Sentences with "kill, killed, killed, killing, kills"
Found: 365
- He killed him. T291130
- 彼はその男を殺した。 T112547
- They'll kill me. T279553
- 奴等に殺されてしまいます。 T124441
- Betty killed him. T33928
- べティは彼を殺した。 T196749
- I'm killing time. T264004
- 時間をつぶしているだけです。 T150553
- Care killed a cat. T269036
- 心配は身の毒。 T145527
- 病は気から。 T85345
- His joke killed me. T285345
- 彼のジョークで笑った。 T118318
- 彼のジョークは最高だ。 T118315
- How can we kill time? T38352
- どうやって時間をつぶそう? T201147
- My back is killing me. T241502
- 腰がひどく痛むんですよ。 T172971
- 背中が痛くて死にそうだ。 T121541
- The pain is killing me. T59604
- この苦痛には我慢できない。 T222277
- This job is killing me. T59172
- この仕事、死ぬほどしんどい。 T221846
- Betty killed her mother. T33924
- ベティは母を殺した。 T196746
- He is just killing time. T298375
- 彼は時間稼ぎをしているだけだよ。 T105314
- I abhor killing animals. T280255
- 動物を殺すのはまっぴらだ。 T123740
- Curiosity killed the cat. T240712
- 好奇心が猫を殺した。 T173758
- 好奇心は身を誤る。 T173757
- 好奇心は身を滅ぼす。 T173756
- He tried to kill himself. T298463
- 彼は自殺しようとした。 T105226
- He was killed in the war. T300685
- 彼は戦死しました。 T103008
- Don't kill off bystanders! T329691
- 無関係の人を殺るな! T74029
- One day he killed himself. T67168
- ある日、彼は自殺した。 T229805
- Wasn't he killed by a car? T264513
- 自動車にひかれたのではないですか。 T150044
- You are trying to kill me. T64886
- おまえはオレを殺そうとしている。 T227533
- Bill was killed with a gun. T34491
- ビルは銃で殺された。 T197308
- He was killed with a sword. T295952
- 彼は剣で殺された。 T107733
- He was run over and killed. T299031
- 彼は車に轢かれて死んだ。 T104659
- Osamu Dazai killed himself. T275022
- 太宰治は、自殺した。 T138213
- Bill was killed by that man. T34544
- ビルはその男に殺された。 T236862
- She was dressed fit to kill. T315763
- 彼女は男性がほれぼれとするような着物をきていた。 T87944
- Wow, you're dressed to kill. T67443
- あら、かっこよく決めているわね。 T230078
- Our son was killed in action. T65533
- うちの息子は戦死した。 T228179
- She killed herself yesterday. T313812
- 彼女は昨日自殺した。 T89902
- Some read books to kill time. T263947
- 時間つぶしに読書する人もいます。 T150611
- We played cards to kill time. T263060
- 私達は時間をつぶすためにトランプをしました。 T151496
- He barely missed being killed. T295004
- 彼は危ういところで死なずにすんだ。 T108685
- If it's all real just kill me. T273690
- 全てが現実ならオレを殺して。 T140882
- My canary was killed by a cat. T250282
- 私のカナリアは猫に殺された。 T164227
- She attempted to kill herself. T314567
- 彼女は自殺しようとした。 T89139
- Bill was killed by an intruder. T34487
- ビルは侵入者によって殺された。 T197303
- He killed the goose, foolishly. T289445
- 彼はおろかにもがちょうを殺した。 T114226
- I'm about to kill the big boss. T275546
- 大ボスを倒すところだ。 T137690
- If you hurt her, I'll kill you. T530355
- 彼女を怪我させてみろ、殺してやる。 T86127
- I read a magazine to kill time. T263946
- 時間つぶしに雑誌を読んだ。 T150610
- The dog was killed on the spot. T48235
- その犬は即死した。 T210964
- They argued that he killed her. T307331
- 彼らは彼が彼女を殺したと主張した。 T96374
- They killed time playing cards. T305955
- 彼らはトランプをして時間をつぶした。 T97749
- This bomb can kill many people. T57523
- この爆弾はたくさんの人を殺すことができる。 T220204
- He was killed in a car accident. T298503
- 彼は自動車事故でなくなった。 T105186
- The lamb was killed by the wolf. T246104
- 子羊は狼に殺された。 T168388
- The red kills the whole pattern. T58188
- この赤色で柄全体がだいなしだ。 T220866
- This mouse was killed by my cat. T58040
- この鼠は私の猫に殺されました。 T220718
- Two sheep were killed by a wolf. T324866
- 羊が2匹狼に殺されました。 T78850
- We killed time by playing cards. T23139
- 我々はトランプ遊びで時間をつぶした。 T186007
- He narrowly escaped being killed. T295005
- 彼は危うく死を免れた。 T108684
- He thought he would kill himself. T298465
- 彼は自殺しようと思った。 T105224
- He was killed by a single bullet. T293819
- 彼は一発の弾丸で殺された。 T109870
- Kill me! Kill me! Kill all of me! T244933
- 殺せ!殺せ!俺のすべてを殺せ! T169553
- The frost killed all the flowers. T274304
- 霜で花はみんな枯れた。 T140268
