Sentences with "release, released, released, releasing, releases"
Found: 46
- The police released him. T238357
- 警察は彼を釈放した。 T176108
- Is death the only release? T246340
- 死のみが唯一の解放なのか。 T168156
- The prisoner was released. T46719
- その囚人は釈放された。 T209458
- They released the prisoner. T305790
- 彼らはその囚人を釈放した。 T97913
- The hostages will be released. T270371
- 人質は解放されるだろう。 T144195
- When will the film be released? T49544
- その映画は何時封切りになりますか。 T212263
- Kill my heart and release my pain. T268980
- 心を殺して苦しみを消して。 T145582
- Cleanse me! Release me! Set me free! T25487
- 俺を洗い清めろ!俺を解放しろ!俺を自由にしろ! T188344
- He obtained a release from his debt. T299078
- 彼は借金を免除してもらった。 T104612
- The two men were released from jail. T280913
- 二人の男は刑務所から釈放された。 T123087
- The fighter plane released its bombs. T45724
- その戦闘機は爆弾を投下した。 T208466
- That movie will be released by and by. T49548
- その映画はまもなく公開される。 T212268
- The boy released a bird from the cage. T267972
- 少年はかごから鳥を放した。 T146590
- The doctor released him from his pain. T27929
- 医者は彼の苦痛を除いてやった。 T190768
- All the hostages were released unharmed. T270372
- 人質は無事全員解放された。 T144194
- He ordered them to release the prisoners. T302539
- 彼は彼らに囚人を釈放するように命令した。 T101157
- Of course, innocent people were released. T322782
- 無罪の人々は、もちろん放免された。 T80933
- The girl released the birds from the cage. T46634
- その女の子は鳥をかごから逃がしてやった。 T209373
- There is every promise of the boy's release. T267962
- 少年の釈放の見込みが大いにある。 T146600
- You must take action for their early release. T305017
- 彼らが早く釈放されるように手を打っていただきたい。 T98683
- Sooner or later, the hostages will be released. T277332
- 遅かれ早かれ捕虜達は釈放されるだろう。 T126758
- The hostages will be released before Christmas. T270370
- 人質はクリスマス前に解放されるだろう。 T144196
- You must take action for their release quickly. T274064
- 早急に彼らの釈放に手をうっていただきます。 T140509
- I hear he was released after five years in prison. T296189
- 彼は五年間の刑務所暮らしの後、釈放されたそうだ。 T107497
- The man the police arrested has now been released. T238181
- 警察が逮捕した男はもう釈放されている。 T176283
- She was released on the grounds that she was insane. T315331
- 彼女は正気でないという理由で釈放された。 T88376
- He was released from prison immediately after the war. T299304
- 彼は終戦直後に出獄した。 T104387
- After I sign these release papers, you'll be on your way. T246468
- 私がこの退院承諾書にサインしたら、もう帰ってもいいですか。 T168028
- His autobiography was released today and was sold out by noon. T286542
- 彼の自叙伝が今日発売され、午前中に完売した。 T117124
- John Tel is expected to delay the release of its chip set until August. T52787
- ジョンテル社はチップ・セットの発売を8月まで延期する見込みだ。 T215485
- I want to mention the release of our new software edition at the banquet. T282828
- 晩餐会の席でソフトウェアの新バージョンの発表について触れたい。 T121178
- "Gang Wives" is a Yakuza movie released in 1986 by Toei Distribution Network. T329552
- 『極道の妻たち』は、1986年、東映配給網により公開されたヤクザ映画。 T74168
- We'll release the final agenda on the morning of January 20 (Monday), so please reply quickly. T73187
- 1月20日(月曜日)の午前中に最終の議事事項を出しますので、早急にお返事を下さい。 T235807
- Anyhow, having been held in school from morning to evening ... anybody'd be happy on getting released. T327416
- 何しろ朝から夕方まで、校舎の中で軟禁状態だからな。釈放されれば元気にもなるってもんだ。 T76304
- On Jul 18th Mark/Space released an updated version of Missing Sync for Windows Mobile for the Mac OS X. T326778
- Mark/Spaceは7月18日、Mac OS X用シンクロソフト、Missing Sync for Windows Mobileのアップデート版をリリースした。 T76942
- Don't release that dog. T614532
- No Translation T614532
- I cannot release that information. It is private. T681884
- No Translation T681884
- Iran balks at release of American woman. T507982
- No Translation T507982
- It's impossible to release his foot from the trap. T884452
- No Translation T884452
- It's very unlikely that we will release a new album before next winter. T954117
- No Translation T954117
- Selena Gomez has just released her second album. T552222
- No Translation T552222
- The prisoner asked to be released early. T681886
- No Translation T681886
- The Steve Miller Band released a new album in June of 2010. T415582
- No Translation T415582
- The terrorists released the hostages. T681885
- No Translation T681885
- They refused to release the hostages. T802388
- No Translation T802388
- With the release of Skype, studying languages has become easier. T758841
- No Translation T758841
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).