall. T320139
- 塀にボールを投げつけてはいけない。 T83577
- Don't throw away cans on the street. T280383
- 道に缶をすてるな。 T123614
- That child threw a stone at the dog. T47487
- その子は犬に石を投げた。 T210222
- Throw the light over here, will you. T61466
- こっちに明かりをむけてくれないか。 T224130
- You had better throw away leftovers. T245288
- 残飯は捨てた方がいいです。 T169199
- A boy was throwing stones at the dog. T267929
- 少年が犬に石を投げていた。 T146632
- He threw away a bunch of old letters. T301098
- 彼は多くの古い手紙を捨てた。 T102596
- He threw mud at me and made me dirty. T250164
- 私に泥をぶつけて、泥だらけになった。 T164345
- I feel very sick. I want to throw up. T259360
- 私は大変気分が悪い。ゲロをはきたいです。 T155179
- She threw a suspicious glance at him. T316293
- 彼女は彼に疑い深そうな一瞥を投げた。 T87415
- He achieved a throw of seventy meters. T288635
- 彼は70メートル投げた。 T115036
- He threw away his chance of promotion. T299636
- 彼は昇進の機会を無にした。 T104056
- She threw a disapproving glance at me. T316736
- 彼女は不満そうにわたしらをチラッと見た。 T86974
- The tree throws a shadow on the grass. T43801
- その木は、芝生に影を投げかけている。 T206554
- I asked the boy to throw the ball back. T254499
- 私はその少年にボールを投げ返してくださいと言った。 T160023
- The question threw him off his balance. T46923
- その質問で彼はすっかりあわてた。 T209661
- What's the idea of throwing that stone? T36075
- なんで石を投げたりするんだ。 T198879
- He broke the window by throwing a stone. T300576
- 彼は石を投げて窓を割った。 T103117
- He is always throwing his weight around. T289047
- 彼はいつもいばりちらしています。 T114624
- He pulled up the weed and threw it away. T296979
- 彼は雑草をぬいて捨てた。 T106707
- He threw cold water on what I was doing. T246485
- 私がせっかくやっていることにけちをつけた。 T168011
- I got airsick and felt like throwing up. T261431
- 私は飛行機に酔って吐きそうになった。 T153113
- I had half a mind to throw in the towel. T327100
- その仕事はいっそやめようかと思った。 T76620
- She threw her arms around him in horror. T313240
- 彼女は恐ろしさのあまり彼に抱きついた。 T90473
- Take care not to throw away this chance. T59835
- この機会を無駄にしないように気を付けよ。 T222507
- The man threw a bag across his shoulder. T276893
- 男は袋を肩に担いだ。 T127196
- They are going to throw a party for Sam. T305640
- 彼らはサムのためにパーティーをひらくんだよ。 T98062
- You throw a good ball nowadays, Keiichi. T329346
- いい球を放るようになったな、恵一君。 T74374
- He threw up just as much as he had drunk. T327937
- 彼は飲んだ分だけ吐いてしまった。 T75781
- The tree throws its shadow over the wall. T323633
- 木は壁にその影を投げかけている。 T80084
- This is still too good to be thrown away. T55833
- これはまだ捨てるには惜しい。 T218520
- Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. T321232
- 棒を投げて犬がそれを取ってくるのを見なさい。 T82484
- Where should I throw away this empty cup? T59603
- この空いたカップをどこに捨てたらよいのか。 T222276
- Each passing car threw up a cloud of dust. T265444
- 車が通るたびに多量のほこりが舞い上がった。 T149114
- A fanatic threw a bomb at the king's coach. T19249
- 凶漢が王の馬車に爆弾を投げつけた。 T180582
- He lives within a stone's throw of the sea. T294670
- 彼は海のすぐ近くに住んでいる。 T109020
- I threw the rope and she caught hold of it. T246592
- 私がロープを投げたら彼女がそれをつかんだ。 T167906
- Jim and Mike threw the ball back and forth. T53348
- ジムとマイクはボールを投げ合った。 T216047
- Throw away the chairs whose legs are broken. T19896
- 脚の壊れている椅子は捨てなさい。 T182776
- I'd rather throw it away than give it to him. T54923
- これを彼にあげるなら捨ててしまったほうがましだ。 T217613
- Keep silent, or I will throw you out of here. T272047
- 静かにしていろ。さもないとここから放り出すぞ。 T142523
- Mary threw her arms around her father's neck. T31881
