Sentences with "educate, educated, educated, educating, educates"
Found: 34
- He was educated at Oxford. T289423
- 彼はオックスフォードで教育を受けた。 T114249
- She is a self-educated woman. T316034
- 彼女は独学の人です。 T87675
- Mr. Ito is a highly educated man. T28310
- 伊藤さんはたいへん学識のある人です。 T191150
- He was educated at a public school. T292420
- 彼はパブリックスクールで教育された。 T111263
- 彼は公立学校で教育を受けた。 T107437
- He was educated by her grandfather. T300793
- 彼は祖父に教育された。 T102901
- She was educated by her grandfather. T315498
- 彼女は祖父に教育された。 T88209
- He took pains educating his children. T297159
- 彼は子供達の教育に苦労した。 T106526
- She was educated in the United States. T316892
- 彼女は米国で教育を受けた。 T86818
- Our personnel are very highly educated. T29169
- わが社の社員はかなり高度な教育を受けている。 T192007
- She took pains to educate her children. T313999
- 彼女は子供を教育するのに苦労した。 T89716
- She took pains in educating the children. T313961
- 彼女は子供たちを教育するのに苦労した。 T89754
- There were few colleges to educate women. T267324
- 女性を教育する大学はほとんど無かった。 T147237
- I take great pains in educating my daughter. T261898
- 私は娘を教育するのに非常に苦労している。 T152650
- He is proud of having been educated in Paris. T292430
- 彼はパリで教育を受けたことを自慢している。 T111253
- He took great pains in educating his children. T297148
- 彼は子供の教育に非常に骨を折った。 T106538
- Both parents and teachers educate their children. T325667
- 両親と教師の両方が子供を教育する。 T78051
- People are more educated now than they used to be. T239588
- 現在人々はかつてより以上に教育を受けている。 T174879
- He was born in England but was educated in America. T288963
- 彼はイギリスで生まれたが、アメリカで教育を受けた。 T114708
- All educated Americans, first or last, go to Europe. T273702
- 全ての教養あるアメリカ人は最初かまたは最後にヨーロッパに行く。 T140870
- He is proud of having been educated in the United States. T287961
- 彼は、アメリカで教育を受けたことを自慢している。 T115709
- In the last analysis, methods don't educate children; people do. T30044
- ようするに子供を教育するのは方法ではない。人なのだ。 T192878
- You must educate your tongue to distinguish good coffee from bad. T30088
- よいコーヒーと悪いのとの区別がつくように舌を訓練しなければいけません。 T192922
- They must be educated enough so that they will make a wise choice. T306462
- 彼らは賢明な選択が出来るように充分な教育を受けていなければならない。 T97240
- You will never know what she went through to educate her children. T313983
- 彼女は子供の教育にどんなに苦労したことでしょう。 T89732
- As is often the case with educated people, he likes classical music better than jazz. T19001
- 教養のある人によくあることだが、彼はジャズより古典音楽が好きだ。 T180141
- They are better educated, healthier and wealthier than their parents' generation was at their age. T305370
- 彼らは、親の世代が彼らの年齢だった頃よりも十分に教育を受けているし、より健康で裕福でもある。 T98332
- Bilal is educated. T370758
- No Translation T370758
- Ford was poorly educated. T806885
- No Translation T806885
- I was born and educated in Toyko. T780851
- No Translation T780851
- Linguists are both athletic and educated, and that's just their tongues. T813288
- No Translation T813288
- Love doesn't reign, but it educates; and that is more. T950702
- No Translation T950702
- Mr Ito is a highly educated man. T28310
- No Translation T28310
- What does it mean to have an educated mind in the 21st century? T1750
- No Translation T1750
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).