Sentences with "shoot, shot, shot, shooting, shoots"
Found: 192
- Shot, huh? T238483
- 撃たれたのか。 T175982
- He shot at me. T71962
- あいつ僕をめがけて撃ったんだよ。 T234586
- Give me a shot. T27376
- 一杯ください。 T190217
- She shot a gun. T314940
- 彼女は銃を一発うった。 T88767
- Shoot your wad. T273829
- 全部白状しちゃえ。 T140743
- A shot rang out. T266616
- 銃声がひびき渡った。 T147944
- We shot our wad. T67360
- ありがね全部すってしまった。 T229995
- He is a big-shot. T301336
- 彼は大物だ。 T102357
- I had a flu shot. T65712
- インフルエンザの予防接種をしました。 T228356
- What a good shot! T36142
- なんてうまいシュートだろう。 T198945
- He is a good shot. T298988
- 彼は射撃がうまい。 T104702
- I'm gonna shoot him. T1341
- 俺は彼を射殺してやる。 T473878
- Stop, or I'll shoot. T246314
- 止まらないと撃つぞ。 T236935
- Gandhi was shot dead. T63428
- ガンジーは射殺された。 T226088
- He was shot to death. T288185
- 彼は、射殺された。 T115485
- I'll do the shooting. T321318
- 僕がとるから。 T82397
- I'll give you a shot. T277659
- 注射をしましょう。 T126332
- Look at the big shot. T68585
- あの偉い坊さんを見ろよ。 T231217
- It's a shot in the arm. T40067
- ちょっとした景気づけですよ。 T202832
- I would have been shot. T257173
- 私は撃たれただろう。 T157360
- The hunter shot a bear. T325817
- 猟師は熊を撃った。 T77901
- I heard a shot just now. T40819
- たった今銃声がした。 T203581
- The gun was out of shot. T266610
- 銃にはたまが入ってなかった。 T147950
- The nurse gave me a shot. T20973
- 看護婦は私に注射した。 T183849
- Water shot from the pipe. T20968
- 管から水が吹き出した。 T183844
- He fired a shot at random. T291846
- 彼はでたらめに発砲した。 T111832
- The hunter shot at a deer. T34955
- ハンターは鹿を狙って撃った。 T197767
- A fool's bolt is soon shot. T18357
- 愚者はすぐ奥の手を出し行き詰まる。 T179499
- He drank a shot of whiskey. T289324
- 彼はウイスキーをちょっぴり飲んだ。 T114348
- He had a shot at the goose. T289611
- 彼はガンに向かって発砲した。 T114061
- Look at that shooting star. T67789
- あの流れ星をごらん。 T230418
- She needs another DPT shot. T31672
- もういちど三種混合の予防接種をしなければならないのです。 T194500
- All at once we heard a shot. T280703
- 突然私たちは銃声を聞いた。 T123295
- It's a shoot-'em-up western. T238487
- 撃ち合い場面の多い西部劇ですよ。 T175978
- The hunter shot at the bird. T34954
- ハンターは鳥をねらって撃った。 T197766
- We listened to the shooting. T247163
- 私たち、撃ち合いに耳をすましたわ。 T167338
- He shot an arrow at the deer. T290949
- 彼はその鹿めがけて矢を射た。 T112727
- He shot himself this morning. T296573
- 彼は今朝銃で自殺した。 T107113
- Hold still or you'll be shot. T53461
- じっとしてないと撃つぞ。 T216158
- Keep down, or you'll be shot. T319811
- 伏せたままでいろ、さもないと撃たれるぞ。 T83905
- Pain shot through his finger. T286467
- 彼の指に痛みが走った。 T117198
- The cop was shot on his beat. T48459
- その警察は巡回中に撃たれた。 T211186
- The snail shot out its horns. T326925
- カタツムリがすっと角を出した。 T76795
- Don't move, or I'll shoot you. T280207
- 動くな撃つぞ。 T123788
- The dog went away like a shot. T48234
- その犬は弾丸のように去った。 T210962
- We are astonished at the shot. T46687
- その銃声に我々はあっと驚いた。 T209426
- Anyway, I gave it my best shot. T37647
- とにかく全力を尽くしたんだ。 T200446
- He was shot 3 times in the arm. T304865
- 彼は腕を3度撃たれた。 T98835
- I made a good shot at the exam. T263434
- 試験で山が当たった。 T151122
- He shot an arrow at the soldier. T291265
- 彼はその兵士をねらって矢を放った。 T112412
- I took a close shot of her face. T261251
- 私は彼女の顔を近くから一枚撮った。 T153293
- She shot a glance at her mother. T316958