- メアリーは父の首に抱きついた。 T194708
- She threw away the papers in a fit of temper. T310667
- 彼女はかっとなって書類を投げ捨てた。 T93042
- She threw her arms around her husband's neck. T316768
- 彼女は夫の首に抱きついた。 T86941
- The angry crowd threw missiles at the police. T279563
- 怒った群衆は警官隊に物を投げつけた。 T124431
- He gets his way by throwing his weight around. T303446
- 彼は幅を利かせて何でも自分の思うようにさせる。 T100251
- He lives within a stone's throw of the school. T294792
- 彼は学校から目と鼻の先に住んでいる。 T108899
- I was thrown out of the house bag and baggage. T258110
- 私は持ち物全部と一緒に家からほうり出された。 T156424
- A good cook doesn't throw out yesterday's soup. T325784
- 料理のうまい人は前の日のスープを捨てない。 T77934
- I farted in class and the teacher threw me out. T64803
- オレ、教室で屁をこいちゃったんっすよ。んでもって先生に追い出されちゃって。 T227450
- She lives within a stone's throw of the school. T313003
- 彼女は学校のすぐ近くに住んでいる。 T90709
- Don't throw a wet blanket over our conversation. T269993
- 人の話に水を差さないでくれ。 T144570
- The accident threw traffic into great confusion. T47186
- その事故で交通は大混乱に陥った。 T209923
- Chance has thrown us together at a skiing resort. T248020
- 私たちはスキー場で偶然に出会いました。 T166482
- I am still clumsy catching batons thrown high up. T328227
- 私はいまだに高く上げたバトンをうまくキャッチできない。 T75491
- I feel sort of dizzy and I feel like throwing up. T36151
- なんだかめまいと吐き気がします。 T198954
- The girl threw her arms around her father's neck. T267882
- 少女は父親の首に抱きついた。 T146679
- His house is within a stone's throw of his school. T285683
- 彼の家は学校のすぐ近くにある。 T117981
- In tears, she tore up his letter and threw it away. T313203
- 彼女は泣きながら、彼からの手紙をむちゃくちゃに引き裂いて捨てた。 T90510
- The boy came around when we threw water on his face. T46409
- その少年は、私達が彼の顔に水をかけると、意識を取り戻した。 T209148
- The driver was thrown from his seat head over heels. T26591
- 運転手は運転台からもんどり打って投げ出された。 T189440
- He threw away the race after rounding the third turn. T301364
- 彼は第3コーナーを回ったところでレースを諦めた。 T102330
- I built a house within a stone's throw of the forest. T269466
- 森からすぐ近いところに私は家を建てた。 T145097
- I may as well throw the money away as give it to him. T61280
- このお金を彼にあげるくらいなら、捨てたほうがいい。 T223945
- That threw adequate light on his feelings toward her. T43088
- それが彼女に対する彼の気持ちを十分に明らかにした。 T205842
- The girl came around when we threw water on her face. T46485
- その少女は、我々が彼女の顔に水をかけると、意識を取り戻した。 T209224
- Throwing knives were stuck deep into the men's necks. T328491
- 投擲用のナイフが男たちの首筋に深々と突き刺さっていた。 T75228
- Don't throw away this magazine. I haven't read it yet. T59198
- この雑誌は捨てないでくれ。まだ読んでいないのだ。 T221872
- Let's throw it away and start over with a clean slate. T54342
- ご破算にしよう。 T217035
- I threw a ball to my dog and he caught it in his mouth. T239137
- 犬にボールを投げてやったら、口で捕まえた。 T175329
- People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. T51870
- すねにきずもつ者は他人の批評などしないほうがよい。 T237015
- Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. T1577
- ガラスの家に住む人は石を投げるべきではない。 T226193
- Clean out the shed and throw away things you don't need. T267582
- 小屋をきれいにして不要のものを捨てなさい。 T146979
- I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. T61279
- このお金を彼にあげるくらいなら、捨てたほうがいいです。 T223944
- She explained to me that we throw away too much garbage. T309969
- 彼女は、私たちがあまりにたくさんのゴミを捨てていると説明しました。 T93738
- He flipped the switch and threw the room into brightness. T319558
