Sentences with "fight, fought, fought, fighting, fights"
Found: 260
- The fight is over. T273233
- 戦いは終わった。 T141338
- I mean to fight hard. T27584
- 一生懸命にやるつもりです。 T190426
- They fought the fire. T306871
- 彼らは消火にあたった。 T96834
- I fought against sleep. T261879
- 私は眠気と戦った。 T152670
- Was the fight fixed up? T239047
- 喧嘩はおさまりましたか。 T175418
- We fought for everyone. T23119
- 我々はみんなのために戦った。 T185987
- Don't give up the fight. T34421
- ファイトだ。 T197239
- Let's fight to the last. T243935
- 最後まで戦い抜こう。 T170547
- Shinko is full of fight. T269855
- 進子は闘志満々です。 T144709
- They fought for freedom. T317705
- 彼等は自由のために戦った。 T86006
- We fought a hard battle. T23024
- 我々は激しく戦った。 T185892
- We had a snowball fight. T248966
- 私たちは雪合戦をした。 T165539
- She stopped our fighting. T317023
- 彼女は僕等の喧嘩を制止した。 T86688
- Fight with all your might. T273832
- 全力をあげてたたかえ。 T140741
- He picked a fight with me. T287530
- 彼の方から喧嘩を吹きかけてきた。 T116139
- We will fight to the last. T23292
- 我々はあくまでも闘う。 T186157
- Let's talk before fighting. T239043
- 喧嘩する前に話し合おう。 T175422
- We fought hard for victory. T267402
- 勝利をめざして闘った。 T147159
- He was wounded in the fight. T273337
- 戦闘で負傷した。 T141235
- 彼は戦闘で負傷した。 T103000
- Look! Two boys are fighting. T239291
- 見てごらん。2人の男の子がけんかしている。 T175175
- They fight like cat and dog. T463186
- 彼らは、猛烈にいがみあっている。 T98309
- 彼らは熱烈にいがみ合っている。 T96408
- They fought a fierce battle. T306423
- 彼らは激しく戦った。 T97279
- They fought to the last man. T306589
- 彼らは最後の一人まで戦った。 T97115
- The long fight ended in 1920. T278053
- 長い戦いは1920年に終わった。 T125939
- You'd better fight off sleep. T270950
- 睡魔と空戦わなくちゃ。 T143617
- Did you have a fight with Ken? T62530
- ケンとけんかしたのか。 T225193
- He fought a last-ditch battle. T282461
- 彼は背水の陣で闘った。 T121544
- The argument ended in a fight. T19984
- 議会はさいごにけんかになった。 T182900
- 議論は最後に喧嘩になった。 T182863
- 論議は最後に喧嘩になった。 T77228
- The party fought their way up. T27781
- 一行は苦労して登っていった。 T190620
- The police broke up the fight. T238213
- 警察はそのけんかをやめさせた。 T176251
- They fought against the enemy. T307200
- 彼らは敵と戦った。 T96505
- They fought for their liberty. T306799
- 彼らは自分達の自由のために戦った。 T96905
- Fighting won't settle anything. T239044
- 喧嘩では何事も解決しない。 T175421
- He won the fight by a knockout. T292338
- 彼はノックアウト勝ちした。 T111345
- Never lose your fighting fists. T64869
- おまえも決して戦う拳を忘れるな。 T227516
- The two teams fought very hard. T50744
- その2チームは激しく戦った。 T213458
- A fierce battle was fought here. T61898
- ここで激戦が行われた。 T224562
- I fight in the cause of justice. T271610
- 正義のために戦う。 T142958
- I will fight to the last breath. T258022
- 私は死ぬまで戦う。 T156512
- I wish they would stop fighting. T304930
- 彼らがけんかをやめてくれればいいのに。 T98770
- We must fight for our democracy. T249399
- 私たちは民主主義擁護のために戦わねばならない。 T165107
- They were fighting on the street. T278335
- 通りで二人が取っ組み合いのけんかをしていた。 T125657
- Fight my way and wait for the sun. T18384
- 苦戦しながら日が昇るのを待っている。 T179526
- He had to fight against the storm. T304600
- 彼は嵐と戦わなければならなかった。 T99098
- I intend on fighting till the end. T243936
- 俺は最後まで闘うつもりだ。 T170546
- We've got to fight fire with fire! T280561
- 毒を持って毒を制すだ! T123436
- A group of young men were fighting. T265803
- 若者の一団がけんかをしていた。 T148756
- He had plenty of fight left in him. T284710
- 彼にはまだ多くの闘志が残っていた。 T118953
- Our team fought off all the others. T322020
- 僕達のチームはほかのチームをすべて破った。 T81695
- We had no alternative but to fight. T23485
- 我々には闘うしか道はなかった。 T186349
- When there's more to be fought for. T53971
- さらに戦い手に入れるものがあるならば。 T216666
- He died fighting in the Vietnam War. T292667
- 彼はベトナム戦争で戦死した。 T111019
- They fought for freedom of religion. T306891
- 彼らは信仰の自由のために戦った。 T96813
- They fought in the cause of freedom. T306800
