Sentences with "publish, published, published, publishing, publishes"
Found: 57
- We finally published the book. T39904
- ついにその本を出版した。 T202670
- He is in the publishing business. T299408
- 彼は出版の仕事に従事している。 T104283
- He had a book on physics published. T303488
- 彼は物理学の著書を出版した。 T100209
- The company published a new magazine. T49063
- その会社は新しい雑誌を出版した。 T211786
- The firm publishes educational books. T49089
- その会社は教育的な本を出版する。 T211812
- Several newspapers published the story. T20602
- 幾つかの新聞はその話を載せた。 T183479
- A lot of books are published every year. T274967
- 多数の本が毎年出版される。 T138268
- He criticizes a book recently published. T295428
- 彼は近刊の本を批評する。 T108258
- That publishing company is in the black. T68264
- あの出版社は黒字だ。 T230898
- The novel was published after his death. T46519
- その小説は彼の死後出版された。 T209258
- She published the book at her own expense. T314721
- 彼女は自分の負担で本を出版した。 T88986
- The first edition was published ten years ago. T267062
- 初版は10年前に出版された。 T147498
- This local newspaper is published once a week. T57894
- この地方新聞は週に1回発行される。 T220572
- The magazine Look is no longer being published. T72201
- Lookは廃刊になった。 T234824
- The paper published a profile of its new editor. T46081
- その新聞は新しい主筆のプロフィールを載せた。 T208822
- A great number of books are published every year. T322480
- 毎年沢山の数の書物が出版されている。 T81235
- He published the book about the history of coins. T289803
- 彼はコインの歴史に関する本を出した。 T113872
- A collection of her verses has just been published. T309346
- 彼女の詩集が出版されたところだ。 T94360
- Professor White published his first book last year. T33101
- ホワイト教授は去年処女作を出版した。 T195926
- A revised edition of the encyclopedia was published. T44330
- その百科事典の改訂版が出版された。 T207080
- She was discouraged from publishing her first novel. T314966
- 彼女は初めての小説を出版するのを思いとどまった。 T88741
- The governor's speech was published in the magazine. T277027
- 知事の演説がその雑誌で発表された。 T127063
- News of his death wasn't published for several weeks. T286489
- 彼の死は数週間発表されなかった。 T117175
- She has been with a publishing company for two years. T314959
- 彼女は出版社に2年勤めている。 T88747
- He's built all his hopes on this book being published. T289964
- 彼はこの本の出版に全ての望みをかけていた。 T113709
- He has powerful connections in the publishing industry. T299409
- 彼は出版業界に有力なコネがある。 T104282
- He wanted to publish his photographs in the newspapers. T299940
- 彼は新聞に自分の写真を発表したかった。 T103753
- Taishukan advertised it would publish a new dictionary. T275721
- 大修館は新しい辞書を出版すると宣伝した。 T137515
- I wish you would make a list of the newly published books. T269265
- 新刊書の目録を作って欲しいと思います。 T145298
- We would be happy to send our book to you when it is published. T322045
- 本が出版されましたらお送りいたします。 T81670
- This is by far the best novel that has been published this year. T55712
- これは今年出版された断然最高の小説です。 T218401
- Professor Brown is very pleased about getting his book published. T34250
- ブラウン教授は自分の本が出版されるのを大変喜んでいる。 T197069
- Of all the books published recently, only a few are worth reading. T243859
- 最近出版された書物のうちで、読む価値のあるものはほんのわずかしかない。 T170623
- I'd like to place an order for the book with the publishing company. T43886
- その本を出版社に注文してもらえませんか。 T206638
- Many a book is published, but of them only a very few are worth reading. T40995
- たくさんの本が出版されているが、そのうち読むに値するものは非常に少ない。 T203755
- I'll let you know the results of the examination when they are published. T263460
- 試験の結果が発表されたら知らせてあげよう。 T151096
- Two books stand out among the dozens recently published on the Royal Family. T243839
- 最近王室ファミリーについて出された本で二冊が傑出している。 T170643
- Sending manuscript after manuscript paid off. A magazine finally published my work. T59887
- この間投稿した記事がやっと雑誌に載ったんだよ。頑張って出し続けた甲斐があったよ。 T222558
- I have tried every diet that has ever been published and I still haven't lost weight. T322053
- 本に書かれていた全てのダイエットを試したが、まだ全然体重が減っていない。 T81662
- Though many books are published, the thing which will be of value soon is just little. T40996
- たくさんの本が出版されているが、そのうち価値のあるものはごくわずかだ。 T203756
- Just make sure that credit is given : From The Herbs, by Leon Thomas, published by Herbal Life. T35603
- ハーブ、レオン・トーマス著、ハーバルライフ社よりという名前を記載してください。 T198412
- The argument presented in Doyle's study was first published as a white paper on drug-related crimes. T38950
- ドイルの研究で提出されている議論は、最初、麻薬に関連する犯罪に関する白書として出版されたものである。 T201739
- Among the Internet sites that publish information on education related businesses are those given below. T329463
- 教育産業に関する情報を掲載したインターネットサイトには以下のようなものがあります。 T74257
- Desktop publishing lets you produce books quickly and cheaply. It's like killing two birds with one stone. T72231
- DTPで本を作れば、安いし早いし、まさに一挙両得だ。 T234854
- During the 60s and 70s she published her most famous books. T707111
- No Translation T707111
- He has just published an interesting series of articles. T2173
- No Translation T2173
- He has published many papers on the subject. T715641
- No Translation T715641
- Her husband plans to publish a new monthly magazine. T903370
- No Translation T903370
- It was published in 1969. T806890
- No Translation T806890
- Newspaper or, daily is a publication published every day. T874229
- No Translation T874229
- Or are there photographs so obscene that you can't publish them? T703150
- No Translation T703150
- The book was published in 1689. T553660
- No Translation T553660
- The book was published posthumously. T714599
- No Translation T714599
- The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. T710926
- No Translation T710926
- The story is published in all newspapers. T964110
- No Translation T964110
- These novels are published in French, as well. T476376
- No Translation T476376
- When was this novel published? T703016
- No Translation T703016
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).