- 彼女は母親をちらっと見た。 T86752
- Suddenly there was a rifle shot. T280685
- 突然ライフルの銃声がした。 T123313
- The pain shoots to my right leg. T278310
- 痛みが右脚に走ります。 T125682
- The trees are shooting out buds. T323571
- 木が芽をふいている。 T80146
- He shot a tiger through the head. T292202
- 彼はトラの頭を射抜いた。 T111481
- I've never seen a shot like that. T54777
- こんなすごいショットは今まで見た事がないよ。 T217469
- I have seen a shooting star once. T262194
- 私は流れ星を1度見たことがある。 T152356
- Let me wish upon a shooting star. T271526
- 星に願いを。 T143042
- Look! There goes a shooting star. T72144
- あ、流れ星だ! T234767
- The shooting started around noon. T238485
- 撃ち合いがお昼頃に始まったのよ。 T175981
- We saw Mac make a fantastic shot. T322023
- 僕達はマックがすばらしいシュートを決めるのを見た。 T81692
- We shot pheasants by the hundred. T24449
- 何百羽とキジを撃った。 T187312
- Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle. T33815
- ベンジャミンはライフルでクマを撃った。 T196637
- He was scared you would shoot him. T295628
- 彼は君に撃たれるのではないかとびくびくしていた。 T108058
- They shoot them off over the lake. T239976
- 湖の上に打ち上げるから。 T174493
- He put the shot farther than I did. T298046
- 彼は私よりも砲丸を遠くまで投げた。 T105641
- He shot at the bird, but missed it. T301658
- 彼は鳥をめがけて撃ったが、はずしてしまった。 T102036
- He took a beautiful shot at a deer. T53499
- シカをめがけて彼は見事な1発を放った。 T216196
- All at once we heard a shot outside. T280694
- 突然外で銃声が聞こえた。 T123304
- Shooting stars will be seen tonight. T243300
- 今夜、流れ星が見られるだろう。 T171177
- The man shot three birds with a gun. T45294
- その男は銃で3羽の鳥を撃った。 T208038
- He has shot some Westerns in Arizona. T288891
- 彼はアリゾナで何本か西部劇を撮っている。 T114780
- Mr. Smith thinks that he's a big shot. T51581
- スミスさんは自分のことを大物だと思っている。 T214289
- She was wounded by a shot in the leg. T315607
- 彼女は足を打たれてけがいる。 T88100
- She shot a warm smile at the old lady. T317512
- 彼女は老婦人に温かい微笑を投げかけた。 T86199
- A shooting star dashed through the sky. T325458
- 流れ星が空を駆けた。 T78259
- I only shot four bull's-eyes yesterday. T244474
- 昨日は4発命中しただけでした。 T170012
- John caught a tiger and shot two lions. T52668
- ジョンはトラを捕まえ、2匹のライオンを射殺した。 T215367
- The volcano shoots out flames and lava. T23843
- 火山は炎と溶岩を吹き出す。 T186707
- They shot the film in an actual desert. T317706
- 彼等は実際の砂漠で映画を撮影した。 T86005
- Even as he was speaking, a shot rang out. T40124
- ちょうど彼が演説していた時に、銃声がひびき渡った。 T202888
- Fossil fuel prices shot through the roof. T25343
- 化石燃料の値段が急騰した。 T188202
- Stop shooting the breeze and get to work! T40562
- ダベってないで仕事しろ。 T203325
- Trees put forth young shoots all at once. T265834
- 若葉がいっせいに燃えだした。 T148725
- You'd better see a doctor and get a shot. T28046
- 医者に行って注射を打ってもらったほうがいいよ。 T190886
- It took several months to shoot that film. T49503
- その映画を作るのに何ヶ月もかかった。 T212223
- The man suddenly started shooting his gun. T45274
- その男は突然、銃を撃ち始めた。 T208017
- Another shooting and another friend's gone. T269253
- 新たなる狙撃が別の友を殺す。 T145310
- Joe was believed to have shot the prisoner. T52916
- ジョーはその囚人を撃ったと思われていた。 T215614
- Rev. King fell backwards, shot in the neck. T63064
- キング牧師は首を撃たれ、後方に倒れた。 T225726
- The teacher began to shoot questions at me. T272973
- 先生は私に質問を浴びせ始めた。 T141597
