Sentences with "stick, stuck, stuck, sticking, stick"
Found: 178
- Stick to it! T31454
- もう一踏ん張り! T194281
- Stick it out. T243937
- 最後まで粘り抜いてね。 T170545
- He stuck to his job. T297056
- 彼は仕事をこつこつやった。 T106630
- I stick to the point. T262117
- 私は要点をはずさない。 T152433
- He stuck to his promise. T304295
- 彼は約束を守り抜いた。 T99387
- This tape doesn't stick. T60879
- このテープはくっつかない。 T223544
- A bone stuck in my throat. T241514
- 骨が喉にひっかかった。 T172959
- He stuck to his principle. T299170
- 彼は主義を通して譲らなかった。 T104521
- Linda stuck her tongue out. T29597
- リンダはぺろりと舌を出した。 T192433
- My zipper stuck halfway up. T53457
- ジッパーが途中で引っかかって、上がらなくなってしまった。 T216154
- Some gum stuck to his shoes. T63568
- ガムが彼の靴にくっついた。 T226228
- Stick a notice on the board. T33734
- ボードに掲示を張ってください。 T196555
- We should stick to our plan. T23084
- 我々は我々の計画に固執するべきだ。 T185952
- You must stick to your diet. T238541
- 決まった食事以外は食べないように。 T175925
- He beat the dog with a stick. T295980
- 彼は犬を棒でたたいた。 T107705
- He struck at me with a stick. T297494
- 彼は私にステッキで殴りかかった。 T106192
- He stuck the book in his bag. T303786
- 彼は本を鞄につっこんだ。 T99911
- The car got stuck in the mud. T265420
- 車がぬかるみにはまって動けなくなった。 T149138
- The car was stuck in the mud. T327677
- 車がぬかるみに填まり込んだ。 T76041
- The dog was sniffing a stick. T239229
- 犬は棒の匂いを嗅いでいた。 T175237
- Stick a stamp on the envelope. T319646
- 封筒に切手を貼りなさい。 T84070
- The stick didn't help him any. T268529
- 杖は彼に何の役にも立たなかった。 T146033
- Bill seems to be stuck on Mary. T34536
- ビルはどうもメアリーに惚れているらしい。 T197354
- She will not stick to her word. T317235
- 彼女は約束を守らないだろう。 T86475
- The women stuck to their cause. T46611
- その女性たちは自分たちの主張を守り続けた。 T209350
- You must stick to your promise. T16813
- 君はあくまでも約束を守らなければならない。 T177961
- Something has stuck in the pipe. T35521
- パイプに何か詰まった。 T198329
- The old man walked with a stick. T326449
- 老人は杖をついていた。 T77270
- We've got to stick to the point. T323919
- 問題点からそれないようにしましょう。 T79798
- He stuck his knife into the tree. T304157
- 彼は木にナイフを刺した。 T99539
- I'm sticking to my original plan. T255388
- 私ははじめの計画だけに専念する。 T159137
- Stick with it and you'll succeed. T271305
- 成功するまでへこたれるな。 T143263
- You should stick to what you say. T264691
- 自分の言った事に忠実であるべきだ。 T149867
- Don't give up. Stick with the job. T71886
- あきらめるな。仕事に頑張れよ。 T234508
- He stuck a meatball with his fork. T292987
- 彼はミートボールにフォークを突き刺した。 T110699
- He supported himself with a stick. T291792
- 彼はつえで体を支えた。 T111885
- Stick the bag down under the seat. T21224
- 鞄を座席の下に置いてください。 T184096
- We found a nail stuck in the tire. T41118
- タイヤに釘が刺さっていた。 T203878
- He stuck his pencil behind his ear. T298442
- 彼は耳に鉛筆を挟んだ。 T105247
- I'm stuck on you - really far gone. T255737
- 私はもうあなたに夢中、メロメロなのよ。 T158790
- He stuck a flower in his buttonhole. T292740
- 彼はボタンの穴に花を挿した。 T110946
- He stuck the broken pieces together. T291219
- 彼はその破片をくっつけ合わした。 T112458
- I got a fishbone stuck in my throat. T19356
- 魚の骨がのどにひっかかりました。 T182110
- Stick another stamp on the envelope. T319644
- 封筒にもう1枚切手をはりなさい。 T84073
- He can't stick to anything very long. T294332
- 彼は何事でも三日坊主だ。 T109358
- Please stick this notice to the door. T59556
- この掲示をドアにはってください。 T222230
- She always keeps a stick in her hand. T314868
- 彼女は手にステッキをずっと持っている。 T88839
- Two pages of the book stuck together. T43946
- その本のページが2枚くっついていた。 T206698
- You should not stick to your opinion. T69275
- あなたは自分の意見に固執すべきではない。 T231908
- Stick at it, and you'll pass the exam. T61470
- こつこつやれば受験に受かるだろう。 T224134
- That child stuck out his tongue at me. T47389
- その子供は私に舌を出した。 T210126
- Fold A-7 in half and stick it together. T326772
- A―7を二つ折りにして貼り合わせる。 T76948
- Gum got stuck to the bottom of my shoe. T18109
- 靴の底にガムが付いてしまった。 T179252
- He stuck out his tongue at his teacher. T300645
- 彼は先生にむかって舌をべろっと出した。 T103048
