Sentences with "split, split, split, splitting, splits"
Found: 38
- Let's split it. T21242
- 割り勘で行こうよ。 T184114
- Don't split hairs. T244195
- 細かいことにこだわるな。 T170288
- Two are that split. T280939
- 二人は別れたんだ。 T123061
- Let's split the bill. T502357
- 支払いは分け合いましょう。 T502343
- 払いは割り勘にしよう。 T83849
- I'm troubled by split ends. T246312
- 枝毛に悩んでいます。 T168182
- I have a splitting headache. T280120
- 頭が割れそうに痛い。 T123875
- The party was split up into two. T279597
- 党派は二つに分裂した。 T124397
- They split their sides laughing. T307505
- 彼らは腹の皮がよじれるほど笑った。 T96200
- The world is split into two camps. T271160
- 世界は二つの陣営に分かれている。 T143407
- Let's split the reward fifty-fifty. T320973
- 報酬は山分けにしよう。 T82743
- My head is splitting from the noise. T274325
- 騒音で頭が割れそうだ。 T140248
- The inflation issue split the party. T65701
- インフレ問題が党を分裂させた。 T228345
- A sharp crack of thunder split the sky. T325172
- 雷鳴が空に轟いた。 T78544
- They split up after a year of marriage. T238694
- 結婚して一年で別れてしまった。 T175771
- The committee was split over the project. T28258
- 委員会はその計画をめぐって意見が分かれた。 T191098
- I heard that Carol and Will have split up. T63171
- キャロルとウィルはわかれちゃったらしいよ。 T225833
- Strife is the rock on which the party split. T280781
- 内紛が党の分裂したもとです。 T123218
- The story was so funny that I split my sides. T326565
- 話は腹を抱えて笑うほどおかしかった。 T77154
- I want to split up, but I know I couldn't even if I tried. T71512
- あなたから離れようと思っているのにいざそうしようとしてもうまくいかない。 T234139
- The money will probably be split evenly between those two. T50589
- そのお金は彼ら二人で平等に分けられるでしょう。 T213302
- The class was too big so we split up into two smaller groups. T62939
- クラスが大きすぎるので二つのより小さなグループに分割した。 T225603
- We'd like to split it. Could you bring it to us on two plates? T320005
- 分けて出してもらえますか。 T83711
- We're all going to split it. Could you bring us some extra plates? T32147
- みんなで分けて食べたいので、取り皿をもらえますか。 T194973
- "Didn't you get married!?" "Oh, we split up. We broke our engagement." T328107
- 「結婚したんじゃなかったのかよ?」「あぁ、別れちゃった。婚約破棄」 T75611
- A beam of white light is split by a prism into rays of various colors. T282601
- 白色の光束はプリズムによって様々な色の光線に分離される。 T121405
- Computers are capable of doing very complicated work in a split second. T54546
- コンピューターは非常に複雑な仕事を瞬時にすることができる。 T217238
- Let's decide what needs to be decided, then let's split into two teams, OK? T389018
- 決めること決めちゃって、その後は二手に分かれるよ? T76203
- A good word may split open a rock, but a bad word - a head. T427144
- No Translation T427144
- How to split two varibles using delimiter? T860954
- No Translation T860954
- I think it's time for me to split some more firewood. T903870
- No Translation T903870
- I think it's time for me to split. T903871
- No Translation T903871
- That crisis threatened to split the nation in two. T807691
- No Translation T807691
- The book was split along its spine. T553681
- No Translation T553681
- The issue split the party. T806925
- No Translation T806925
- The two of us split up last year. T941248
- No Translation T941248
- Who first split the atom? T680282
- No Translation T680282
- Your turn to split! T791621
- No Translation T791621
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).