- He couldn't bring himself to shoot the deer. T290950
- 彼はその鹿を撃つ気にならなかった。 T112726
- His shot didn't carry well against the wind. T285248
- 彼のいちだは向かい風のため、余り伸びなかった。 T118415
- 彼の一打は伸びなかった。 T118124
- Kunihiko hit the target with his first shot. T321099
- 邦彦は最初の一発で的を撃ち当てた。 T82617
- America's foreign debt shot past $500 billion. T67566
- アメリカの対外債務は5000億ドルを突破しましたよ。 T230200
- The reporter shot questions at the politician. T20192
- 記者は政治家に質問を浴びせた。 T183071
- It was in 1980 that John was shot at this spot. T52833
- ジョンがこの場所で撃たれたのは1980年のことです。 T215531
- The picture will finish shooting in three days. T244923
- 撮影は3日間でクランクアップします。 T169563
- He came out shooting, same as you said he would. T16869
- 君の予言どおりやつはうってきた。 T178017
- The soldier disdained shooting an unarmed enemy. T44105
- その兵士は丸腰の兵士を撃つことを潔しとしなかった。 T206856
- They shot down two enemy planes during the raid. T306400
- 彼らは空襲を受けたとき敵の飛行機を2機撃墜した。 T97302
- The pheasant would not be shot but for its cries. T326655
- 雉も鳴かずば打たれまい。 T77064
- A rifle shot broke the peace of the early morning. T29822
- ライフルの発射音が早朝の静けさを破った。 T192658
- I persuaded the policeman not to shoot the monkey. T254144
- 私はその猿を撃たないように警官に説き伏せた。 T160283
- It is difficult to shoot a bird flying in the air. T18266
- 空を飛んでいる鳥を撃つ事は難しい。 T179408
- Terrible shooting broke out the night before last. T34741
- ひどい撃ち合いがおとといの晩に始まったのよ。 T197555
- The policeman was shot in the leg by a delinquent. T238078
- 警官がヤンキーに足を撃たれた。 T176386
- He hit the center of the target with his first shot. T296759
- 彼は最初の一発で的の中心を撃ち抜いた。 T106927
- The policeman was off duty when he was shot to death. T265317
- 射殺された時、その警官は非番だった。 T149241
- It was in 1980 that John Lennon was shot at this spot. T52838
- ジョン・レノンがこの場所で撃たれたのは、1980年のことだった。 T215536
- This was third school shooting incident in six months. T21613
- 学校での銃乱射事件はこの半年で3回目だ。 T184485
- To our surprise, our son has suddenly shot up recently. T18901
- 驚いたことに息子は最近緊急に背がのびた。 T180042
- I've never played golf, but I think I'll give it a shot. T56359
- ゴルフの経験は全くないが、どんなものかやってみたい気はする。 T219043
- You just made me miss the perfect shot when you hollered. T64325
- お前が大声出すから、せっかくのシャッターチャンスを逃しちゃったよ。 T226977
- William Tell shot an arrow at the apple on his son's head. T65693
- ウイリアム・テルは息子の頭の上のリンゴをねらって矢を射た。 T228337
- They were ready to run the risk of being shot by the enemy. T278659
- 敵に撃たれる危険を冒す覚悟だった。 T125334
- Why am I shooting these guys, tell me, what have they done? T24651
- 何故私は彼らを撃つ、教えてくれ、彼らが何をしたのだ? T187513
- If you haven't driven a bike yet, you should give it a shot. T32692
- まだオートバイを運転したことがないなら、ぜひ一度試してみるといい。 T195518
- Shall we shoot the breeze for a while before talking business? T267418
- 商談に入る前に、少し雑談でもしましょう。 T147143
- The sprinkler is shooting out a stream of water onto the grass. T51816
- スプリンクラーが芝生の一条の水を噴出している。 T214524
- The cost of living has shot through the ceiling in the last year. T271782
- 生計費は昨年うなぎ上りでした。 T142787
- As soon as the dog heard his master's voice, off he ran like a shot. T239204
- 犬は主人の声を聞くやいなや弾丸のように飛んでいった。 T175262
- Bill and John like to get together once a month to shoot the breeze. T34576