- The magazine is for killing time. T47748
- その雑誌は暇潰しです。 T210480
- The soldier was killed in action. T44098
- その兵士は戦死した。 T206849
- It's time to move in for the kill. T243918
- 最後のつめにはいるときです。 T170563
- Kill my heart and release my pain. T268980
- 心を殺して苦しみを消して。 T145582
- That fox must have killed the hen. T68404
- あの狐がめん鳥を殺したに違いない。 T231038
- A lot of soldiers were killed here. T61876
- ここで多くの兵士たちが死んだ。 T224541
- He killed himself by taking poison. T302080
- 彼は毒を飲んで自殺した。 T101613
- Her son was killed in the accident. T309540
- 彼女の息子は事故で死んだ。 T94165
- Kim is a knockout, dressed to kill. T63206
- キムはすごく魅力的な服装をしている。 T225868
- Many people were killed in the war. T45738
- その戦争で多くの人々が死んだ。 T208479
- 多くの人がその戦争で死んだ。 T138354
- Reading kills time on a train trip. T20245
- 汽車旅行には読書がよい暇潰しになる。 T183123
- They are plotting to kill the king. T306203
- 彼らは王の殺害をたくらんでいる。 T97499
- This is how he killed the big bear. T62336
- こうして彼は大きな熊を殺したのです。 T225000
- Who was the man killed on the hill? T378809
- その丘で殺された男はだれだったのか。 T211457
- His wife was killed in the accident. T286360
- 彼の妻はその事故で死亡した。 T117304
- Once we've killed, we enjoy killing. T27461
- 一度殺すと、殺しが楽しくなる。 T190303
- She killed herself by taking poison. T316028
- 彼女は毒を飲んで自殺した。 T87680
- He was killed in a railroad accident. T301744
- 彼は鉄道事故で死んだ。 T101949
- She tried to kill herself last night. T313853
- 彼女は昨夜自殺しようとした。 T89862
- This is it. They're going to kill me. T56094
- これでおしまいだ、殺されてしまう。 T218779
- Yukio Mishima killed himself in 1970. T244994
- 三島由紀夫は1970年に自殺した。 T169492
- Four families were killed in the fire. T23836
- 火事で4世帯が焼死した。 T186700
- He had his only son killed in the war. T293731
- 彼は一人息子を戦争で亡くした。 T109957
- He made a killing in his new business. T299929
- 彼は新商売で荒稼ぎをした。 T103764
- He was killed in an airplane accident. T303028
- 彼は飛行機事故で死んだ。 T100670
- Hold your tongue, or you'll be killed. T323683
- 黙ってろ。さもないと命はないぞ。 T80033
- I need some medicine to kill the pain. T57811
- この痛みをやわらげる薬が何かほしい。 T220489
- It will kill two birds with one stone. T51147
- そうすれば一挙両得だ。 T213860
- The elephant was killed by the hunter. T268260
- 象は猟師に殺された。 T146302
- A lot of people were killed in the war. T41022
- たくさんの人が戦死した。 T203781
- Another war, and we all will be killed. T31462
- もう一度戦争があれば、我々は皆死ぬだろう。 T194289
- He killed himself at the age of thirty. T288519
- 彼は30歳の時に自殺した。 T115152
- He was run over and killed on the spot. T292494
- 彼はひかれて即死した。 T111190
- 彼は車にひかれて、即死した。 T104664
- 彼は車に引かれて即死した。 T104663
- She killed about two hours watching TV. T311658
- 彼女はテレビを見て2時間ほど時間をつぶした。 T92053
- She killed time going around the shops. T315924
- 彼女は店をぶらぶら見て歩いて時間をつぶした。 T87783
- The author killed himself in his study. T47778
- その作家は自分の書斎で自殺した。 T210510
- The rat was killed by Tom with a stick. T50059
- そのネズミはトムに棒で殺された。 T212775
- I'm killing myself to meet the deadline. T278602
- 締切に間に合うように死に物狂いでやってるよ。 T125391
- I have never killed nor injured anybody. T259384
- 私は誰も殺したり傷つけたことはない。 T155156
- Many people were killed in the accident. T47178
- その事故で多くの人が死んだ。 T209915
- 多くの人々がその事故で死んだ。 T138333
- 多くの人が事故で死亡した。 T138346
- No fewer than 50 passengers were killed. T72550
- 50人もの乗客が死んだ。 T235172
- She killed herself at the age of thirty. T310150
- 彼女は30歳の時に自殺した。 T93557
- The explosion killed several passers-by. T282623
- 爆発で通行人が何人か死んだ。 T121383
- A lot of people were killed by the blast. T274895
- 多くの人が爆発で死んだ。 T138340
- Her son was killed in a traffic accident. T309539
- 彼女の息子は交通事故で死んだ。 T94166
- How many people were killed in the store? T47188
- その事故で何人の人が亡くなったのですか。 T209925
- Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. T323819
