Sentences with "judge, judged, judged, judging, judges"
Found: 205
- Judging from this. T56265
- これから判断すると。 T218950
- The judge can't stop. T282737
- 判事には時間を止めれない。 T121269
- He's no judge of music. T294200
- 彼は音楽の良し悪しがわからない。 T109490
- I can't judge distance. T19377
- 距離が判断できません。 T182136
- It can't be judged in me. T249556
- 私では判断できません。 T164950
- He is as grave as a judge. T302464
- 彼は判事のようにとても厳めしい。 T101232
- Never judge by appearance. T238527
- 決して見かけで判断するな。 T175938
- The court judged the case. T321035
- 法廷はその訴訟に判決を下した。 T82681
- You cannot buy that judge. T16805
- 君はあの判事を買収できない。 T177953
- Don't judge by appearances. T239272
- 見かけで判断するな。 T175194
- Which judge heard the case? T263664
- 事件を審議したのはどの裁判官ですか。 T150891
- The court judged him guilty. T321037
- 法廷は彼に有罪の判決を下した。 T82679
- You must judge for yourself. T16187
- 君は君自身で判断しなければいけない。 T177337
- He is a good judge of horses. T302389
- 彼は馬の善し悪しを見る目は確かだ。 T101307
- I had to judge it for myself. T254818
- 私はそれを自分で判断しなければならなかった。 T159704
- The public is the best judge. T27344
- 一般大衆は最もよい審判者である。 T190186
- The judge's decision is final. T268941
- 審判の判定は絶対だ。 T145621
- Discretion is proper to judges. T244218
- 裁判官には慎重さがなくてはならない。 T170266
- Don't judge others by yourself. T239915
- 己をもって他人を律するな。 T174554
- Don't judge a book by its cover. T322083
- 本をその表紙で判断してはいけない。 T81632
- 本を表紙で判断するな。 T81601
- Will the judge fine him heavily? T244230
- 裁判官は彼に重い罰金を科せるのだろうか。 T170254
- Don't judge a man by his clothes. T270184
- 人を服装で判断するな。 T144381
- Don't judge a man by what he has. T270154
- 人をもっているもので判断しては行けない。 T144411
- Don't judge people by appearance. T529315
- 人を見かけで判断するな。 T144404
- The judge condemned him to death. T244229
- 裁判官は彼に死刑を宣告した。 T170255
- The judge sentenced him to a fine. T244231
- 裁判官は彼に罰金を言い渡した。 T170253
- He appealed to the judge for mercy. T296826
- 彼は裁判官に慈悲を求めた。 T106860
- The judge in the case was not fair. T45635
- その訴訟の判事は公平ではなかった。 T208377
- The judge was grave and forbidding. T47803
- その裁判官は厳粛な顔をして、怖そうに見えた。 T210535
- Don't judge a man by his appearance. T21970
- 外見で人を判断するな。 T184840
- He judged it wiser to remain silent. T323672
- 黙っていた方が利口だと彼は考えた。 T80045
- He pleaded with the judge for mercy. T296825
- 彼は裁判官に寛大な処置を願った。 T106861
- They looked on him as a great judge. T307381
- 彼らは彼らを偉大な判事だとみなしていた。 T96324
- 彼らは彼を偉大な判事だと見なしていた。 T96309
- 彼らは彼を偉大な判事と見なしていた。 T96308
- He life hangs on the judge's decision. T287668
- 彼の命は判決いかんにかかっている。 T116001
- The judge acknowledged him the winner. T268948
- 審判は彼を勝者と認めた。 T145614
- The judge laughed in spite of himself. T244225
- 裁判官はついうっかり笑ってしまった。 T170259
- 裁判官は思わず笑った。 T170257
- 判事は思わず笑った。 T121268
- The judge reversed the final decision. T47806
- その裁判官は、最終判決をひるがえした。 T210536
- You must not judge others by yourself. T274755
- 他人を己を持って計ってはいけない。 T138480
- Don't judge a person by his appearance. T21971
- 外見で人を判断してはならない。 T184841
- Don't judge people by their appearance. T270158
- 人を外見で判断してはいけない。 T144407
- Judging from his appearance, he is sick. T21977
- 外見から判断すると、彼は病気だ。 T184847
- Judging from the sky, it will rain soon. T18151
- 空模様から判断すると、すぐ雨が降ってくるだろう。 T179294
- The criminal begged the judge for mercy. T282801
- 犯人は裁判官に慈悲を請うた。 T121205
- The judge decided against the plaintiff. T244226
- 裁判官は原告に不利な判決を下した。 T170258
- The prisoner was brought before a judge. T317887
- 被告は裁判官の前に連れていかれた。 T85825
- You have to judge the case without bias. T16568
- 君はその問題を公正に判断しなければならない。 T177716
- A man cannot be judged by his appearance. T270063
- 人は見かけによらない。 T144502
- Judging from what you say, he may succeed. T17197
- 君の言葉から判断すると、彼は成功するかもしれない。 T178345
- You shouldn't judge a person by his looks. T270049
- 人は外見で判断すべきではない。 T144516
- 人を外見で判断すべきではない。 T144406
