Sentences with "guard, guarded, guarded, guarding, guards"
Found: 78
- I was thrown off guard. T318582
- 不意打ちを食う。 T85131
- Guard against accidents. T263679
- 事故が無いように用心しなさい。 T150877
- They kept guard by turns. T306507
- 彼らは交代で見張りをした。 T97196
- This guard is very strong. T59405
- この見張りはとても強い。 T222080
- Be on your guard against her. T68993
- あなたは彼女には用心しなさい。 T231625
- Be on your guard against him. T284764
- 彼には気を許すな。 T118898
- Be on your guard against fire. T23889
- 火には、用心しなさい。 T186753
- He was guarded in his remarks. T287322
- 彼の発言は慎重だった。 T116347
- I realized I was off my guard. T262029
- 私は油断していたことに気づいた。 T152521
- The car ran into a guard-rail. T265541
- 車はガードレールに衝突した。 T149017
- His bike ran into a guard-rail. T285393
- 彼のバイクはガードレールに衝突した。 T118271
- The palace was heavily guarded. T327479
- 宮殿は物々しい警戒ぶりだった。 T76239
- The guard was on duty all night. T48451
- その警備員は一晩中勤務だった。 T211177
- You'd better stay on your guard. T324269
- 油断してはいけません。 T79448
- Guard against the danger of fire. T23879
- 火の用心をしなさい。 T186744
- Setting a wolf to guard the sheep. T282017
- 猫にかつお節。 T121987
- A lot of policemen guarded the hall. T41037
- たくさんの警官がホールを警備した。 T203796
- Two soldiers kept guard at the gate. T72820
- 2人の兵士が、門のところで見張りをしていた。 T235442
- Be on your guard against pickpockets. T51401
- スリに御用心。 T214115
- スリに用心してください。 T214111
- Ranks of police guarded the entrance. T238075
- 警官が横に列を組んで入口を固めた。 T176389
- You must guard against catching cold. T63728
- かぜをひかないよう用心しなければなりません。 T226384
- The soldiers were guarding the bridge. T320133
- 兵隊が橋を見張っていた。 T83583
- They guard their families from poverty. T306246
- 彼らは家族を貧困から守る。 T97456
- Be on your guard against pickpockets, Ken. T62552
- ケン、すりには警戒しろよ。 T225216
- We should guard against traffic accidents. T240334
- 交通事故には用心しなければならない。 T174136
- Be on your guard against running into debt. T265675
- 借金をしないように気をつけなさい。 T148883
- The guards must keep watch over the jewels. T50578
- そのガードマンたちは宝石の見張りをしなければならない。 T213293
- We must guard against mistakes in spelling. T28838
- われわれはつづり字の間違いに注意しなければならない。 T191674
- Accidents will happen when we are off guard. T263729
- 事故は我々が油断している時に起こるものだ。 T150828
- The dog guarded the house against strangers. T48257
- その犬は見知らぬ人からその家を守った。 T210986
- The secret service guards him against attack. T280558
- 特務機関が彼を襲撃から守っている。 T123439
- It could be a trap, don't let your guard down. T328073
- 罠かもしれん、油断するな。 T75645
- That guard tends to do everything by the book. T68442
- あの警備員は何でも規則通りにする傾向がある。 T231075
- Gold golems are guardians used to guard treasure. T457767
- 金のゴーレムは宝を守るためのガーディアンです。 T457766
- He is working as a security guard at a warehouse. T300818
- 彼は倉庫の警備員として仕事をしている。 T522337
- 彼は倉庫の警備人として仕事をしている。 T102876
- He went into the bank in the disguise of a guard. T238406
- 警備員に成りすまして彼は銀行に入った。 T176059
- You must keep up your guard even after a victory. T267366
- 勝って兜の緒を締めよ。 T147195
- Bear in mind that we must guard against overeating. T268640
- 食べ過ぎに注意しなければならないことを覚えておきなさい。 T145922
- We happened to see a truck run into the guard-rail. T36957
- トラックがガードレールにぶつかるのを偶然に見た。 T199754
- He ran for his life at the sight of the border guard. T276886
- 彼は国境警備兵の姿を見て命からがら逃げた。 T107255
- The guards rotated in making their rounds every hour. T238405
- 警備員たちは1時間ごとに輪番で見回った。 T176060
- The alert guard perceived a dim shape in the distance. T238065
- 警戒していた警備員が遠くのぼんやりとした影に気づいた。 T176399
- The old guard was nearly voted out of the Upper House. T239870
- 古参議員たちは、選挙で参議院の議席を失いそうになりました。 T174599
- Their bags were checked by security guards at the gate. T305163
- 彼らの鞄は門の所で守衛に調べられた。 T98537