- 目前の利益の為に将来の利益を台無しにする。 T79898
- Let's play some video games to kill time. T23950
- 暇潰しにテレビゲームをしよう。 T186813
- She was killed in an automobile accident. T314586
- 彼女は自動車事故で亡くなった。 T89120
- She was on the border of killing herself. T314570
- 彼女は自殺寸前だった。 T89136
- The falling stone killed him at one blow. T325195
- 落下する石が彼を一撃で殺した。 T78521
- There's more ways than one to kill a cat. T282083
- 猫を殺すにも方法はいろいろある。 T121920
- The reason she killed herself is unknown. T307966
- 彼女が、自殺した理由は知られていない。 T95739
- They killed a goat as a sacrifice to God. T306097
- 彼らはやぎを神への捧げ物として殺した。 T97607
- We walked about in the park to kill time. T263944
- 時間つぶしに、私達は公園を歩き回った。 T150613
- Why he killed himself is still a mystery. T36356
- なぜ彼が自殺をしたかはいまだに謎である。 T199157
- I strolled along the streets to kill time. T23949
- 暇潰しに街をぶらぶらした。 T186812
- Many soldiers were killed in World War II. T274935
- 多くの兵士が第二次世界大戦で亡くなった。 T138300
- My grandfather was killed in World War II. T251348
- 私の祖父は第二次世界対戦で戦死しました。 T163164
- No passengers were killed in the accident. T47190
- その事故では乗客には死者はなかった。 T209927
- Please give me something to kill the pain. T278320
- 痛みを抑える薬を何かください。 T125672
- This is the place where he killed himself. T62046
- ここが彼が自殺した場所です。 T224711
- A lot of villagers were killed by soldiers. T274918
- 多くの村人は、兵士によって殺される。 T138317
- Few people were killed in the car accident. T46950
- その自動車事故で死んだ人はほとんどいなかった。 T209688
- It is a consolation that no one was killed. T327150
- だれにも死亡がなかったのは不幸中の幸いでした。 T76570
- All the passengers were killed in the crash. T424852
- その墜落事故で乗客は全員死亡した。 T207747
- A lot of people were killed in World War II. T41021
- たくさんの人が第二次世界大戦で戦死した。 T203780
- I am gardening these days just to kill time. T59228
- この頃私は退屈しのぎに庭造りをしています。 T221902
- My brother was killed in a traffic accident. T250711
- 私の兄は交通事故で亡くなった。 T163799
- The number of prey they killed was the same. T283678
- 彼が殺したえじきの数は同じだった。 T120332
- 彼らが殺したえじきの数はおなじだった。 T98696
- A man called Slim was killed in the accident. T51396
- スリムという名の男が事故で死んだ。 T214106
- He is believed to have been killed in action. T300684
- 彼は戦死したと思われている。 T103009
- I've got a toothache. The pain is killing me. T263582
- 歯が痛い。この苦痛は我慢できない。 T150974
- In ancient times, plagues killed many people. T239873
- 古代では疫病でたくさんの人が死んだ。 T174596
- It is still a mystery why she killed herself. T308115
- 彼女がなぜ自殺したのかは今なお謎である。 T95590
- She killed an hour looking around the stores. T315925
- 彼女は店を見てまわって1時間つぶした。 T87782
- He barely missed being killed in the accident. T288870
- 彼はあやうく事故で死を免れた。 T114801
- 彼は危うく事故で死をのがれた。 T108683
- Many people were killed in the plane accident. T318113
- 飛行機事故で多くの人が死亡した。 T85600
- Someone made a threat to kill that politician. T276120
- 誰かがその政治家を殺すと脅した。 T137116
- Brokers made a killing because of the high yen. T34064
- ブローカーは円高のおかげで大もうけしました。 T196885
- Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. T18602
- 金の卵を生むガチョウを殺すな。 T179743
- Don't kill too many birds and animals on earth. T277179
- 地上の鳥や動物をあまり大量に殺してはいけない。 T126911
- I would rather be killed than live in disgrace. T318680
- 不名誉の中で生きるより殺された方がましだ。 T85032
- The explosion that followed killed many people. T274528
- 続いて起きた爆発で多くの人が死んだ。 T139683
- The teacher told me that Hitler killed himself. T34760
- ヒットラーは自殺したと先生は私におっしゃった。 T197574
- Two people were killed in the traffic accident. T48076
- その交通事故で2人が死んだ。 T210806
- He barely escaped being hit and killed by a car. T662294
- 彼はもうちょっとで車にひき殺されるところだった。 T110621
- To my shock, he killed himself by taking poison. T246704
- 私が驚いたことには、彼は服毒自殺した。 T167795
- A great number of people were killed in a moment. T274904
- 多くの人々が一瞬のうちに殺された。 T138331