- 彼らは自由という大儀のために戦った。 T96904
- They fought in the cause of justice. T306967
- 彼らは正義のために戦った。 T96737
- Two men were fighting on the street. T280908
- 二人の男が通りでけんかをしていた。 T123092
- A crowd collected to watch the fight. T239051
- 喧嘩を見ようと、野次馬が集まった。 T175414
- Doctors are fighting against disease. T28108
- 医師たちは病気と闘っている。 T190948
- We fought for our lives in the storm. T23160
- 我々はその嵐の中を命懸けで闘った。 T186026
- Woman as she was, she fought bravely. T267291
- 女性であったが、彼女は勇敢に戦った。 T147269
- 彼女は女ながらも勇敢に戦った。 T88727
- You can't call dogs off from a fight. T328999
- 噛み合う犬は呼び難し。 T74720
- He fought bravely in behalf of a cause. T299168
- 彼は主義のために勇敢に戦った。 T104523
- He took the lead in fighting pollution. T304642
- 彼は率先して公害と戦った。 T99057
- The soldiers lost the courage to fight. T320130
- 兵士達は戦う勇気をなくした。 T83586
- He fought against racial discrimination. T300140
- 彼は人種差別と戦った。 T103553
- He had bruises all over after the fight. T289795
- 彼はけんかしてあざだらけになった。 T113878
- He was fighting regardless of his wound. T289783
- 彼はけがにかまわず戦っていた。 T113890
- Is it right that you and I should fight? T17591
- 君と僕がけんかするなんて間違っていないか。 T178738
- The couple next door are fighting again. T325932
- 隣じゃまた犬も食わない夫婦喧嘩をしているよ。 T77786
- The Indians fought with bows and arrows. T65737
- インディアンは弓と矢で戦った。 T228381
- They combined forces to fight the enemy. T307676
- 彼らは力を合わせて敵と戦った。 T96029
- They fought in defense of their country. T307046
- 彼らは祖国を守るために戦った。 T96659
- Though wounded, they continued to fight. T62609
- けがをしているのに、彼らは戦いつづけた。 T225273
- Tom knows better than to fight with you. T37160
- トムは君とけんかをするほど馬鹿ではない。 T199959
- He fought a successful election campaign. T300706
- 彼は選挙運動を戦い勝利を手に入れた。 T102987
- He made up a pretext for a fight with me. T72041
- あいつに因縁を付けられた。 T234663
- She could not understand why they fought. T311863
- 彼女はなぜ、彼らが戦ったのか理解できなかった。 T91849
- Slapped on the face, I didn't fight back. T20762
- 顔に平手打ちされたけれども、私は抵抗しなかった。 T183639
- The alternative to surrender is fighting. T241206
- 降伏に変わるものは戦いのみ。 T173265
- They fought a fair battle with the enemy. T307211
- 彼らは敵軍と正々堂々と戦った。 T96494
- They fought for the sake of their country. T306548
- 彼らは国の為に戦った。 T97155
- 彼らは祖国のために戦った。 T96661
- 彼らは母国のために戦った。 T96172
- We have made up our minds to fight it out. T23293
- 我々はあくまでも戦い抜く決心をした。 T186159
- A fierce battle was fought by the soldiers. T238495
- 激しい戦いが兵士によってなされた。 T175970
- A fight started about nothing between them. T305164
- 彼らの間でつまらないことをめぐってけんかが始まった。 T98536
- Native Americans fought with bow and arrow. T527183
- ネイティブ・アメリカンは弓と矢でたたかった。 T527179
- The man fought bravely but finally gave in. T276906
- 男は勇敢に戦ったがついに降参した。 T127183
- They fought for the honor of their country. T306549
- 彼らは国の名誉のために戦った。 T97154
- He chose the wrong man to pick a fight with. T328587
- 相手が悪かったな。 T75132
- He knows better than to fight with his boss. T299674
- 彼は上司とけんかをするほど愚かではない。 T104018
- Here is a method of fighting down your fear. T61771
- ここに恐怖を抑える方法がある。 T224436
- He dedicated his life to fighting corruption. T303229
- 彼は不正との戦いに一生をささげた。 T100469
- The lions fought with each other to get food. T29844
- ライオンは餌を求めて相争った。 T192680
- The movie "Fight Club" has a surprise ending. T26490
- 映画「ファイトクラブ」のエンディングには驚かされた。 T189342
- He is fighting with his back against the wall. T293479
- 彼は悪戦苦闘している。 T110209
- He is possessed of a strong fighting instinct. T302011
- 彼は闘争本能が強い。 T101682
- Two men began to fight on the street at night. T324001
- 夜の道路で2人の男がけんかを始めた。 T79716
- Bravely though they fought, they were defeated. T307629
- 彼らは勇敢に戦ったけれども、敗北した。 T96076
- For ages man has been fighting against disease. T278022
- 長い間人間は病気と戦ってきた。 T125970