- Stick to jackets that aren't too gaudy. T62573
- けばけばしくない上着を必ず選びましょう。 T225237
- The rat was killed by Tom with a stick. T50059
- そのネズミはトムに棒で殺された。 T212775
- A pencil is sticking out of your pocket. T33471
- ポケットから鉛筆が突き出ていますよ。 T196293
- Don't stick your hand out of the window. T274170
- 窓から手を出さないで。 T140403
- He beat on a drunken man with his stick. T290302
- 彼はステッキで酔っ払いを何回も何回もたたきつけた。 T113371
- He stuck me with debts of 1,000,000 yen. T285271
- 彼のおかげで彼の負債100万円を払うはめになった。 T118392
- He was walking with a stick in his hand. T290303
- 彼はステッキを手に持って歩いていた。 T113370
- They stick to old customs in everything. T306220
- 彼らは何でも古い慣習にしがみつく。 T97482
- 彼らは何事においても古い習慣にこだわる。 T97471
- There's gum stuck to the back of my shoe. T328660
- 靴の裏にガムがこびりついちゃった。 T75059
- Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. T321232
- 棒を投げて犬がそれを取ってくるのを見なさい。 T82484
- We were stuck for hours in a traffic jam. T265438
- 車が混んで何時間も動かなかった。 T149120
- You and I must stick close, back to back. T63690
- がっちり組んで助け合わねばならない。 T226349
- Make a few good friends and stick to them. T269790
- 親友を少し作ってずっと付き合いなさい。 T144774
- The snow was melting and stuck to my skis. T272539
- 雪が解けかかっていて、僕のスキーにくっついていた。 T142031
- My grandfather cannot walk without a stick. T273863
- 祖父はステッキがないと歩けない。 T140710
- They were stuck for hours in a traffic jam. T306509
- 彼らは交通渋滞で何時間も立ち往生した。 T97194
- He stuck the notice on the board with tacks. T295691
- 彼は掲示板にそのビラをびょうで留めた。 T107994
- He will stick to his promise if he gives it. T304303
- 彼は約束をしたら必ずそれを守るでしょう。 T99395
- It's no use trying to stick to the old ways. T239858
- 古い方法にこだわっても仕方がない。 T174611
- Stick with me until we get out of the crowd. T270361
- 人混みを出るまで私にくっついていなさい。 T144204
- 人混みを抜けるまで私にくっついていなさい。 T144203
- The little girl stuck out her tongue at him. T324798
- 幼い少女は彼に向かって舌をつき出した。 T78918
- Measure the length of the stick with a ruler. T30346
- ものさしでその棒の長さを測りなさい。 T193181
- She got a piece of bread stuck in her throat. T312017
- 彼女はパンを喉に詰まらせた。 T91695
- Where've you stuck my apartment-head screwdriver?! T328792
- 俺のマイナスドライバーどこにやった!! T74927
- A rock stuck out from the bank into the river. T20789
- 岩が岸から川に突き出ていた。 T183666
- You should stick those pictures in your album. T46879
- その写真はアルバムにはったほうがよい。 T209617
- Don't stick your nose into my personal affairs. T250830
- 私の個人的な問題に干渉しないで下さい。 T163681
- The monkey took a banana by means of the stick. T50348
- そのサルは棒を使ってバナナを取った。 T213064
- We were stuck up in heavy traffic this morning. T242246
- 今朝交通渋滞で動きがとれなかった。 T172229
- I stuck two sheets of paper together with paste. T255356
- 私はのりで二枚の紙をはり合わせた。 T159169
- He stuck to his opinion though I told him not to. T30200
- やめろといったにもかかわらず彼は我を通した。 T193035
- I think you had better stick to your present job. T69456
- あなたは現在の仕事を続けた方がいいと思います。 T232088
- A big rock stuck out from the bank into the river. T275503
- 大きな岩が岸から川に突き出ていた。 T137733
- Once you have decided to do something stick to it. T27462
- 一度何かやると決めたら、あくまでやり通せ。 T190304
- Stop sticking your nose into other people's business. T269988
- 人の問題に鼻を突っ込むのはよしてくれよ。 T144576
- Throwing knives were stuck deep into the men's necks. T328491
- 投擲用のナイフが男たちの首筋に深々と突き刺さっていた。 T75228
- Will you please stick a 60-yen stamp on the envelope? T319643
- 封筒に60円の切手を貼ってくれますか。 T84072
- Will everyone please stick with it to the last moment. T329345
- どうぞ、皆様も最後の一瞬まで粘り抜いてください。 T74375
- Whether you like it or not, you must stick to your work. T240651
- 好きであろうとなかろうと、勉強は根気よく続けなければだめだ。 T173819
- The U.S. thinks it is getting the short end of the stick. T67552
- アメリカは、してやられたと思っています。 T230186
- They have decided to stick to the original plan after all. T305358
- 彼らは、結局最初の計画に固執することに決めた。 T98344
- His shoes were so old that his toes were sticking out of them. T285908
- 彼の靴はとても古いので足の先が出ていた。 T117756
- 彼の靴はとても古かったので足の指が靴からはみ出ていた。 T117755