- He lost hope and killed himself by taking poison. T300617
- 彼は絶望のあまり、服毒自殺した。 T103076
- He tried to kill himself but it ended in failure. T298464
- 彼は自殺しようとしたが、未遂に終わった。 T105225
- It's up to me whether I kill you or let you live! T237700
- 君を生かすも殺すも僕次第だ。 T176763
- I think that why he killed his wife is a mystery. T434066
- なぜ彼が妻を殺したのかは謎だと思う。 T199159
- Luckily, Dick's father was not killed in the war. T240758
- 幸いにして、ディックのお父さんは戦死をまぬがれました。 T173707
- 幸いディックのお父さんは戦死を免れました。 T173712
- Many people were killed as a result of the storm. T274965
- 多数の人々がその嵐のために亡くなった。 T138270
- 嵐によって多くの人が死んだ。 T78456
- The volcano erupted suddenly killing many people. T49234
- その火山は突然噴火し、多くの人が亡くなった。 T211956
- This is the room where the author killed himself. T62146
- ここがその作家が自殺した部屋です。 T224811
- He tried to kill himself because he lost her love. T302756
- 彼は彼女の愛を失ったので自殺しようとした。 T100941
- Ten people were killed or injured in the accident. T47194
- その事故では10名の死傷者が出た。 T209931
- The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard. T35437
- バスががけから転落し、乗っていた10名全員が死亡した。 T198245
- All the passengers aboard were killed in the crash. T45002
- その墜落事故で乗っていた乗客は全員死亡した。 T207748
- As many as 400 passengers were killed in the crash. T45003
- その墜落事故で400人もの乗客が死亡した。 T207749
- He made a killing by investing in the stock market. T294892
- 彼は株式市場に投資をして大儲けをした。 T108797
- It's a miracle he wasn't killed in the plane crash. T284123
- 彼が飛行機事故で助かったのは奇跡だ。 T119539
- The prisoner denied that he had killed a policeman. T266256
- 囚人は警官を殺害したことを否定した。 T148303
- As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. T71755
- あたかも永遠を傷つけることがないかのごとく暇をつぶしているが・・・。 T234379
- She killed time reading a magazine while she waited. T315651
- 彼女は待っている間雑誌を読んでひまをつぶした。 T88056
- He had his only son killed in an automobile accident. T298501
- 彼は自動車事故で1人息子を亡くした。 T105188
- It's a miracle that he wasn't killed in the accident. T47174
- その事故で彼が死ななかったのは奇跡だ。 T209911
- It is impossible that she should have killed herself. T308340
- 彼女が自殺したということなどあり得ない。 T95366
- Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. T19960
- 喫煙によって死亡した者の大半はヘビースモーカーではなかった。 T182840
- Osamu Dazai killed himself at the age of thirty-nine. T275023
- 太宰治は39歳の時に自殺した。 T138212
- We all mourned for the people killed in the accident. T248509
- 私たちは皆事故による死者に哀悼の意を表した。 T165995
- About one hundred people were killed in this accident. T58981
- この事故で100人ほど死んだ。 T221655
- Fifteen people were killed or injured in the accident. T47185
- その事故で死傷者が15名出た。 T209922
- Some people are killing time relaxing on park benches. T240434
- 公園のベンチでくつろいで時間をつぶしている人が何人かいる。 T174036
- The news that the president was killed surprised them. T265361
- 社長が殺されたという知らせは彼らを驚かせた。 T149197
- He killed time in a coffee shop watching girls pass by. T295176
- 彼は喫茶店から女の子が通り過ぎるのを、眺めて時間をつぶしていた。 T108510
- He was involved in the accident and killed on the spot. T290912
- 彼はその事故に遭い、即死した。 T112764
- The man attacked her with the intention of killing her. T45319
- その男は殺意を抱いて彼女を襲った。 T208062
- Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy. T322446
- 毎日彼らは太陽の神を幸せにするためにラマを殺した。 T81269
- Some were injured and others were killed in the accident. T47165
- その事故で負傷した人もいれば亡くなった人もいた。 T209902
- Is that the man whose wife was killed in the car accident? T67087
- あれは奥さんがあの自動車事故で亡くなった人ですか。 T229725
- He was thought to have been killed in the Second World War. T301362
- 彼は第2次世界大戦で戦死したものと思われていた。 T102332
- I might as well kill myself as reconcile myself to my fate. T264651
- 自分の運命に甘んじるくらいなら自殺した方がましだ。 T149907
- Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm. T67758
- アフリカでは多くの人々がその嵐で死んだ。 T230391