- 部屋の明かりのスイッチをカチッとつけた。 T84157
- The pebble I threw skipped along the surface of the water. T279679
- 投げた小石は水を切って飛んだ。 T124316
- If you keep breaking the club rules, you'll get thrown out. T62880
- クラブの規則を破ってばかりいると除名されるぞ。 T225544
- The teacher was really upset and threw Johnny out of class. T279567
- 怒った先生はジョニー君を教室から退室させました。 T124427
- We threw the ball in turn so that everyone could have a try. T248503
- 私たちは皆がやれるように順番にボール投げをした。 T166001
- It's just throwing money away to have a yacht you rarely use. T327326
- めったに乗らないヨットなんてただの金食い虫だ。 T76394
- They fine you in Singapore if you throw trash in the streets. T52475
- シンガポールでは通りにゴミを散らかすと罰金を課せられる。 T215177
- He that has a head of glass, must not throw stones at another. T63524
- ガラス製の頭をもつ者は他人に石を投げつけてはいけない。 T226184
- I might as well throw my money into the sea as lend it to Tom. T37365
- トムに金を貸すのは海に金を投げ捨てるようなものだ。 T200164
- Lending money to such a fellow is as good as throwing it away. T66889
- あんな奴に金を貸すなんて、金を捨てるも同然だ。 T229529
- "Practising sword throwing?" "It just slipped out of my hands." T328483
- 「刀の投擲の練習?」「すっぽ抜けただけです」 T75236
- If a burglar came into my room, I would throw something at him. T30780
- もし私の部屋に泥棒が入って来たら、何かを投げつけてやります。 T193613
- The boy fainted, but he came to when we threw water on his face. T46364
- その少年は気を失ったが、我々が彼の顔に水をかけると、意識を取り戻した。 T209103
- You might as well throw your money away as spend it on gambling. T63143
- ギャンブルに金を使うくらいなら、捨てた方がましだ。 T225805
- The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw water on her face. T46457
- その女の子は気を失ったが、私達が彼女の顔に水をかけると、意識を取り戻した。 T209384
- その少女は気絶したが、我々が顔に水をかけたら意識が戻った。 T209196
- You had as well throw your money into the ditch as give it to him. T285038
- 彼に金をやるくらいならむしろどぶに捨てた方がましだ。 T118625
- You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to her. T308862
- 彼女に金を貸すくらいなら海に捨てるほうがましだ。 T94845
- Factional in-fighting threw a monkey wrench into the deliberations. T282354
- 派閥内の抗争が審議に支障をきたしました。 T121651
- He tore up his letter into small bits and threw them out the window. T299234
- 彼は手紙を粉々に引き裂いて窓からばら撒いた。 T104457
- If he sends me any letters, I just tear them up and throw them away. T30681
- もし彼が手紙を送ってきたら、私はみな破り捨ててしまう。 T193515
- She'd spent half the night with her head down the toilet throwing up. T317226
- 彼女は夜半までトイレでうつむいて吐いていた。 T86485
- I had only one aim in throwing everything away to run this restaurant. T328791
- 全てを捨ててこのレストランをやる目的はひとつだけでした。 T74928
- Though he lives within a stone's throw of the school, he is often late. T21575
- 学校のすぐ近くに住んでいるのに彼はしばしば遅刻してくる。 T184447
- You might just as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him. T284554
- 彼にお金を貸すくらいなら海に捨てた方がましだ。 T119109
- 彼に金を貸してやるくらいなら海に捨てた方がましだよ。 T118622
- 彼に金を貸すぐらいなら海に捨てた方がましだ。 T118621
- The ship turned upside down and many passenger were thrown into the sea. T273396
- 船が転覆し大勢の乗客が海に投げ出された。 T141176
- The address you are looking for is within a stone's throw of the city hall. T70486
- あなたの捜している住所は、市役所からすぐ近くの場所です。 T233116
- If you throw trash on the road, you have to pay a fine of up to 500 dollars. T280466
- 道路にゴミを落とせば、最高500ドルの罰金を払わなければなりません。 T123531
- The manager threw in the towel in defeat and planned how to win the next game. T32501
- マネージャーは敗北を認めた。そして、次のゲームに勝利を収める計画を立てた。 T195327
