Sentences with "resign, resigned, resigned, resigning, resigns"
Found: 89
- He resigned as president. T301329
- 彼は大統領を辞任した。 T102365
- He resigned from the post. T291364
- 彼はその役職を辞した。 T112313
- The minister had to resign. T274266
- 総理は辞職しなければならなかった。 T140307
- He resigned from his office. T298918
- 彼は辞職した。 T104772
- He resigned from the Cabinet. T301298
- 彼は大臣を辞めた。 T102396
- My boss was forced to resign. T251220
- 私の上司は辞職せざる得なかった。 T163292
- She decided to resign her job. T313899
- 彼女は仕事を辞めることにした。 T89816
- He has no choice but to resign. T293183
- 彼はやめるほか仕方がない。 T110503
- He was finally forced to resign. T304899
- 彼もとうとう詰め腹を切らされたってわけだね。 T98801
- The premier is likely to resign. T266145
- 首相はおそらく辞任するであろう。 T148414
- The Prime Minister has resigned. T274268
- 総理大臣が辞任した。 T140305
- I have no intention of resigning. T258351
- 私は辞職する意志はまったくない。 T156183
- They say the Cabinet will resign. T280760
- 内閣は辞職するそうだ。 T123239
- Taro had to eat dirt and resigned. T275193
- 太郎は屈辱を忍んで謝罪し辞職した。 T138042
- I am thinking of resigning at once. T321635
- 僕はすぐ辞職しようかと思っている。 T82080
- I persuaded him to resign the post. T254514
- 私はその職を辞するよう彼を説得した。 T160008
- They demanded that President resign. T307109
- 彼らは大統領は辞任すべきだと要求した。 T96597
- We didn't need to ask him to resign. T285081
- 彼に辞職するように求める必要は無かった。 T118582
- There are rumors that he will resign. T283804
- 彼が辞職するだろうという噂がある。 T120205
- It is not surprising that he resigned. T283808
- 彼が辞任したのは驚くことではない。 T120201
- Jack resigned from his job in despair. T53106
- ジャックは絶望して辞職した。 T215805
- The chairman resigned out of the blue. T19998
- 議長は突然辞職した。 T182877
- There is a rumor that he has resigned. T283802
- 彼が辞職したという噂がある。 T120207
- The outraged employee resigned at once. T63431
- かんかんに怒った社員は、即刻会社を辞めた。 T226091
- There is no reason why he should resign. T283803
- 彼が辞職しなければならない理由はない。 T120206
- They demanded that the president resign. T306810
- 彼らは社長に退陣するよう求めた。 T96894
- He resigned on the grounds of sick health. T303161
- 彼は病気を理由に辞職した。 T100537
- I don't want to resign my job at present. T241825
- 今は仕事を辞めたいとは思わない。 T172650
- He was forced to resign as prime minister. T299272
- 彼は首相を辞めざるを得なかった。 T104419
- I have no intention whatever of resigning. T256123
- 私は引退するつもりは毛頭ない。 T158407
- 僕は引退するつもりは毛頭ない。 T81997
- Is there any possibility of his resigning? T283836
- 彼が就職する可能性はありますか。 T120173
- It is rumored that he will shortly resign. T295425
- 彼は近く辞任するといううわさだ。 T108261
- She resigned on the grounds of sick health. T316708
- 彼女は病気を理由に辞職した。 T87002
- The Prime Minister has resigned yesterday. T274267
- 総理大臣が昨日辞職した。 T140306
- He resigned his post on account of illness. T303151
- 彼は病気のため辞職した。 T100547
- He resigned on the grounds that he was sick. T303127
- 彼は病気と言う理由で辞職した。 T100570
- 彼は病気を理由に辞任した。 T100536
- They demanded that the mayor should resign. T306637
- 彼らは市長が辞職することを要求した。 T97067
- To our great surprise, he suddenly resigned. T262513
- 私達が大変驚いたことに、彼は突然辞職した。 T152040
- You should do the honorable thing and resign. T16177
- 君は潔く辞任すべきだ。 T177327
- The premier and his cabinet colleagues resigned. T266136
- 首相と閣僚が辞任した。 T148423
- He resigned himself to spending a boring evening. T301186
- 彼は退屈な夜を過ごさざるえなかった。 T102508
- He finally resigned the presidency of the college. T291787
- 彼はついに大学の学長を辞任した。 T111891
- Is there any reason for him to resign so suddenly? T283179
- 彼がそんなに突然辞職しなければならない理由が何かあるのですか。 T120829
- There is a rumor about that he is going to resign. T283805
- 彼が辞職するという噂が広まっている。 T120204
- 彼が辞職すると言ううわさが広まっている。 T120203
- The rumor is about that the President will resign. T275865
- 大統領が辞職するといううわさが広まっている。 T137371