- As a result of the accident, several passengers were killed. T47189
- その事故で何人かの乗客が亡くなった。 T209926
- A time bomb went off in the airport killing thirteen people. T18218
- 空港で出時限爆弾が爆発し13名もの命を奪った。 T179361
- Had it not been for your courage, we would have been killed. T70348
- あなたの勇気がなかったら、私たちは死んでいただろう。 T232978
- It is said that her father was killed in a traffic accident. T308974
- 彼女のお父さんは交通事故で亡くなったそうだ。 T94732
- I would rather kill myself than reconcile myself to my fate. T26538
- 運命に甘んじるくらいなら自殺したほうがいい。 T189387
- The town in ruins, burning, people and children being killed. T282426
- 廃墟の町とか、火災とか大人や子供が殺されているのとか。 T121579
- Three workers on board the truck were killed in the accident. T36946
- トラックに乗っていた3人の作業員がその事故で死んだ。 T199743
- A lot of people are killed in automobile accidents every year. T322479
- 毎年多くの人々が自動車事故で亡くなっている。 T81236
- Lots of old people are killed in traffic accidents every year. T322471
- 毎年交通事故で亡くなる老人が多い。 T81245
- As a result of a traffic accident, several persons were killed. T240339
- 交通事故の結果、死者が数人出た。 T174131
- Romeo, believing that Juliet was dead, decided to kill himself. T29321
- ロメオはジュリエットが死んだと信じ、自殺しよう決心した。 T192158
- They would have been killed if the car had gone over the cliff. T265411
- 車ががけから落ちていたなら彼らは死んでいただろう。 T149147
- I often say a great doctor kills more people than a great general. T255875
- 私はよく言うが、偉大な医者は偉大な将軍よりも多くの人々を殺す。 T158653
- Mick killed time by reading a magazine while waiting for his date. T32270
- ミックはデートの相手を待っている間、雑誌を読んで時間をつぶした。 T195096
- President Kennedy was killed, but his legend will live on forever. T62577
- ケネディー大統領は殺害されたが、彼の伝説は永遠に生き続けるだろう。 T225241
- Six months have passed since the author was killed in an accident. T68375
- あの作家が事故で死んでから、6ヶ月になります。 T231008
- The new ambassador will push for a cease-fire to stop the killing. T269362
- 新任の大使は休戦を推し進めて、これ以上の殺りくを終わらせるでしょう。 T145201
- They didn't kill him, they just roughed him up a bit as a warning. T307412
- 彼らは彼を殺しはしなかった。ただ警告の意味で殴ったり蹴ったりした。 T96293
- I am told to inform you that your father was killed in an accident. T64098
- お父さんが事故で亡くなられたことをお知らせするよう言われています。 T226752
- Quite a few people were killed on the cold wave that hit this area. T57895
- この地方を襲った寒波のためかなり大勢の人が亡くなった。 T220573
- We played chess not so much to enjoy the game as just to kill time. T321372
- 僕たちはゲームを楽しむためというよりただ暇をつぶすためにチェスをした。 T82343
- Why does the politician try to kill off the opinions of the majority? T36450
- なぜその政治家は大多数の意見を抹殺しようとするのか。 T199248
- The athletes sat around killing time, waiting for their game to start. T273556
- 選手達はすわって時間をつぶしながらゲームの始まるのを待っていた。 T141016
- She shed plentiful tears when her beloved dog was killed in an accident. T310698
- 彼女はかわいがっていた犬が事故で死んだ時、たくさんの涙を流した。 T93011
- For the last 30 years, ad agencies would kill for a major tobacco account. T326962
- この30年間、広告会社は大手たばこ会社のお客をのどから手が出るほど欲しがった。 T76758
- Martin Luther King, Jr., a man of peace, was killed by an assassin's bullet. T32983
- マーテイン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニアは暗殺者の凶弾で命を落としたのである。 T195808
- The plane exploded and plunged into the ocean, killing all the people on board. T317990
- 飛行機が爆発して海に墜落し、乗っていたすべての人が亡くなった。 T85723
- The train was derailed and about thirty passengers were either killed or injured. T326150
- 列車が脱落して、乗客のうち約30人の死傷者が出た。 T77569
- If my father had not been killed in the war, he would be over sixty years old now. T318863
- 父が戦死していなかったら、今は60歳を超えているのだが。 T84852
- My dog was run over by a truck. He was not killed, but his foot was badly injured. T250767
- 私の犬はトラックにひかれた。犬は死ななかったが、足をひどく負傷した。 T163744
- The news that her husband had been killed in an accident was a great shock to her. T309690
