Sentences with "measure, measured, measured, measuring, measures"
Found: 79
- Can you measure the length? T45019
- その長さを測れますか。 T207766
- He measured all his shelves. T290345
- 彼はすべての棚を測った。 T113328
- Her waist measures 24 inches. T308965
- 彼女のウエストは24インチある。 T94741
- Money is the measure of worth. T18504
- 金銭は価値の尺度である。 T179646
- I measured the board in inches. T254614
- 私はその板をインチで計った。 T159908
- Please allow me to measure you. T70512
- あなたの寸法を計るのを許して下さい。 T233143
- We took the necessary measures. T249322
- 私たちは必要な処置を講じた。 T165184
- What are the measures of times? T263964
- 時間の単位は何か。 T150593
- Man is the measure of all things. T270131
- 人は万物の尺度である。 T144434
- He measured the length of the bed. T288201
- 彼は、寝台の長さを測った。 T115469
- Debate about what measures to take. T37570
- どのような対策をとるかを討論する。 T200369
- The ceiling measures ten feet high. T278789
- 天井は高さが10フィートある。 T125204
- We measured the depth of the river. T28842
- われわれはその川の深さを測った。 T191679
- 私達は、その川の深さをはかった。 T151910
- He could not take effective measures. T288129
- 彼は、効果的な手段が取れなかった。 T115542
- We took strong measures to prevent it. T248182
- 私たちはそれを防止する強硬な対策を講じた。 T166322
- It can't be measured in terms of money. T42508
- それは金銭では計れない。 T205266
- Level off the sugar when measuring out. T238064
- 計量する前にすりきりしなさい。 T176400
- Strict security measures were in force. T278739
- 徹底的な安全対策が実施された。 T125254
- The field measures more than 300 acres. T282670
- 畑は面積が300エーカー以上ある。 T121336
- There was a discussion on the measures. T275282
- 対策に関する討議が行われた。 T137954
- This tree measures three meters around. T56762
- この木は周囲3メートルある。 T219442
- There are several ways to measure speed. T274525
- 速度を測定する方法はいくつかある。 T139688
- In the town there was a measure of peace. T246132
- 市街にはいくぶん平和があった。 T168361
- The situation calls for drastic measures. T268506
- 情勢は荒療治を必要とする。 T146055
- Fire cannot be prevented by half measures. T23803
- 火事は中途半端なやり方では防げない。 T186667
- No woman could measure up to his standard. T285442
- 彼のめがねにかなう女性はいなかった。 T118222
- This measure is in accord with our policy. T59726
- この議案は我々の政策に合っている。 T222399
- This tablecloth measures 5 feet by 3 feet. T60877
- このテーブルクロスは縦横5フィートと3フィートある。 T223542
- Measure the length of the stick with a ruler. T30346
- ものさしでその棒の長さを測りなさい。 T193181
- We must take measures to prevent traffic accidents. T240344
- 交通事故の防止対策を講じなければならない。 T174126
- Strong measures should be taken against wrong doers. T317935
- 非行者に対して強硬な対策を講じるべきだ。 T85778
- Stopgap measures won't make a dent in drug addiction. T46216
- その場しのぎの対策では麻薬中毒問題にきりこむことはできないでしょう。 T208956
- The calorie is an exact measure of the energy in food. T63466
- カロリーは食物が持つエネルギーを正確に示す尺度である。 T226126
- You will ruin your health if you drink without measure. T279486
- 度を越して酒を飲むと健康を害しますよ。 T124508
- The government adopted strong measures to fight inflation. T271427
- 政府はインフレに対するために強硬な措置をとった。 T143141
- The accident was a strong argument for new safety measures. T263735
- 事故は新しい安全対策のための有力な根拠となった。 T150822
- The thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature. T25465
- 温度計は温度を測る器具です。 T188322
- The government has taken measures to promote domestic industry. T271470
- 政府は国内産業振興の方策を講じた。 T143098
- He has not become rich, but he had a certain measure of success. T295523
- 彼は金持ちにはならなかったがある程度は成功した。 T108163
- We used emergency measures to revive the cardiac arrest patient. T393807
- 心停止の患者を応急処置で生かした。 T393806
- The Japanese Government will take measures to counter depression. T281789
- 日本政府は不況対策を講じる事になるだろう。 T122214
- You should take the appropriate measures at the appropriate time. T278704
- 適切なときに適切な措置を講ずるべきです。 T125289
- The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. T324294
- 優れた教育の価値は金銭でははかれない。 T79423
- Preventive measures are much more effective than the actual treatment. T324720
