Sentences with "govern, governed, governed, governing, governs"
Found: 23
- That made him govern himself. T50268
- そのため彼は自制した。 T212983
- The king governed the country. T25652
- 王がその国を治めていた。 T188508
- The park is governed by the city. T48020
- その公園は市に管理されている。 T210750
- You must learn to govern your temper. T264449
- 自制できるようにならねばならない。 T150108
- The mayor governed the city very wisely. T246160
- 市長は市政を立派に行った。 T168332
- Spain once governed the Philippine Islands. T51808
- スペインは昔フィリピン諸島統治していた。 T214516
- The Board of Education governs the schools. T19110
- 教育委員会が学校を管理している。 T180319
- That island was governed by France at one time. T44743
- その島はかつてフランスに統治されていた。 T207490
- They that govern the most make the least noise. T243696
- 最も多くを製する者は、なるべくなりをひそめる。 T170784
- Public opinion governs the president's decisions. T275724
- 大衆の意見が大統領の決定を左右する。 T137512
- The country was governed by a French noble family. T47879
- その国はフランスの貴族によって統治されていた。 T210609
- India was governed by Great Britain for many years. T65722
- インドは長年にわたって英国に支配されていた。 T228366
- In Great Britain the king reigns but does not govern. T26163
- 英国では王国は君臨するが、統治はしない。 T189018
- 英国では国王は君臨するが政治は行わない。 T189016
- The rise and fall of the sea is governed by the moon. T22232
- 海の満ち干は月の運行に左右される。 T185101
- He that would govern others, first should be master of himself. T274760
- 他人を支配せんと思う者は先ず己を支配せよ。 T138475
- The most important feature of all games is that they are governed by rules. T67418
- あらゆるゲームの最も重要な特徴は、それらが規則によって制御されていることである。 T230053
- How could we govern others when we cannot govern ourselves? T411229
- No Translation T411229
- The interactions are governed by rules. T874748
- No Translation T874748
- The leader governed his country for more than 50 years. T681087
- No Translation T681087
- The president governs for four years. T681088
- No Translation T681088
- They wanted the right to govern themselves. T802477
- No Translation T802477
- Which is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves. T439171
- No Translation T439171
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).