- 彼女の夫が事故で死んだというニュースは、彼女にとっては大変ショックであった。 T94016
- So, players were often seriously injured and sometimes even killed in these rough games. T41082
- だから、この荒々しい試合では選手がひどいけがを負っていたし、ときには死ぬこともあったのです。 T203841
- If my boy had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student now. T399492
- あの子が交通事故で死ななかったら、今ごろは大学生になっているだろう。 T230983
- Three persons were killed and ten were severely or slightly injured in the railway accident. T44925
- その鉄道事故で死者三名、重軽傷者10名が出た。 T207672
- He asked the policeman how many people had been killed in traffic accidents the previous day. T290734
- 彼はその警官に前日の事故で何人死んだのかと尋ねた。 T112942
- All this walking is killing the soles of my feet and my toes. I wonder if I have the right size shoes. T320503
- 歩きすぎて、足の裏と足の指が痛い。靴のサイズがあってないのかな。 T83213
- Sadako's friends wanted to build a monument to her and all children who were killed by the atomic bomb. T278590
- 禎子の友人達は、彼女と原爆でなくなったすべての子供達の慰霊碑を建てたいと思った。 T125403
- During the past several years, many Japanese have been either killed or injured while traveling overseas. T62164
- ここ2、3年、外国を旅行中に交通事故で死亡または負傷した日本人は多い。 T224829
- Desktop publishing lets you produce books quickly and cheaply. It's like killing two birds with one stone. T72231
- DTPで本を作れば、安いし早いし、まさに一挙両得だ。 T234854
- A number of people were killed. T804378
- No Translation T804378
- Aaron killed Elizabeth. T423449
- No Translation T423449
- Aaron was coldly killed by Mary. T423538
- No Translation T423538
- Abbott killed Mary. T423451
- No Translation T423451
- About four thousand soldiers were killed. T804391
- No Translation T804391
- After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time. T432912
- No Translation T432912
- Alister killed Barbara. T423453
- No Translation T423453
- Aron killed Elizabeth. T502461
- No Translation T502461
- Barbara was killed by Alister. T423475
- No Translation T423475
- Because he couldn't kill me, I killed him. T941319
- No Translation T941319
- Betty killed everyone. T517497
- No Translation T517497
- Betty killed her. T33926
- No Translation T33926
- Betty killed his mother. T377135
- No Translation T377135
- Betty killed Jane while she was singing. T423621
- No Translation T423621
- Betty killed them all. T517504
- No Translation T517504
- Bill was killed by a burglar. T424853
- No Translation T424853
- Don't get yourself killed. T777624
- No Translation T777624
- Don't kill the messenger. T695183
- No Translation T695183
- Elizabeth killed Alister in cold blood. T423532
- No Translation T423532
- Farm animals were taken away or killed. T804389
- No Translation T804389
- Five colonists were killed. T804373
- No Translation T804373
- Four soldiers and twelve civilians were killed. T804395
- No Translation T804395
- General Braddock was killed. T804375
- No Translation T804375
- God is dead, and we have killed him. T337218
- No Translation T337218
- Guns don't kill people. People kill people. T483350
- No Translation T483350
- Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! T425087
- No Translation T425087
- He had no hesitations when killing the bird for eating. T607599
- No Translation T607599
- He killed him to avenge his dead father. T867549
- No Translation T867549
- He killed himself. T857851
- No Translation T857851
- He killed that man. T476182
- No Translation T476182
- He was killed instantly. T802932
- No Translation T802932
- He was nearly killed after being run over by a car. T293065
- No Translation T293065
- His son had been killed in a duel. T804384
- No Translation T804384
- Huge numbers of soldiers and civilians were killed. T804399