- ビルとジョンはおしゃべりするために月に1回会うのが好きだ。 T197390
- The old men like to meet on the street corner just to shoot the bull. T67784
- あの老人たちは街角に無駄話をしに行くのが好きだ。 T230417
- Police shot the armed robber in the head - he died almost immediately. T238111
- 警官は凶器を持った強盗の頭をうった。その強盗は即死も同然だった。 T176353
- That was the only way we could defend ourselves against all this terrible shooting. T43047
- それだけが、この恐ろしい撃ち合いから身を守ることのできる唯一の方法だったの。 T205801
- The defendant was about stand trial when he grabbed the deputy's gun and shot the judge. T327976
- 被告人が審理中に保安係りのピストルを掴み判事を撃った。 T75742
- He's always talking like a big shot, but it won't be long before all his faults are exposed. T72051
- あいつでかいことばかり言ってるけど、そのうちぼろを出すよ。 T234674
- In many parts of the world it is illegal to shoot wild game such as deer, moose or pheasant. T271104
- 世界で、鹿やムースやキジといった野性獣を狩ることは違法とする国が多い。 T143463
- Of course. Now that you say that, certainly Ms Tanaka wasn't shot even once in the mock battles. T328460
- なるほど、言われてみれば確かに、田中さんは模擬戦で一度も被弾していませんでしたね。 T75259
- When the shooting died down a bit, Daddy ran over to our flat and brought us back some sandwiches. T238486
- 撃ち合いが少し静まったとき、パパが走ってフラットに行って、私たちにサンドイッチを持ってきてくれたわ。 T175979
- Well the son of that shop's family, seems it's come about that he's to have a shot-gun wedding with a local girl. T327079
- そこのお店の息子さんが、今度この土地の女の子と出来ちゃった結婚をすることになってる。 T76641
- That's just a shot in the dark. How do you think you'll succeed by just acting on the spur of the moment like that? T28389
- 闇夜に鉄砲じゃあるまいし、そんな場当たり的なやり方でうまくいくとは思えないよ。 T191228
- For some reason it didn't go well, shot down at every attempt, and he led a sad "History of no girlfriend = Age" life. T327215
- なぜかうまくいかず、目下全戦全敗、「彼女いない歴=自分の年齢」という寂しい生活を送っていました。 T76505
- "Are scientists close to cloning a human being?" "Not by a long shot." T747251
- No Translation T747251
- "Can I ask you a question?" "Shoot." T695186
- No Translation T695186
- A flu shot contains antibodies that fight the H1N1 virus. T680218
- No Translation T680218
- A group of militia saw him and began shooting. T807541
- No Translation T807541
- A gunman shot him in March, 1981. T807135
- No Translation T807135
- As he was leaving the hotel, he was shot. T803184
- No Translation T803184
- Betty may be pretty, but she shoots a gun with the precision of a hawk. T575920
- No Translation T575920
- Doctors advertise the flu shot every year. T687107
- No Translation T687107
- Don't shoot the devil in the back. You might miss. T495627
- No Translation T495627
- Don't shoot the messenger. T638741
- No Translation T638741
- Every time I practice shooting, I miss the target. T681492
- No Translation T681492
- From a distance, they shot at each other. T802439
- No Translation T802439
- Good shot, kid. You got him. T570490
- No Translation T570490
- Have you been shot? T433617
- No Translation T433617
- He decided to feed his dog the rabbit that he had shot earlier that day. T898563
- No Translation T898563
- He shot many lions, elephants, and other animals. T803307
- No Translation T803307
- He was shot and seriously wounded. T803082