- She can't bring herself to throw away photo albums filled with memories of him. T310027
- 彼女は、別れた彼との思い出がつまったアルバムを捨てられないでいる。 T93680
- He threw in the towel in defeat when his favorite chorus girl married another man. T288174
- 彼は、自分のお気に入りのコーラス・ガールが、ほかの男と結婚した時、敗北を認めた。 T115496
- The grenade blew up before the terrorist could throw it, and his arm was blown off! T39133
- テロリストが手榴弾を投げる前に爆発してしまい、片腕を吹き飛ばされてしまった。 T201922
- Do you intend to throw away in one instant what our family has painstakingly built up? T327372
- 一族が苦労して積み上げてきたものを、お前は一瞬で反故にするつもりか。 T76348
- If you throw something like that down, if someone's unlucky enough to be hit they'll be injured. T329527
- あんな物を投げ下ろせば、運悪く当たった人は、ケガをする。 T74193
- I wish people would stop throwing away empty cans and other trash along the path up the mountain. T279398
- 登山道に空き缶やゴミを捨てるのはやめてほしい。 T124596
- The meeting was going off without a hitch until he threw a wet blanket on it by making silly remarks. T283260
- 彼がばかげた発言して水を差すまでは、会議はスムーズに進んでいた。 T120748
- It's better to carry plastic chopsticks and wash them than to use disposable chopsticks to throw away. T245485
- 使い捨ての箸を使うよりもプラスチックの箸を洗って使う方がいい。 T169002
- Their shoulders are strong no matter what stance they are in so they can throw back to the pitcher well. T327954
- 彼らはどんな体勢でとっても地肩が強いからいい返球ができる。 T75764
- The players had to throw the ball from one to another to try to get the ball over the other team's baseline. T274118
- 相手チームのベースラインの向こう側にボールを持って行こうとするためには、選手から選手へとボールを投げなければならなかったのです。 T140455
- However, when I finally reached the castle I was thrown into this prison by the commander of the imperial guard. T327034
- しかし城にたどりつくなり、近衛兵を率いた人によって、わたしはこの牢獄に勾引されてしまった。 T76686
- The boxing match was completely one-sided, one pug was so badly mauled that his manager had to throw in the sponge. T49903
- そのボクシング試合は完全に一方的だった。一方のボクサーはひどく打たれて怪我したので、そのマネージャーは敗北を認めなければならなかった。 T212620
- With 19 cases of death forming over 20% of the whole, the grave reality of overwork-deaths has been thrown into relief. T329339
- 死亡事例が19件と全体の20%を超えており、過労死の深刻な実態が浮き彫りになった。 T74381
- Be quiet. If you aren't quiet, you'll be thrown out. T516503
- No Translation T516503
- Crush the can before you throw it away. T680610
- No Translation T680610
- Do not throw anything out of the window. T864991
- No Translation T864991
- Don't throw anything on the floor. T658511
- No Translation T658511
- Don't throw anything onto the floor. T434668
- No Translation T434668
- Don't throw rocks into the river. T525757
- No Translation T525757
- He had his girlfriend blow on the dice for luck before he threw them. T643282
- No Translation T643282
- He likes to throw the bull. T710825
- No Translation T710825
- He lost his cool and started throwing things. T921793
- No Translation T921793
- He pulled up the weeds and threw them away. T839248
- No Translation T839248
- He threw a rock into the pond. T466914
- No Translation T466914
- He threw everything out of the boat! T561143
- No Translation T561143
- He threw his toy. T746654
- No Translation T746654
- He threw in the towel. T657171
- No Translation T657171
- He threw me out of the house. T435010
- No Translation T435010
- He threw me the apple. T570947
- No Translation T570947