- No Translation T804399
- Hundreds of people were killed or injured. T804392
- No Translation T804392
- Hundreds of people were killed. T804379
- No Translation T804379
- I am an idiot! Kill me somebody! T468253
- No Translation T468253
- I don't think he killed those men. T712891
- No Translation T712891
- I killed God. T811617
- No Translation T811617
- I killed the count. T653413
- No Translation T653413
- I killed two birds in one stone. T483060
- No Translation T483060
- I think the reason for why he killed his wife is still a mystery. T36357
- No Translation T36357
- I was looking to kill time. T454508
- No Translation T454508
- I was trying to kill time. T1703
- No Translation T1703
- I would kill for a plate of polo right now. T562854
- No Translation T562854
- I would like to kill time with you, against me. T607626
- No Translation T607626
- I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. T1359
- No Translation T1359
- I'll kill you. T436719
- No Translation T436719
- I'm going to kill you for wasting my time. T490661
- No Translation T490661
- I'm scared of killing animals. T651565
- No Translation T651565
- If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now. T670834
- No Translation T670834
- If you don't make it back in time for the meeting, I'll kill you. T953947
- No Translation T953947
- If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him. T913547
- No Translation T913547
- If you skip my class, I will kill you. T518226
- No Translation T518226
- It can also kill crops. T727517
- No Translation T727517
- It was Alister who killed Barbara. T423473
- No Translation T423473
- It was Barbara who Elister killed. T423474
- No Translation T423474
- It's too bad, but your character gets killed at the start of the play. T408772
- No Translation T408772
- Jump on the creature to kill it. T477373
- No Translation T477373
- Kill it with fire! T823465
- No Translation T823465
- Kill me with words! T723567
- No Translation T723567
- Kill them, for the Lord knows those who are His. T438630
- No Translation T438630
- Kill two birds with one stone. T272207
- No Translation T272207
- Kill your darlings. T745567
- No Translation T745567
- Later, more people were killed. T804380
- No Translation T804380
- Many innocent people were killed. T804382
- No Translation T804382
- Many Union soldiers were killed or wounded. T804393
- No Translation T804393
- Mary killed Abbott. T425194
- No Translation T425194
- Maybe I am unhappy, but I don't intend to kill myself. T460061
- No Translation T460061
- Men, women and children on both sides were killed. T804398
- No Translation T804398
- Monkeys kill people too, but only if they have guns. T483475
- No Translation T483475
- Most of the exiles were killed or captured. T804394
- No Translation T804394
- My cat killed a squirrel. T681296
- No Translation T681296
- My cat killed this mouse. T452744
- No Translation T452744
- My girlfriend said that she'd kill me if I got drunk. T567984
- No Translation T567984
- My level 9 barbarian has been killed. T911805
- No Translation T911805
- My neighbor's son was killed by a drunk driver. T681295
- No Translation T681295
- Never use a cannon to kill a fly. T458038
- No Translation T458038
- No one on either side was killed. T804386
- No Translation T804386
- One American was killed in the fight. T804387
- No Translation T804387
- One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. T376412
- No Translation T376412
- One drop of this poison is enough to kill 160 people. T892678
- No Translation T892678