- No Translation T803082
- I think it would have been a better shoot with a 10mm lens. T854619
- No Translation T854619
- I will shoot him. T473880
- No Translation T473880
- If you get bit by a rabid dog you'll need a tetanus shot. T963960
- No Translation T963960
- In this next slide we see an aerial shot of the company headquarters. T958668
- No Translation T958668
- It's worth a shot. T608329
- No Translation T608329
- Look, a shooting star! T934443
- No Translation T934443
- Many American planes were shot down. T805263
- No Translation T805263
- Mr Smith thinks that he's a big shot. T51581
- No Translation T51581
- My camera can shoot high-definition video. T652401
- No Translation T652401
- On December 27th 1923, the crown prince was shot by Daisuke Namba. T895617
- No Translation T895617
- She sat at the bar downing shot after shot of whisky. T764203
- No Translation T764203
- She shot him with a machine gun. T887382
- No Translation T887382
- She shot him with a pistol. T887383
- No Translation T887383
- She shot him with a rifle. T887384
- No Translation T887384
- She shot him. T887385
- No Translation T887385
- Shepherd tried to run and was shot. T807231
- No Translation T807231
- Some talked of shooting him if he did not leave. T803294
- No Translation T803294
- The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull. T593740
- No Translation T593740
- The court found him guilty and ordered him shot. T807630
- No Translation T807630
- The doctor gave me a shot. T450676
- No Translation T450676
- The hunter shoots stags and hares. T748425
- No Translation T748425
- The hunter shot the fox dead. T776086
- No Translation T776086
- The man who shot him was Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. T807604
- No Translation T807604
- The man who shot McKinley was Leon Czolgosz. T807514
- No Translation T807514
- The other policemen began shooting at the crowd. T807636
- No Translation T807636
- The police officer's partner was shot. T681698
- No Translation T681698
- The shooting victim is alive, but just barely. T560318
- No Translation T560318
- The tetanus shot hurt more than the dog bite. T661260
- No Translation T661260
- They could ride and shoot well. T802219
- No Translation T802219
- They shot at the British from behind trees. T802474
- No Translation T802474
- They shot down thirty-six enemy planes. T802717
- No Translation T802717
- This shot will help numb the pain. T590531
- No Translation T590531
- Tom's shot missed the target by two feet. T682127
- No Translation T682127
- Wait, don't shoot at each other! T574219
- No Translation T574219
- Wait, don't shoot yourself! T576323
- No Translation T576323
- Wait, don't shoot! T574212
- No Translation T574212
- Were you shot? T433616
- No Translation T433616
- When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. T710636
- No Translation T710636
- While he was talking, there was the sound of a shot being fired. T897257
- No Translation T897257
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).