- I will judge whether it is superior or not. T43077
- それが優れているかいないかを私が判断します。 T205831
- Judging from his accent, he is from Kansai. T285222
- 彼のアクセントから判断すると、彼は関西の出身だ。 T118441
- One is judged by one's speech first of all. T270024
- 人はまず第一にそのひとの言葉使いによって判断される。 T144541
- The judge called for a recess of two hours. T244240
- 裁判長は、2時間の休憩を告げた。 T170244
- We should judge matters on a broader basis. T30394
- もっと大局的に見て判断すべきだ。 T193229
- Judging from his expression, he is bad mood. T318351
- 表情から判断すると、彼は機嫌が悪い。 T85362
- Mr. Yappari appealed to the judge for mercy. T244219
- ヤッパリさんが裁判官に慈悲を求めて訴えた。 T170265
- The judge charged the audience to be silent. T244233
- 裁判官は傍聴人に静寂にするように命じた。 T170251
- You can't judge happiness in terms of money. T240837
- 幸福を金銭の面から判断することは出来ない。 T173633
- One is often judged by the company one keeps. T269998
- 人はしばしば付き合う友達によって評価される。 T144567
- She stood in the court before judge and jury. T316976
- 彼女は法廷に判事と陪審員の前にたった。 T86734
- Such a judge may as well retire from his job. T41327
- そんな審判員はやめてしまったほうがよい。 T204085
- The judge bound the spectators to keep quiet. T282741
- 判事は傍聴人に静かにするよう警告した。 T121265
- You should not judge a man by his appearance. T270164
- 人を見掛けで評価してはならない。 T144401
- You should not judge a person by his clothes. T319833
- 服装で人を判断しては行けない。 T83883
- Judging from her letter, she seems to be well. T309386
- 彼女の手紙から判断すると、彼女は元気なようだ。 T94320
- Men judged those women to be odd or dangerous. T276871
- 男はそういう女性が変わり者か危険だと考えた。 T127219
- The judge disposed of the case in short order. T244232
- 裁判官は非常にすばやくその訴訟を片づけた。 T170252
- Judging from his accent, he must be from Osaka. T36264
- なまりから判断して彼は大阪の人に違いない。 T199066
- The judge was exhausted from the nervous stain. T282739
- 判事は神経性の過労でくたくただった。 T121267
- You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. T270163
- 人を見掛けで判断するものではない。 T144402
- Don't judge each other by the color of the skin. T65004
- おたがいに皮膚の色によって判断してはいけない。 T227651
- Judging from his accent, he must be from Kyushu. T285388
- 彼のなまりから考えれば、九州出身に違いない。 T118275
- You should not judge people by their appearance. T270153
- 人を見かけで判断してはいけない。 T144412
- Judge him by what he does, not by his appearance. T21972
- 外見ではなく、行動で人を判断しなさい。 T184842
- Judging from his appearance, he may be a soldier. T324825
- 様子から判断すれば、彼は兵士かもしれない。 T78891
- Judging from his expression, he is in a bad mood. T287373
- 彼の表情から判断すると、彼は機嫌が悪い。 T116296
- Man is judged by his courage, woman by her charm. T276895
- 男は度胸、女は愛敬。 T127194
- The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty. T244222
- 裁判官はその囚人が有罪であると決断を下した。 T170262
- We sometimes judge others based on their actions. T270166
- 人を行動で判断してしまうことがある。 T144399
- You must judge the situation and act accordingly. T268550
- 状況を判断してそれに応じて行動しなければならない。 T146012
- A man should not be judged by his station in life. T269994
- 人は、その身分によって、判断されるべきではない。 T144571
- You can't judge their works by the same standards. T305210
- 彼らの作品を同じ標準では判断できない。 T98491
- I make a point of judging a man by his personality. T258894
- 私は人柄で人を判断するように心がけている。 T155644
- Judging from his appearance, he must be a rich man. T285782
- 彼の外見から判断して、彼は金持ちに違いない。 T117882
- The judge concluded that the prisoner was innocent. T244220
- 裁判官は、その囚人が無罪だと結論をくだした。 T170264
- The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. T282740
- 判事は彼に禁固1年を宣告した。 T121266
- We chose Father as a neutral judge of our disputes. T248784
- 私たちは私たちの論争の公平な判定者としておとうさんを選んだ。 T165721
- One will be judged by one's appearance first of all. T270018
- 人はなによりもまずその外見によって判断される。 T144547
- You can't judge a person if you don't know him well. T46029
- その人のことをよく知らなければ判断できない。 T208770
- Judging from her appearance, I think that she's rich. T269809
- 身なりから判断すると彼女が金持ちだと思います。 T144755