- I think you'll make it if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam. T266572
- 渋滞に巻き込まれなければ、間に合うと思いますよ。 T147987
- The submarine's periscope was sticking right out of the water. T329128
- サブマリンのペリスコープが水中からにょっきり突き出ていた。 T74591
- Whatever happens, I'll stick to my principles to the bitter end. T25055
- なにが起きろうとも、私は最後まで、私の主義を守るつもりだ。 T199110
- なにが起ころうとも、私は最後まで、私の主義を守るつもりだ。 T199109
- 何が怒ろうとも、私は最後まで、私の主義を守るつもりだ。 T187916
- I'm stuck in a rut in my boring job and need to do something new. T275361
- 退屈な仕事に飽き飽きだから、何か新しいことを始めなければ。 T137875
- My feet started sticking in the muddy street. I nearly fell down. T35853
- ぬかるんだ道で足を取られて、転びそうになった。 T198660
- The only evidence was the traces of semen stuck to the underwear. T393913
- 唯一の証拠は、下着に付着していた精液の痕跡。 T393912
- We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. T247753
- 私たちは、交通渋滞にあったんです。それで20分遅れてしまいました。 T166749
- There's little chance of keeping slim, unless you stick to a diet. T41234
- ダイエットを続けなければスリムなままでいる見込みはほとんどない。 T203992
- A politician has to be able to stick with any lies in this country. T59279
- この国では政治家はどんな嘘でもつくことができなければならない。 T221953
- Laugh as much as you like; I'll stick to my plan to the bitter end. T18061
- 君がいくら笑っても、僕はあくまでも自分の案を固守します。 T179205
- The meaning of the 'dollar peg' is "stick with the strong countries." T329356
- ドルペッグの意味は、強い国につけということです。 T74364
- Mrs. Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear. T327867
- 田中さん特有の癖毛が耳の裏で跳ねている。 T75851
- The woman tried to shout out "Help!" but the word stuck in her throat. T46607
- その女性は「助けて」と叫ぼうとしたが、言葉が喉につかえた。 T209346
- As long as you stick to one style, you can't hit upon a wonderful idea. T17935
- 君が一つの形式に拘っている限り、素晴らしい考えを思い付くことはできない。 T179079
- He stuck his neck out for that idea, and now he's getting all the blame. T292339
- 彼はのるかそるかのその案に決定を下したが、今や全ての責任を問われている。 T111344
- This neighborhood has more homeless people than you can shake a stick at. T57187
- この辺りには本当にホームレスの人たちがいっぱいね。 T219867
- Quit talking like you've got something stuck in your mouth and say what you mean. T35169
- ハッキリ言ってくれよ。そんな奥歯に物のはさまったような言い方しないで。 T197980
- At the risk of sticking my neck out, I think that if we do that, we're making a big, big mistake. T71903
- あえて言いますが、もし我々がそんなことをすれば大変な誤りを犯すことになると私は思います。 T234527
- When the school had no books or paper or pencils, she wrote the alphabet on the ground with a stick. T21578
- 学校に本や紙や鉛筆がないのを知ると、彼女は棒きれで地面にアルファベットを書いた。 T184450
- Why don't you mind your own business? What do you gain by sticking your nose into other people's affairs? T269922
- 人のお節介などしないで、自分の頭の上の蝿を追ったらどうなんだね。 T144642
- A cobbler should stick to his last. T412407
- No Translation T412407
- Cobbler, stick to your last. T501293
- No Translation T501293
- Could you stick around after the party and help me clean up? T920413
- No Translation T920413
- Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. T454439
- No Translation T454439
- Erasmus students often stick with other students from the same country. T823802
- No Translation T823802
- Every time I attempt to teach myself C++, I get stuck on pointers. T717973
- No Translation T717973
- Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't. T667907
- No Translation T667907
- Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? T953289
- No Translation T953289
- He fashioned a walking stick from a fallen branch. T623301
- No Translation T623301
- He whittled the stick to a sharp point with his hunting knife. T678272
- No Translation T678272
- His eyes got stuck on the canvas on the wall. T777256
- No Translation T777256
- I stuck around for awhile to see if anyone else would come. T920418
- No Translation T920418
- I think we'll make it in time if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam. T764555