- Drivers should always be on their guard against accidents. T265595
- 車を運転する人は、常に交通事故に気をつけていなければならない。 T148963
- Later the personal guards of kings were called satellites. T240148
- 後になると王の護衛が衛星と呼ばれた。 T174321
- The car crashed into the guard-rail and rolled down the hill. T265542
- 車はガードレールに衝突して、丘を転げ落ちて行った。 T149016
- The prisoner broke away from the guards who were holding him. T266262
- 囚人は連行していた看守の手を振り切って脱走した。 T148296
- The President's guards are stationed in front of the entrance. T275873
- 大統領のボディーガードは入り口に配置されている。 T137363
- You should be on your guard when doing business with strangers. T35458
- はじめての人と取り引きをする場合には用心すべきだ。 T198266
- Well you're always putting on a show, and you're always on guard. T328301
- あなたはいつも気取っているし、いつも警戒している。 T75417
- Guards are stationed 'round the clock at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. T238407
- 警備隊が皇居に24時間配置されている。 T176058
- He was caught off guard when his wife announced they were going to have a baby. T294142
- 彼は奥さんが妊娠したといわれてびっくりした。 T109548
- She would value the opportunity to exchange views on the strength of guard-rails. T310651
- 彼女はガードレールの強度について、ぜひ意見交換をしたいと望んでいます。 T93058
- That you should be stalking Hanako! You'd been quiet recently so I'd let my guard down. T327307
- まさか花子さんをストーキングするなんて・・・!最近、おとなしいから油断したわ! T76413
- When one of my coworkers starts racking up good sales figures I can't let down my guard. T280308
- 同期の人間の売上があがってきたから、俺もウカウカしてられないな。 T123687
- Crossing guards are posted during school hours to guide children safely across busy streets. T278410
- 通学時間になると子供達が安全に交通量の多い通りを渡れるように横断歩道がもうけられる。 T125582
- I gave an answer that was way out in left field when the teacher caught me off-guard and called on me. T272826
- 先生に急に当てられて、トンチンカンな答えをしてしまった。 T141744
- This is a plan that takes into account your stature and your ability to guard. By all means do it for me. T327003
- これは、お前の体躯、護衛能力を考慮した上でのプランなのだ。是が非でもやってもらう。 T76717
- However, when I finally reached the castle I was thrown into this prison by the commander of the imperial guard. T327034
- しかし城にたどりつくなり、近衛兵を率いた人によって、わたしはこの牢獄に勾引されてしまった。 T76686
- The guard's truncheon hit air, off-balance he regained his posture to see a metal-mesh rubbish bin flying towards him. T327511
- 警棒で空をなぐりつけ、よろめいて体勢をたてなおしたガードマンは、自分に向かって突進してくる金網づくりのクズカゴを見た。 T76207
- Cuban soldiers were guarding the streets. T805349
- No Translation T805349
- Guards could hear everything they said. T802409
- No Translation T802409
- He remained there for many months under close guard. T803334
- No Translation T803334
- It caught me off guard, I didn't know what to do. T2030
- No Translation T2030
- Some companies have guards at the front desk instead of receptionists. T681117
- No Translation T681117
- The good guard reads it. T704417
- No Translation T704417
- The Guard dies, it does not surrender! T437952
- No Translation T437952
- The guard thought they were joking until he saw their guns. T802742
- No Translation T802742
- The prison guards will strike from midnight in three days. T750689
- No Translation T750689
- The soldiers guarded the bridge. T868538
- No Translation T868538
- Tom has been a prison guard for ten years. T681116
- No Translation T681116
- Tom is a security guard at the airport. T681118
- No Translation T681118
- Twenty-five hundred British soldiers guarded the border. T804088
- No Translation T804088
- When you catch me off guard, it really puts me on the spot. T706792
- No Translation T706792
- You can't let your guard down for a second around that guy. T367069
- No Translation T367069
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).