- Judging from what you say, he must be a great writer. T70691
- あなたの言葉から判断すると、彼は偉大な作家に違いない。 T233321
- The judge sentenced him to a jail term of five years. T244228
- 裁判官は彼に五年の懲役刑を宣告した。 T170256
- The presiding judge sentenced the defendant to death. T244241
- 裁判長は被告に死刑の判決を言い渡した。 T170243
- You cannot judge a person if you don't know him well. T46030
- その人のことをよく知らなければ、人を判断できない。 T208771
- Judging from his appearance, he must be the conductor. T21978
- 外見から判断して、彼が指揮者にちがいない。 T184848
- Judging from the look of the sky, it is going to snow. T18147
- 空模様から判断すると、雪が降りそうだ。 T179291
- Judging from what you say, he must be a great scholar. T16855
- 君の話から判断すると、彼は偉大な学者にちがいない。 T178003
- You should not judge a person by his appearance alone. T270157
- 人を外見だけで判断するものではない。 T144408
- Judging from her appearance, she seems to be very rich. T21975
- 外見から判断すると、彼女はとても金持ちのようだ。 T184846
- Judging from the look of the sky, it is likely to rain. T18150
- この空模様からすると、雨になりそうだ。 T222272
- 空模様から判断すると、雨になりそうだ。 T179293
- The judge pardoned the prisoner a year of his sentence. T244223
- 裁判官はその囚人の一年の刑期を赦免した。 T170261
- We are liable to judge others by the clothes they wear. T248921
- 私たちは身につけている衣服で他人を判断しがちである。 T165584
- Such an act will be judged at the bar of public opinion. T51218
- そういう行為は世論の裁きを受けるだろう。 T213930
- The presiding judge was touched by pity for the accused. T244242
- 裁判長は被告に大いに同情していた。 T170242
- I judged from what he said that he did not agree with me. T286192
- 彼の口ぶりから私の意見に賛成でないと判断した。 T117471
- Judging from his expression, he is not telling the truth. T287374
- 彼の表情から判断すれば、彼は本当の事を話していない。 T116294
- Judging from his manner, he is not suitable for this job. T275335
- 態度から判断すると、彼はこの仕事にふさわしくない。 T137901
- One cannot judge people only by their outward appearances. T21976
- 外見だけで人を判断することはできない。 T184845
- Young people are often poor judges of their own abilities. T265819
- 若者は自分の能力を正しく評価できないことが多い。 T148740
- Judging from the look of the sky, it will be fine tomorrow. T18144
- 空模様から判断すると明日は晴れるだろう。 T179288
- Judging from those facts, Mr. Mori must be a wealthy person. T41993
- それらの事実から判断すれば、森氏は金持ちにちがいない。 T204752
- Judging from what he says, he seems to be a man of ability. T285200
- 彼に話から判断すると、彼は有能な男のようだ。 T118461
- He was judged sane and was therefore chargeable with murder. T300381
- 彼は正気と判断され、従って殺人罪で告発された。 T103312
- Judging from all reports, she seems to be right for the job. T318361
- 評判で察すると、彼女はその仕事にふさわしいようだ。 T85352
- Judging from his report, the project seems to be going well. T287519
- 彼の報告から判断すると計画は旨く行っているようだ。 T116150
- Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain at any moment. T18145
- 空模様から判断するといつ降り出すかもわからない。 T179287
- Judging from the look of the sky, we may have snow tomorrow. T18146
- 空模様から判断すると、明日は雪になるかもしれない。 T179289
- Hrmmm, to judge from their looks they might be from Shanghai. T329421
- う〜む、相貌から判断するに上海からか。 T74299
- Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain this afternoon. T18148
- 空模様から判断すると、今日の午後は雨が降るかもしれない。 T179290
- Judging from what he said to me, his mind seems to be made up. T286129
- 彼の言葉から判断すると気持ちは決まっている様だ。 T117535
- Judging from what she says, he is satisfied to a great extent. T309250
- 彼女の言葉から判断すると、彼は大いに満足しているようだ。 T94456
- Such a judge should retire from his job before retirement age. T54667
- こんな裁判官は、定年より前に引退する方がよい。 T217358
- You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends. T67199
- ある男を判断するには、その人の友人によるのと同様に敵によって判断するのがいいだろう。 T229836
- Judging by the swelling, the man must have been bitten by a snake. T46729
- その腫れから判断すると、その人はきっと蛇にかまれたに違いありません。 T209468
- Judging from the look on his face, it seems that he has succeeded. T285814
- 彼の顔つきから判断するとどうも成功したらしい。 T117850