- I accidentally threw an expensive knife into the trash. T681308
- No Translation T681308
- I think it's time for me to throw a little party. T903879
- No Translation T903879
- I threw up. T427861
- No Translation T427861
- I trust computers only as far as I can throw them. T526083
- No Translation T526083
- I was thrown out of the house with everything I owned. T477582
- No Translation T477582
- If you throw your jeans in the washing machine, I'll wash them for you. T953955
- No Translation T953955
- In baseball, the pitcher is the player who throws the ball. T682185
- No Translation T682185
- In spite of our encouragement he decided to throw in the towel. T526835
- No Translation T526835
- It is forbidden to throw things out of the window. T456113
- No Translation T456113
- It was so unusual for them that I was quite thrown by it. T631287
- No Translation T631287
- It's not very clever of you that you threw away that note. T397513
- No Translation T397513
- Let the coin throw decide. T674329
- No Translation T674329
- Let's shred your wings into small pieces and throw them away. T416843
- No Translation T416843
- My son loves to throw temper tantrums in the supermarket. T595760
- No Translation T595760
- My wife asked me to throw this old hat away. T432849
- No Translation T432849
- My wife is throwing a baby shower for her best friend. T695174
- No Translation T695174
- Oh crap, it's past the consume-by date. That's why you threw up! T457144
- No Translation T457144
- Quiet, otherwise you'll be thrown out! T638830
- No Translation T638830
- She threw her hands up in horror when she saw what he had done. T462396
- No Translation T462396
- She threw him out. T887440
- No Translation T887440
- Shut up or you'll be thrown out. T674356
- No Translation T674356
- Shut up. If you don't, you'll be thrown out. T516507
- No Translation T516507
- The boxer was pressured to throw the fight. T696937
- No Translation T696937
- The boy threw stones at the dog. T750939
- No Translation T750939
- The boy throws a stone. T587917
- No Translation T587917
- The boys are throwing a ball in the back yard. T682184
- No Translation T682184
- The guitarist threw himself into the crowd. T785216
- No Translation T785216
- The pitcher threw the balled angled towards the batter. T687331
- No Translation T687331
- The protesters threw stones at the police. T682078
- No Translation T682078
- They do not waste anything nor throw anything away. T847166
- No Translation T847166
- They threw their hats up into the air. T716348
- No Translation T716348
- This is a flamethrower. It throws flames. T902154
- No Translation T902154
- Throw food at those who throw stones. T798313
- No Translation T798313
- Throw the papers in the basket. T464240
- No Translation T464240
- Throw the shovel! T973744
- No Translation T973744
- To throw the baby out with the bath-water. T138752
- No Translation T138752
- Two girls threw up on the bus in two days. T450748
- No Translation T450748
- When I was small, my father used to throw me up in the air. T682279
- No Translation T682279
- You can't just keep throwing your money away on this kind of thing. T954738
- No Translation T954738
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).