- No Translation T764555
- I want to try and get a fish bone stuck in my throat. T893828
- No Translation T893828
- I wish I could have stuck around for a few more hours. T920419
- No Translation T920419
- I wish that I had stuck around long enough to meet your parents. T920420
- No Translation T920420
- I'm glad he stuck around. T920422
- No Translation T920422
- If you had stuck around, you would have had a lot of fun. T920423
- No Translation T920423
- If you had stuck around, you'd have met the girl I've been seeing. T920424
- No Translation T920424
- If you stick around after class, I can help you with your essay. T920425
- No Translation T920425
- It looks like a fish bone got stuck in my throat. T893829
- No Translation T893829
- Just as a thorn stuck in one's throat. T534984
- No Translation T534984
- Just stick around a few days and you'll come to love this place. T920427
- No Translation T920427
- Like a thorn stuck in your throat. T416872
- No Translation T416872
- Make sure you stick together so no one gets lost. T608941
- No Translation T608941
- Mary's husband didn't even stick around until the baby was born. T920428
- No Translation T920428
- Most people stuck around for a while after the show. T920429
- No Translation T920429
- Mrs Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear. T327867
- No Translation T327867
- Numbers don't stick in your mind, pictures do. T667927
- No Translation T667927
- Ouch! I stuck my finger in the door! T892635
- No Translation T892635
- Please stick around after the concert. We'll be signing autographs. T920430
- No Translation T920430
- Please stick out your tongue. T577813
- No Translation T577813
- Please stick this label to your baggage. T537494
- No Translation T537494
- Rabbits stuck their noses out. T386832
- No Translation T386832
- Real friends stick together through thick and thin. T718463
- No Translation T718463
- Sorry honey, I'm still stuck at the office. T551191
- No Translation T551191
- Stick it up your arse T843151
- No Translation T843151
- Stick out your tongue. T460265
- No Translation T460265
- Stick your finger through your throat! T646752
- No Translation T646752
- Thanks for sticking around till the end of the concert. T920431
- No Translation T920431
- Thanks for sticking around until my father got home. T920432
- No Translation T920432
- Thanks for sticking around. T920433
- No Translation T920433
- The dog can bring back a stick. T680437
- No Translation T680437
- The dog sniffed the stick. T572978
- No Translation T572978
- The driver who caused the accident didn't stick around. T920434
- No Translation T920434
- The next act is worth sticking around for. T920435
- No Translation T920435
- The police knew he was guilty but they couldn't make the charges stick. T665578
- No Translation T665578
- The shadow of the stick is visible. T792352
- No Translation T792352
- Tom plans to stick around to see what happens. T920436
- No Translation T920436
- Tom said he wanted to stick around for a couple of more days. T920437
- No Translation T920437
- Tom said that he planned to stick around school all day. T920438
- No Translation T920438
- Tom says he'll be sticking around after the meeting. T920439
- No Translation T920439
- Tom says he'll be sticking around for a few days. T920440
- No Translation T920440
- Wet clothes stick to your skin. T495641
- No Translation T495641
- Where've you stuck my flat-head screwdriver?! T328792
- No Translation T328792
- Will you be sticking around Boston for a few more days? T920444
- No Translation T920444
- Winter seems to be sticking around a lot longer than usual this year. T920445
- No Translation T920445
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).