- 予防のほうがことが起こっての治療よりずっと効果がある。 T78996
- The landscape of yellow, a mass of sunflowers flourishing beyond measure. T327375
- 一面の黄色は、どう繁茂したのか見当もつかないヒマワリの群れだ。 T76345
- Money is used for buying or selling goods, measuring value and storing wealth. T64587
- お金は物資を売買したり、価値を測ったり、富を蓄えたりするのに使われる。 T227238
- Before taking the measures you must take account of the difficult circumstances. T241134
- 行動に移る前に、困難な状況を考慮しなくてはならない。 T173336
- The government didn't take appropriate measures to prevent the infection from spreading. T271458
- 政府は感染が広がることを予防する適切な措置を取らなかった。 T143110
- 政府は感染の拡大を未然に防ぐための適切な措置を取らなかった。 T143109
- Lately it's not so fashionable to measure success by how far you climb up the corporate ladder. T325444
- 立身出世といったことは、最近でははやらなくなったね。 T78273
- The committee stayed up late last night trying to work out measures that would please everyone. T28283
- 委員たちはみんなを楽しませる策を考えだそうと昨夜遅くまで頑張った。 T191123
- Our city's transport problems are minor when measured against capitals like London and New York. T57850
- この町の交通機関の問題はロンドンやニューヨークなどの海外の大都市の問題と比べれば、大した事はない。 T220527
- Gross national product is a nation's total output of goods and services as measured in monetary value. T241459
- 国民総生産は一国の財とサービスを貨幣価値で測った総生産高である。 T173014
- No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale. T277217
- 地震はリヒター・スケールで3.0を記録しましたが、大きな被害、負傷者が出た報告はありません。 T126873
- Early man used his fingers and toes to count the animals he owned, or the measures of grain he had stored. T267043
- 初期の人間は、自分が所有する動物や蓄えている穀物の量を数えるのに、手足の指を使った。 T147517
- The Japanese fiscal authorities are weighing measures to restore public confidence in their economic management. T281390
- 日本の財政当局は経済運営に対する国民の信頼を回復するため手段を考慮中である。 T122613
- The flow of evacuation events from occurrence of a large earthquake to the conclusion of emergency counter measures. T327823
- 大地震の発生から、応急対策の収束までの避難の流れです。 T75895
- GNP is measured as the total market value of all the goods and service produced by a nation during a specified period. T72221
- GNPは一定期間に国によって生産されたすべての商品とサービスの市場価値の総額として計算される。 T234844
- A ruler can measure something up to twelve inches in length. T638167
- No Translation T638167
- Among other things, carats are a measure of gold's fineness. T873911
- No Translation T873911
- Congress did not approve the measure. T807281
- No Translation T807281
- He just doesn't measure up. T589418
- No Translation T589418
- He measures the time with a clock radio. T946730
- No Translation T946730
- I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure. T330446
- No Translation T330446
- In my work, I sometimes simply determine an area with a tape measure. T540370
- No Translation T540370
- Jail is a very harsh punitive measure. T619123
- No Translation T619123
- Let's measure how tall you are. T681443
- No Translation T681443
- Mary measured out two cups of rice for the recipe. T681444
- No Translation T681444
- Measure seven times, cut only once. T555289
- No Translation T555289
- Measure thrice, cut once. T547428
- No Translation T547428
- Such measures were not necessary. T807151
- No Translation T807151
- The carpenter is measuring the floor. T681445
- No Translation T681445
- The distance between stars is measured in light years. T541982
- No Translation T541982
- The government should take targeted measures to eliminate unemployment. T934434
- No Translation T934434
- The measure of love is to love without measure. T879624
- No Translation T879624
- These measures can prevent the disease from spreading. T742938
- No Translation T742938
- They fought the measures in the courts. T802415
- No Translation T802415
- We must take protective measures against floods. T800269
- No Translation T800269
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).