- In other areas of the city, fighting continued. T277871
- 町の他の地域では争いが続いた。 T126121
- Mulligan says he'll sleep easy until the fight. T32347
- マリガンは、今度の試合については何の問題はないという。 T195173
- Unless you stop fighting, I'll call the police. T62542
- けんかをやめないと、警察を呼びますよ。 T225206
- Bill is really fighting the battle of the bulge. T34482
- ビルは太らないように頑張っているね。 T197298
- He will fight the heavyweight champion tomorrow. T288702
- 彼はあしたヘビー級チャンピオンと対戦する。 T114969
- That fight seemed like a life-or-death struggle. T45744
- その戦いは生死を賭けた戦いのようであった。 T208485
- I had a lot of pillow fights during my school trip. T266328
- 修学旅行では、よく枕投げをした。 T148231
- Young men and women fought to defend their country. T265799
- 若者たちは祖国を守るために戦った。 T148760
- The bill was passed after a hard fight in the House. T321028
- 法案は激しい論争ののち議会を通過した。 T82688
- The people of America fought for their independence. T320217
- 米国の人民は独立のために戦った。 T83499
- The singer fought his way through the crowd of fans. T49256
- その歌手はファンの群がる中を苦心して進んだ。 T211977
- Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. T53248
- ジムは怒りを抑えて争いをさけることができた。 T215947
- No, we'll be in fighting shape in just a month or two. T65868
- いや、1、2ヶ月とにかく頑張ってみましょう。 T228510
- The policeman separated the two men who were fighting. T238129
- 警官は取っ組み合いをしている二人の男を引き離した。 T176335
- The troops fought with Grant against the Confederates. T237795
- 軍隊はグラント総司令官のもとで南部軍と戦った。 T176668
- The union bosses are fighting the freeze on wage hikes. T326367
- 労働組合の幹部は賃上げの凍結に反対して、闘っています。 T77352
- Angels watch from above as men fight amongst themselves. T270337
- 人間同士が戦うところを天使が空から眺めている。 T144228
- He is fighting with his back to the wall in the election. T300702
- 彼は選挙で苦戦している。 T102991
- I didn't know that Mr. Williams fought in the Vietnam War. T65692
- ウイリアムさんがベトナム戦争を経験しているってこと知りませんでした。 T228336
- The prisoners fought one another like so many mad people. T46718
- その囚人達はまるで狂人のように互いに争った。 T209457
- Two dogs fight for bone, and the third runs away with it. T19374
- 漁夫の利。 T182131
- Even a rabbit, if badgered into a corner, will fight back. T65637
- ウサギでさえ、いじめられて片隅に追いつめられると、刃向かってくるだろう。 T228282
- The government adopted strong measures to fight inflation. T271427
- 政府はインフレに対するために強硬な措置をとった。 T143141
- They went on fighting the fire at the risk of their lives. T307588
- 彼らは命を懸けて火事と戦い続けた。 T96117
- Fighting the fading light he continued to count their names. T327950
- 彼は薄暗がりと戦いながら、彼等の名前を数えていった。 T75768
- He believed that the war was fought in the cause of justice. T291096
- 彼はその戦争は正義のための戦争だと信じていた。 T112580
- You can't fight a good fight with such a defeatist attitude. T41301
- そんな逃げ腰では戦いはできないね。 T204059
- Scientists are fighting to stem the spread of the AIDS virus. T23986
- 科学者たちはエイズ・ウイルスの拡散をくい止めようと戦っています。 T186849
- The political campaign has turned into a dirty fight at last. T273544
- 選挙戦はとうとう泥試合になってしまった。 T141028
- They continued fighting against the invaders year after year. T307571
- 彼らは毎年外敵と戦いつづけた。 T96134
- Attempts to fight the fire with buckets soon proved fruitless. T417727
- バケツによる消火活動は、すぐに失敗と分かった。 T399829
- Doctors have made great strides in their fight against cancer. T28091
- 医師達は癌との戦いで大躍進を遂げた。 T190931
- They will be fighting for the championship this time tomorrow. T323159
- 明日の今ごろ、彼らは選手権を目指して戦っているところだろう。 T80558
- Because of the street fighting, the city is in utter confusion. T246133
- 市街戦のために市中は上を下への大騒ぎだ。 T168360
- The government and industry are cooperating to fight pollution. T271410
- 政府と産業界は公害との戦いで協力している。 T143158
- The soldiers fought valiantly, but finally they had to give in. T44109
- その兵士たちは勇敢に戦ったが、結局降伏しなければならなかった。 T206860
- Wonderful was the fighting spirit of the Australian rugby team. T50615
