Sentences with "swell, swelled, swelled, swelling, swells"
Found: 15
- The cheers swelled to a roar. T21032
- 歓呼の声はどよめきにまで高まった。 T183906
- A blast of wind swelled the sails. T27599
- 一陣の風をうけて帆がふくらんだ。 T190440
- The toothache made his face swell up. T263634
- 歯痛のために彼の顔ははれあがった。 T150922
- The membership of the Boy Scout troop swelled. T33758
- ボーイスカウトの団員が増えた。 T196579
- You may have swelling, but don't worry about it. T34984
- はれるかもしれませんが気にしないでください。 T197796
- In addition to a thick fog, there was a heavy swell. T282257
- 濃霧に加えてうねりもたかかった。 T121748
- The river swelled rapidly because of the heavy rain. T275554
- 大雨で川の水が急に増えた。 T137682
- How many days will it take until the swelling goes down? T34985
- はれが引くまで何日くらいかかりますか。 T197797
- In the 19th century, the number of immigrants swelled rapidly. T73251
- 19世紀には移民の数が急激に増大した。 T235871
- Our surplus has swelled by nearly ten percent in this quarter. T241994
- 今期、我が社の黒字はほぼ10%増加した。 T172480
- Judging by the swelling, the man must have been bitten by a snake. T46729
- その腫れから判断すると、その人はきっと蛇にかまれたに違いありません。 T209468
- The turnover on the Tokyo stock Exchange swelled to the year's record. T279835
- 東証の出来高は今年の最高に膨らんだ。 T124159
- Thank to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled threefold. T282731
- 抜本的に事業の再構築を行ったおかげで、当社の黒字は3倍に膨らんだ。 T121275
- Thanks to a fundamental restructuring, our surplus has swelled three-fold. T282730
- 抜本的な合理化のおかげで、わが社の利益は3倍に増えた。 T121276
- His knee turned a ghastly blackish purple from the swelling. T758043
- No Translation T758043
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).