- Father resigned from his position for a better one. T319060
- 父はもっとよい地位につくために辞職した。 T84654
- He said that if Smith was elected, he would resign. T51608
- スミスが選ばれたら、彼は辞職をすると言った。 T214316
- He was compelled to resign on account of sick health. T295918
- 彼は健康がすぐれず、辞職せざるをえなかった。 T107767
- 彼は健康上の理由で辞任を余儀なくされた。 T107734
- The minister was obliged to resign from the Cabinet. T45487
- その大臣は内閣からの辞職を余儀なくされた。 T208230
- The president of the university is likely to resign. T45505
- その大学の学長は辞職しそうである。 T208248
- The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign. T246156
- 市長は近く辞意を表明するだろう。 T168337
- He's resigned his position as chairman of the committee. T293569
- 彼は委員会の議長の職を辞任した。 T110120
- I wish to resign from my work for purely personal reasons. T247148
- 私この度一身上の都合でやめさせていただきます。 T167353
- The Prime Minister was obliged to resign from the Cabinet. T266165
- 首相は内閣からの辞職を余儀なくされた。 T148394
- Women have been resigned to unjust treatment for too long. T267322
- 女性は余りにも長い間不公平な待遇に甘んじてきた。 T147239
- I could read between the lines that he wanted me to resign. T284185
- 彼が僕に辞任して欲しいと思っているのを、僕は暗黙のうちに理解した。 T119478
- He wishes to resign on the grounds that his health is failing. T295922
- 彼は健康が衰えつつあるという理由で辞職したがっている。 T107763
- He resigned from the job to take the responsibility for the loss. T301037
- 彼は損失の責任をとって、その仕事を辞任した。 T102656
- The Prime Minister announced that he would resign within a few weeks. T266162
- 首相は数週間以内に辞任すると発表した。 T148397
- The reason why he should resign his job is that he is not equal to it. T283103
- 彼がその仕事を辞める理由は、それに耐えられないからである。 T120905
- The president made certain that he lined his pockets before he resigned. T275906
- 大統領は辞任する前にお金に困らないように根回しした。 T137330
- At the same time, the clerk Natsue Arimura told Gokijo of his intent to resign after this month. T329656
- 同じ頃、事務員・有村夏恵は、今月を限りに退職する旨を五鬼上に申し入れた。 T74064
- British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was forced to resign. T804100
- No Translation T804100
- Conkling decided to resign in protest. T807317
- No Translation T807317
- He resigned and fled the country. T803061
- No Translation T803061
- He resigned and joined the army. T803107
- No Translation T803107
- He resigned as secretary of state. T803078
- No Translation T803078
- He resigned on the grounds of ill health. T303161
- No Translation T303161
- He resigned on the grounds that he was ill. T303127
- No Translation T303127
- He was compelled to resign on account of ill health. T295918
- No Translation T295918
- I resign. T731590
- No Translation T731590
- I resigned from my position as club treasurer. T681914
- No Translation T681914
- I've seen just now that the ambassador of Saudi Arabia has resigned. T120030
- No Translation T120030
- Is the chairman going to resign? T906095
- No Translation T906095
- Is there any chance that he'll resign? T400137
- No Translation T400137
- Jefferson decided not to resign. T805457
- No Translation T805457
- Rumor says he resigned. T551924
- No Translation T551924
- She decided to resign from her job. T521663
- No Translation T521663
- She decided to resign. T521662
- No Translation T521662
- She resigned on the grounds of ill health. T316708
- No Translation T316708
- The army forced him to resign. T805368
- No Translation T805368
- The chairman is going to resign. T906094
- No Translation T906094
- The Chancellor of the Exchequer has offered to resign. T774287
- No Translation T774287
- The Secretary of State said he planned to resign. T803310
- No Translation T803310
- The young worker was asked to resign. T681916
- No Translation T681916
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).