Sentences with "sweat, sweat, sweat, sweating, sweats"
Found: 46
- Sweat bathed her brow. T309121
- 彼女の額は汗でぬれていた。 T94585
- No sweet without sweat. T18397
- 苦あれば楽あり。 T179538
- I'm dripping with sweat. T21028
- 汗がダラダラです。 T183902
- He was covered with sweat. T294925
- 彼は汗びっしょりだった。 T108764
- Sweat bathed his forehead. T285797
- 彼の額は汗まみれだった。 T117867
- Her hair is wet with sweat. T309630
- 彼女の髪は汗で濡れている。 T94075
- The sweat stood on his face. T285819
- 彼の顔に汗がにじんでいた。 T117844
- We were sweating in the heat. T28788
- われわれは暑さで汗をかいていた。 T191625
- A good sweat will cure a cold. T266524
- 十分汗をかけば風邪も治る。 T148035
- Wipe the sweat from your brow. T21248
- 額の汗をふきなさい。 T184120
- He wiped the sweat off his face. T294996
- 彼は顔の汗をふいた。 T108693
- Sweat is dripping from his face. T21025
- 汗が彼の顔からしたたり落ちてくる。 T183900
- Sweat was pouring from his brow. T285791
- 彼の額から汗がどっと流れ出ていた。 T117873
- These pajamas absorb sweat well. T60704
- このパジャマはよく汗を吸収します。 T223371
- Fat people generally sweat a lot. T317874
- 肥えた人は概してよく汗をかく。 T85838
- Her face was drenched with sweat. T309144
- 彼女の顔は汗でびっしょりだった。 T94562
- He wiped the sweat from his brow. T294879
- 彼は額の汗を拭った。 T108810
- Vigorous exercise makes you sweat. T238492
- 激しい運動をすると汗をかきます。 T175973
- The sweat was dripping off my brow. T21252
- 額から汗がぼたぼた落ちていた。 T184124
- Beads of sweat stood on his forehead. T285793
- 彼の額に玉のような汗が出ていた。 T117871
- He ate as many as ten eggs, no sweat. T288351
- 彼は10個もの卵をたやすく食べてしまった。 T115320
- He wiped the sweat from his forehead. T285794
- 彼の額の汗をぬぐった。 T117870
- It being hot, she was wet with sweat. T267098
- 暑かったので、彼女は汗びっしょりになりました。 T147462
- I felt the sweat trickle down my brow. T21027
- 汗が額を滴り落ちるのを感じた。 T183901
- I can't stand an awful sweat like this. T54799
- こんなきつい仕事はこりごりだ。 T217490
- There were beads of sweat on his forehead. T285792
- 彼の額には玉のような汗が浮かんでいた。 T117872
- Beating the other team was no sweat at all. T274120
- 相手チームをやっつけるのは朝飯前だった。 T140453
- The teacher's words put Mary in a cold sweat. T272841
- 先生の言葉でメアリーは冷や汗をかいた。 T141729
- His naked back and arms were beaded with sweat. T304537
- 彼は裸の背中と腕に玉のような汗をかいていた。 T99162
- We can have that for you by tomorrow; no sweat. T42956
- それなら明日までに用意できるよ。おやすい御用だ。 T205711
- "I'm soaked with sweat.' "Step back. You stink!" T73736
- 「汗でびしょ濡れだよ」「離れてっ。臭いわっ!」 T236370
- A waterfall of sweat began to pour down my face. T276064
- 滝のような汗が顔から流れ始めた。 T137172
- Their grace comes from hard work, sweat, and pain. T324923
- 踊り子の優雅さは懸命な練習、汗と苦しさから生まれるのです。 T78793
- It's warm enough today to bring out a slight sweat. T242815
- 今日は汗ばむような陽気だ。 T171660
- I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. T246951
- 私が提供できるのは血と労苦と涙と汗のみであります。 T167549
- In summer it is essential to drink lots of water when we sweat. T24341
- 夏は汗をいっぱいかくので沢山水を飲まなくてはなりません。 T187204
- During warm weather, sweating helps man regulate his body temperature. T276781
- 暖かい天候の時は、発汗作用が体温の調節をする上で役立つ。 T127308
- When Kawazoe pinned me down at the meeting, I broke out in a cold sweat. T22538
- 会議で川添さんの追及を受けて冷や汗ものだったよ。 T185406
- A bead of sweat started forming on his brow. T558339
- No Translation T558339
- He can do five somersaults without breaking a sweat. T569186
- No Translation T569186
- He wiped the sweat from his face. T387581
- No Translation T387581
- How did you manage to hike all the way up here without breaking a sweat? T508791
- No Translation T508791
- I broke a sweat running on the treadmill. T745794
- No Translation T745794
- I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. T433618
- No Translation T433618
- Perfumes are often made from the sweat of various male animals. T899398
- No Translation T899398
- With half an hour on this treadmill you'll work up a pretty good sweat. T596290
- No Translation T596290
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).