- Only two Texans were killed. T804376
- No Translation T804376
- Our son was killed in the war. T741903
- No Translation T741903
- Please do not kill me. T511808
- No Translation T511808
- Poison can kill you. T681755
- No Translation T681755
- Quakers believe that it is always wrong to kill. T804396
- No Translation T804396
- Seven policemen were killed. T804377
- No Translation T804377
- She allegedly killed him in self defense. T886940
- No Translation T886940
- She allegedly killed him. T886941
- No Translation T886941
- She followed him home then killed him. T887113
- No Translation T887113
- She forgave him for killing her father. T887121
- No Translation T887121
- She killed him with a knife. T887257
- No Translation T887257
- She was on the verge of killing herself. T502252
- No Translation T502252
- She witnessed him being killed. T887595
- No Translation T887595
- Six hundred thousand men were killed or wounded. T804397
- No Translation T804397
- Smoking kills. T688852
- No Translation T688852
- Some civilians were killed. T804374
- No Translation T804374
- Speed kills. T874044
- No Translation T874044
- That way I kill two birds with one stone. T2223
- No Translation T2223
- The archer killed the deer. T1531
- No Translation T1531
- The buffalo were killed. T804371
- No Translation T804371
- The crazy gunman threatened to kill me. T681297
- No Translation T681297
- The huge explosion killed six people. T804388
- No Translation T804388
- The mafia boss was killed in a hail of machine gun fire. T638203
- No Translation T638203
- The tiger was killed. T777592
- No Translation T777592
- They attacked a group of Frenchmen and killed ten of them. T802737
- No Translation T802737
- They claimed that he'd killed her. T386188
- No Translation T386188
- They killed more than three thousand sailors. T802583
- No Translation T802583
- They killed this goat as a sacrifice to God. T838812
- No Translation T838812
- They were forced to kill and eat several of their horses. T802731
- No Translation T802731
- They would be killed if captured by the British. T802628
- No Translation T802628
- They're going to kill me. T930010
- No Translation T930010
- Thirteen Americans were killed. T804381
- No Translation T804381
- Thirty-thousand people were killed. T804385
- No Translation T804385
- This bomb can kill a lot of people. T387556
- No Translation T387556
- Thou shalt not kill. T694330
- No Translation T694330
- Thousands were killed or wounded. T804383
- No Translation T804383
- Three missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals. T954440
- No Translation T954440
- To kill two birds with one stone. T27534
- No Translation T27534
- Two Indians were killed. T804372
- No Translation T804372
- Two thousand American soldiers were killed. T804390
- No Translation T804390
- What do you mean they are killing each other? T620079
- No Translation T620079
- What does not kill me, makes me stronger. T433894
- No Translation T433894
- What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. T954541
- No Translation T954541
- When people are killed, they die. T890419
- No Translation T890419
- Why do people kill themselves? T622793
- No Translation T622793
- You are killing me slowly. T269598
- No Translation T269598
- You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. T342814
- No Translation T342814
- You don't understand. He'll kill you. T574675
- No Translation T574675
- You killed my father, and today I'll have my vengeance. T597779
- No Translation T597779
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).