- そのオーストラリアのラグビーチームの闘争心はすばらしかった。 T213329
- Fighting with monsters all over the world ... I just can't wait. T329309
- 世界中のモンスターと戦えるのかぁ・・・。腕がなるなぁー。 T74411
- Greenpeace is fighting an uphill battle to save the environment. T62854
- グリーンピースは環境保護のために困難な戦いをしています。 T225518
- It is necessary to fight AIDS with whatever weapons are at hand. T265922
- 手もとにあるどのような武器を用いてもエイズと闘う必要がある。 T148637
- What doctors should do is to save lives and fight against death. T28034
- 医者のすべきことは、生命を救い、死と戦うことです。 T190874
- The criminal got very tired from the fight with the two officers. T282788
- 犯罪者は二人の警官相手に戦ってひどく疲れた。 T121218
- The couple doesn't fight often these days, but they used to a lot. T44276
- その夫婦は最近あまり喧嘩をしないが昔はよくやったものだ。 T207026
- Factional in-fighting threw a monkey wrench into the deliberations. T282354
- 派閥内の抗争が審議に支障をきたしました。 T121651
- Are you still letting last night's fight bother you? That's so naive. T244425
- 昨日のけんかを気にしてるの?意外にナイーブなのね。 T170060
- Red Mulligan has announced that he'll fight Rocky Luciano next month. T29505
- レッド・マリガンが来月、ロッキー・ルチアーノの挑戦を受けると発表した。 T192342
- That couple never fights; they are always in agreement on everything. T50712
- その2人は決してけんかをしない。彼らはいつでも何でも意見が一致している。 T213425
- Lack of money is a serious hindrance in their fight to conquer cancer. T63423
- ガンの克服には資金不足が重大な障害となっている。 T226083
- The opposing team did not put up much of a fight, so we won hands down. T274116
- 相手チームがあまり闘志をわかしていなかったので、我々は楽勝した。 T140457
- He often uses the slightest thing as a pretext for a fight with anybody. T67969
- あの男はよくつまらぬことで誰にでも因縁をつける。 T230602
- Because of fighting in the region, the oil supply was temporarily cut off. T45144
- その地域の紛争のため石油の補給が一時とだえた。 T207888
- He was a brave warrior who had spent most of his life fighting his enemies. T300156
- 彼は人生のほとんどを敵と戦ってすごしてきた勇敢な戦士だった。 T103537
- The president called on the people to unite in fighting poverty and disease. T275900
- 大統領は国民に貧窮や病気との戦いで団結するように呼びかけた。 T137336
- He believed that blacks could win their fight for equal rights without violence. T288130
- 彼は、黒人たちが暴力に頼らないで平等の権利を得るための戦いに勝てると信じていた。 T115540
- Even if it's just for a short while fighting alongside us is all I could ask for. T327703
- 少しの間だけでも一緒に戦ってくれるだけで御の字よ。 T76015
- We can say that Japan was fighting a constant battle against hunger during the war. T20081
- 日本の戦中は、飢えとの戦いに明け暮れていたとも言えます。 T182960
- In the days of the knights they wore shields to protect them from sword fight wounds. T20071
- 騎士の時代には、彼等は剣での闘いによる怪我から身を守るため鎧を身に付けた。 T182950
- Your division was highly praised for fighting well in the midst of a hopeless conflict. T328493
- 絶望的な戦いの中、貴君の師団が善戦したことは高く評価されている。 T75226
- The position held by the enemy is so important they will fight to the bitter end to hold it. T278658
- 敵が守っている陣地はたいへん重要なので、その陣地を守るために敵はあくまで戦う。 T125335
- George was describing a 30 pound bass he'd caught recently after fighting it for three hours. T52968
- ジョージは、最近、3時間の格闘の末に釣った重さ30ポンドのバスの話をしていた。 T215666
- Rwandan rebels are pushing their offensive south as fighting continues in the capital Kigali. T266172
- 首都キガリで戦闘が続く中、ルワンダの反政府勢力は南に向かって攻勢を強めています。 T148387
- After having fought many hard battles, we were able to bring home the bacon and set up a new government. T20598
- 幾多、苦戦したのち、我々は勝利を収め、新政府を樹立することができた。 T183475
- The precious results of democracy are the apple of the people's eye and the people will fight to maintain these ideals. T322689
- 民主主義の貴重な成果は国民にとって、非常に大切なものである。だから国民はこの民主主義の理念を維持するために戦う。 T81026
- A flu shot contains antibodies that fight the H1N1 virus. T680218
- No Translation T680218
- After a brief fight, they won. T802210
- No Translation T802210