- Most people judge men only by their success or their good fortune. T41183
- たいていの人は、人間をただその人の成功なり、あるいは幸運によってのみ判断する。 T203941
- You must take his age into account when you judge his performance. T286253
- 彼の行いを評価する時は彼の年齢を考慮しなければならない。 T117411
- In judging his work we must take account of his lack of experience. T286399
- 彼の作品を審査するときには、彼の経験不足を考慮に入れなければならない。 T117265
- It was wrong to try to judge happiness in terms of worldly success. T240817
- 幸福と言うものを世俗的な成功と言う点から考えるのは間違っている。 T173653
- Judging from the look of the sky, it will clear up in the afternoon. T18149
- 空模様から判断すると、午後は晴れ上がるでしょう。 T179292
- Judging from what you have seen of him, this fellow is not a coward. T71324
- あなたが彼について見たことから判断すると、この男は臆病者ではない。 T233952
- The fire that broke out last night was judged to be caused by arson. T244743
- 昨晩の火事は放火と断定された。 T169743
- Nations are not to be judged by their size any more than individuals. T241376
- 国家も個人と同様に、その大きさによって評価すべきものではない。 T173096
- Some were under the impression that the judges had not chosen wisely. T268940
- 審査員の選択は賢明でなかったと思う人もいました。 T145622
- The student took to heart the judge's critical comments on his speech. T48918
- その学生は、自分の弁論に対して審査員が批判的に述べたことをひどく気にした。 T211641
- The lawyer asked the judge to make allowance for the age of the accused. T320451
- 弁護士は裁判官に被告人達の年齢を考慮するように求めた。 T83265
- 弁護人は裁判官に被告人たちの年齢を考慮するように求めた。 T83256
- The judge took into consideration the fact that it was his first offense. T244221
- 裁判官は、それが初犯であることを考慮に入れた。 T170263
- Judging from the look of the sky, we might have a shower before nightfall. T59598
- この空模様から察すると、日暮れ前にひょっとしたら一雨降るかも知れません。 T222271
- The following example of sick humor will enable you to judge for yourself. T264161
- 次にあげる「ブラック・ユーモア」の例を見れば、自分で判断を下すことができるだろう。 T150396
- At Wimbledon there are now special electronic machines to judge the serves. T65678
- ウィンブルゾンでは、現在、サーブを判定するための特別な電子機器がある。 T228323
- In judging his work, you should make allowances for his lack of experience. T286442
- 彼の仕事を判断するには経験の無さを考慮すべきだ。 T117223
- It's well said that "You can't judge people by their appearance", isn't it? T328499
- 「人は見かけによらない」とはよく言ったものですね。 T75220
- Judging from the present look of the sky, we may have a downpour any moment. T239561
- 現在の空模様から見るといつ土砂降りになるかわからない。 T174906
- The man went to pieces when the judge said he would have to go to prison for life. T45377
- その男は、終身刑であると裁判官が判決を下した時、取り乱した。 T208120
- A man's worth should be judged by his character rather than by his social position. T269943
- 人の価値は社会的地位よりも、むしろ人格によって判断すべきだ。 T144621
- After patiently listening to the audience's complaints, the judges changed the results. T53460
- じっと観衆の不満を聞いた後、審査員は結果を変えました。 T216157
- The defendant was about stand trial when he grabbed the deputy's gun and shot the judge. T327976
- 被告人が審理中に保安係りのピストルを掴み判事を撃った。 T75742
- The judge pronounced him "guilty", and now he must face the music of a sentence in prison. T244217
- 裁判官が有罪の判決を下した以上、いさぎよく服役しなければならない。 T170267
- If I judging by what everyone says about him, I think he is just the right man for the post. T284614
- 彼についてみんなの話から判断すると、私は彼こそその役職に最適だと思う。 T119049
- There is no way out of the siege except to take the bull by the horns and let God judge the outcome. T324303
- 勇敢に難局に立ち向かい、その結果は神の審判にまつほかは、包囲から逃れる方法はない。 T79414
- I haven't read both his novels, but judging from the one I have read, he seems to be a promising writer. T286741
- 彼の小説を両方とも読んだわけではないが、読んだものから判断すると有望な作家らしい。 T116926
- If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. T22150
- 海洋研究の未来を過去の研究から判断するに、多くのすばらしい発見がこれからも期待できる。 T185019
- The judge made no bones about his disgust with the accused's actions and handed down the severest sentence possible. T244224
- 裁判官はその未決囚の行動に対する嫌悪の念をためらうことなくあからさまにして、できるだけ過酷な刑を下した。 T170260
- A judge will issue a search warrant only if there is probable cause. T963943
- No Translation T963943
- Don't judge a man by the way he looks. T645741
- No Translation T645741
- Don't judge a man from the way he looks. T525752
- No Translation T525752
- Don't judge other people's traditional culture. T802917
- No Translation T802917
- Don't judge others by the color of their skin. T597456
- No Translation T597456
- Don't judge people from the way they look. T525751
- No Translation T525751
- Extenuating circumstances led the judge to pass a more lenient sentence. T695227
- No Translation T695227
- He bribed the judge and got off scot-free. T560324
- No Translation T560324
- He judges other people time and again. T803366
- No Translation T803366
- I try not to judge my friends' decisions. T681268
- No Translation T681268
- I work as a judge in a court of law. T897637
- No Translation T897637
- I wouldn't like being a judge. T962048
- No Translation T962048
- I wouldn't want to be a judge. T962049
- No Translation T962049
- In China, there's a saying that you can't judge a person by appearance. T451733
- No Translation T451733
- In some states, judges are elected officials. T681629
- No Translation T681629
- In your view, can we judge other people's religion or not? T803373
- No Translation T803373
- Judge Parker had no chance to win the election. T807591
- No Translation T807591
- Judging by her expression, she looked worried. T441752
- No Translation T441752
- Judging by what I've heard. T456273
- No Translation T456273
- Judging from his appearance, he is ill. T21977
- No Translation T21977
- Judging from how the sky looks, we'll be having fine weather. T534419
- No Translation T534419
- Judging from those facts, Mr Mori must be a wealthy person. T41993
- No Translation T41993
- Many people disagreed with the judge's decision. T681265
- No Translation T681265
- Mary gets mad when she thinks her parents are judging her. T681270
- No Translation T681270
- Moreover, I judge that Carthage must be annihilated. T664088
- No Translation T664088
- No one should be a judge in his own cause. T968944
- No Translation T968944
- The judge found Scopes guilty of breaking the law. T807694
- No Translation T807694
- The judge gave the woman a three year sentence. T681999
- No Translation T681999
- The judge handed down a sentence of five years hard labor. T566377
- No Translation T566377
- The old selection process for judges was very unfair. T890576
- No Translation T890576
- There was silence as the judge pronounced sentence. T946053
- No Translation T946053
- They appointed a judge. T680231
- No Translation T680231
- They are both very competent judges. T803488
- No Translation T803488
- They couldn't judge me. T800006
- No Translation T800006
- Three people judged the art contest. T681269
- No Translation T681269
- Tom had the nerve to yell at the judge. T681557
- No Translation T681557
- Tom was a judge in an art contest. T681266
- No Translation T681266
- We are prone to judge every one by ourselves. T847154
- No Translation T847154
- We should judge him according to his actions. T802919
- No Translation T802919
- We should never judge people by their appearance. T973584
- No Translation T973584
- When the judge speaks, everyone in the courtroom listens. T681267
- No Translation T681267
- You can't bribe that judge. T701815
- No Translation T701815
- You should be able to judge when you've had too much to drink. T805087
- No Translation T805087
- You shouldn't judge by appearance. T580474
- No Translation T580474
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).