- Americans simply had no desire to fight. T805262
- No Translation T805262
- Antibodies fight off infections and viruses. T680219
- No Translation T680219
- Border fights were common. T806911
- No Translation T806911
- Boxers have to weigh in before a fight. T621930
- No Translation T621930
- By the spring of 1778, they were ready to fight again. T802706
- No Translation T802706
- Choosing to fight for the British proved to be a mistake. T804089
- No Translation T804089
- Come on, baby, fight my liar! T798379
- No Translation T798379
- Countries fight for GOD: gold, oil, and drugs. T515078
- No Translation T515078
- Doctors suggest drugs to fight diseases. T680747
- No Translation T680747
- Don't fight fire with fire. T798312
- No Translation T798312
- Farragut captured New Orleans without a fight. T807547
- No Translation T807547
- Fight for your right. T912290
- No Translation T912290
- Germany no longer had to fight an enemy on two fronts. T804051
- No Translation T804051
- He did not really want to fight at all. T803147
- No Translation T803147
- He fought in America's war against Mexico. T803209
- No Translation T803209
- He said they wanted to fight until every black man was free. T802745
- No Translation T802745
- Hey boys, stop fighting. Come on, break it up! T676322
- No Translation T676322
- His men fought hard and well. T807007
- No Translation T807007
- I didn't know that Mr Williams fought in the Vietnam War. T65692
- No Translation T65692
- I do not want to fight Theodore Roosevelt. T807448
- No Translation T807448
- I don't know why they are fighting. T400205
- No Translation T400205
- I had a fight with my older brother yesterday. T526421
- No Translation T526421
- I saw a fight. T443637
- No Translation T443637
- I think it's time for me to join the fight. T903847
- No Translation T903847
- I wish I could figure out how to stop my children from fighting. T953738
- No Translation T953738
- I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. T893834
- No Translation T893834
- I'm tired of fighting with you. T953863
- No Translation T953863
- It already faced a strong fight against the European Allies. T804119
- No Translation T804119
- Jackson fought to hold back his tears. T807325
- No Translation T807325
- Japanese and American forces were still fighting bitterly. T804259
- No Translation T804259
- Lee's army fought off each attack. T805373
- No Translation T805373
- Major Anderson was ready to stop fighting. T807451
- No Translation T807451
- Men fight with iron for gold. T664031
- No Translation T664031
- No wedding would be complete without a fight. T573856
- No Translation T573856
- One American was killed in the fight. T804387
- No Translation T804387
- People fought over supplies. T804282
- No Translation T804282
- Rebel forces prepared to fight. T807099
- No Translation T807099
- She didn't plan on having a fight with him. T388383
- No Translation T388383
- She watched him continue to fight as hard as he could. T887574
- No Translation T887574
- Some did not know how to fight. T807100
- No Translation T807100
- Some were unwilling to fight. T807028
- No Translation T807028
- Something worth fighting for. T893838
- No Translation T893838
- Supporters fought with each other after the football match. T670313
- No Translation T670313
- That was where the two armies would fight again. T807628
- No Translation T807628
- The American Navy was ready to fight. T805257
- No Translation T805257
- The boxer was pressured to throw the fight. T696937
- No Translation T696937
- The British experienced many problems fighting the war. T804085
- No Translation T804085
- The British fought hard and stopped the attack. T804070
- No Translation T804070
- The British troops fought hard, but could not stop the Germans. T804099
- No Translation T804099
- The doctor is fighting against the disease. T800009
- No Translation T800009
- The fight resulted in several arrests. T681935
- No Translation T681935
- The fighting grew bloodier. T806955
- No Translation T806955
- The fighting lasted about three months. T807370
- No Translation T807370
- The fighting lasted one week. T807031
- No Translation T807031
- The fighting there lasted several days. T807371
- No Translation T807371
- The hockey referee intervened to stop the fight. T681226
- No Translation T681226
- The man who runs may fight again. T870640
- No Translation T870640
- The miners did not want to fight. T807158
- No Translation T807158
- The mother separated the fighting children. T682001
- No Translation T682001
- The three men fought as long as possible. T807434
- No Translation T807434
- The two countries had fought together as allies in the Second World War. T804125
- No Translation T804125
- The two sides fought fiercely in the Battle of Iwo Jima. T804158
- No Translation T804158
- The Union soldiers fought fiercely. T805344
- No Translation T805344
- The war would be fought to the end. T804195
- No Translation T804195
- The workers banded together to go on strike and fight the company. T690917
- No Translation T690917
- The young woman was fighting the deadly illness, her heart full of hope. T890417
- No Translation T890417
- There was fighting in the streets. T807198
- No Translation T807198
- These were people who fought for money. T727156
- No Translation T727156
- They are too busy fighting against each other to care for common ideals. T1321
- No Translation T1321
- They did not want to get involved in the fighting. T802655
- No Translation T802655
- They fought the Italians first in Egypt and Libya. T802656
- No Translation T802656
- They fought the measures in the courts. T802415
- No Translation T802415
- They had fought well against a much stronger enemy. T802675
- No Translation T802675
- They had just fought a war to end British rule. T802733
- No Translation T802733
- They had not fought for more than forty years. T802650
- No Translation T802650
- They knew they must fight together to defeat the common enemy. T802818
- No Translation T802818
- They refused to fight. T802173
- No Translation T802173
- They said they would not fight. T802225
- No Translation T802225
- They wanted to continue to fight. T802344
- No Translation T802344
- They were too tired to fight. T802208
- No Translation T802208
- They would not fight to free the slaves. T802436
- No Translation T802436
- This is like fighting someone with one arm tied behind your back. T675000
- No Translation T675000
- Tom was expelled from school for fighting. T680882
- No Translation T680882
- Vaccines deliver antibodies that fight disease. T680217
- No Translation T680217
- When he was fighting with you, his heart broke half-and-half. T738570
- No Translation T738570
- When two armies met, they drew up and fought a pitched battle. T722568
- No Translation T722568
- Why do you people fight so much? T788160
- No Translation T788160
- Without supplies, his army could not fight very long. T804291
- No Translation T804291
- Women in that country are fighting for their freedom. T681011
- No Translation T681011
- You can't fight city hall. T400066
- No Translation T400066
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).