Sentences with "earn, earned, earned, earningeating, earns"
Found: 121
- He earns a great deal. T289396
- 彼はおおいに稼ぐ。 T114276
- He earns a good salary. T288945
- 彼はいい給料をもらっている。 T114726
- He saves what he earns. T302013
- 彼は働いて稼ぐだけみな貯金する。 T101680
- He earns double my salary. T297971
- 彼は私の倍の給料を稼ぐ。 T105716
- I wish I earned more money. T30512
- もっとお金を稼げたらいいなあと思います。 T193347
- He earns 300,000 yen a month. T295903
- 彼は月に30万円稼ぐ。 T107782
- She earns 30 dollars per day. T310114
- 彼女は1日につき30ドル稼ぐ。 T93593
- He earns his bread by writing. T303075
- 彼は筆で生計を立てている。 T100623
- He earns twenty dollars a day. T293813
- 彼は一日二十ドルかせぐ。 T109877
- He earns his bread as a writer. T299427
- 彼は書くことで生計を立てている。 T104264
- I've got to earn my own living. T258306
- 私は自分の生活費を稼がなくてはならない。 T156228
- She earns a living as a writer. T313802
- 彼女は作家として生計を立てている。 T89914
- A penny saved is a penny earned. T73206
- 1ペニーの節約は1ペニーの儲け。 T235827
- 儲ける考えより使わぬ考え。 T80153
- He earns his living by teaching. T295362
- 彼は教師をして生計を立てている。 T108324
- How did he earn his daily bread? T291986
- 彼はどうやって日々の生計をたてているのですか。 T111697
- This is more than I have earned. T55789
- これは過分の報酬だ。 T218477
- He has earned not a little money. T289561
- 彼はかなりの金をもうけた。 T114110
- He works hard to earn his living. T300486
- 彼は生計を立てるために一生懸命働いている。 T103207
- His diligence earned him success. T18839
- 勤勉におかげで彼は成功した。 T179980
- I could manage to earn my living. T255181
- 私はどうにかして生活費をかせぐことができた。 T159342
- My husband earns $100,000 a year. T318711
- 夫の年収は10万ドルだ。 T85001
- She earns her living by teaching. T313250
- 彼女は教えることで生計を立てている。 T90463
- 彼女は教師として生計を立てている。 T90459
- 彼女は教師をして生計を立てている。 T90455
- He earned his living as a teacher. T295355
- 彼は教師として生計を立てた。 T108331
- He earns three times as much as I. T297859
- 彼は私の三倍も稼ぐ。 T105828
- His brave deed earned him respect. T304348
- 彼は勇敢な行為によって尊敬を勝ち得た。 T99350
- She works hard to earn her living. T315360
- 彼女は生計をたてるため、一生懸命働いている。 T88347
- He earns his living as a hotel boy. T292749
- 彼はホテルのボーイとして生計を立てている。 T110937
- He earns three times as much as me. T297811
- 彼は私の給料の3倍稼ぐ。 T105876
- How will you earn your daily bread? T69866
- あなたはどうやって日々の生計をたてていくつもりですか。 T232497
- He earned as much money as possible. T291825
- 彼はできるだけたくさんのお金を稼いだ。 T111853
- He earns half a million yen a month. T303853
- 彼は毎月50万円稼ぐ。 T99844
- This is how he earned so much money. T60387
- このようにして彼はそんな大金をかせいだのです。 T223056
- She will have to earn her own living. T314565
- 彼女は自活しなければならないだろう。 T89142
- A skilled mechanic earns decent wages. T266736
- 熟練した機械工はかなりの賃金を稼ぐ。 T147824
- He's never had to earn his own living. T296523
- 彼は今まで自分で生計を立てる必要がなかった。 T107164
- He earns more money than he can spend. T297091
- 彼は使いきれないほどの金を稼ぐ。 T106595
- 彼は使い切れない程のお金を稼ぐ。 T106591
- He worked hard to earn a lot of money. T295462
- 彼は金をたくさん稼ぐために一生懸命働いた。 T108224
- She earns money by taking in students. T313024
- 彼女は学生を下宿させて収入をえている。 T90688
- She spends as much money as she earns. T312901
- 彼女は稼ぐのとおなじだけのお金を使う。 T90811
- 彼女は稼ぐのと同じだけお金を使う。 T90810
- The more you earn, the more you spend. T266271
- 収入が増えれば増えるほど、消費もいっそう多くなる。 T148288
- She earns on average ten pounds a week. T314924
- 彼女は週平均10ポンド稼ぐ。 T88783
- What money he earns he spends on books. T63737
- かせぐ金を彼はすべて本に使ってしまう。 T226393
- He doesn't earn enough money to live on. T288219
- 彼は、生活していけるだけの収入がない。 T115451
- 彼は生活するのに十分な金を稼いでいない。 T103211
- He earns his living by teaching English. T294024
- 彼は英語を教えて生計をたてている。 T109666
- She earns her living as a ballet dancer. T311999
- 彼女はバレエダンサーとして生計を立てている。 T91713
- He earned money by delivering newspapers. T288205
- 彼は、新聞配達をしてお金をかせいだ。 T115465
- He earned no more than ten dollars a day. T288445
- 彼は1日に10ドルしかかせがなかった。 T115226
- He earns his living by playing the piano. T292474
- 彼はピアノの演奏で生計を立てている。 T111210
- He earns not more than 50 dollars a week. T288424
- 彼は1週間にせいぜい50ドルかせぐだけだ。 T115247
- Not bad. I can earn a good enough living. T28608
- 悪くない。生活費くらいは十分稼げるよ。 T191446
- They found it difficult to earn a living. T306970
- 彼らは生計を立てていくのは難しいと思った。 T96734
- 彼らは生計を立てるのは難しいとわかった。 T96733
- His new movie earned him an Academy Award. T269288
- 新作の映画で彼はアカデミー賞を得た。 T145275
- He worked very hard to earn a lot of money. T291608
- 彼はたくさんのお金をもうけるためにたいへん一生懸命働いた。 T112070
- She earns her living by playing the violin. T311947
- 彼女はバイオリンを弾いて生活費を稼いでいる。 T91765
- Work hard so that you may earn your living. T271780
- 生計を立てるためにしっかり働きなさい。 T142789
- He earns not less than 1,000 dollars a week. T288425
- 彼は1週間に少なくとも1、000ドルかせぐ。 T115246
- He saved all of what little money he earned. T293433
- 彼はわずかながら稼いだ金をすべて貯金した。 T110255
- My investments earn about 10 percent a year. T251549
- 私の投資は年に10パーセントの配当がつく。 T162964
- She earns a living by selling her paintings. T314642
- 彼女は自分の絵を売って生計を立てている。 T89064
- She earns half as much money as her husband. T316772
- 彼女は夫の半分のお金をかせぐ。 T86938
- A job is not merely a means to earn a living. T268587
- 職業は単に生計を立てるためだけのものではありません。 T145975
- I tried to set by all the money I could earn. T256539
- 私は稼ぐお金を全て貯めようとした。 T157991
- I owe it to him that I can earn a good salary. T246449
- 私がこうやっていい給料をもらっているのも彼のおかげだ。 T168047
- Unique ideas helped him to earn a high income. T280577
- 独特のアイディアのおかげで、彼は高い収入を得た。 T123420
- What little money he earned he spent on books. T29131
- わずかながら稼いだ金を彼は本に使った。 T191969
- Sally earns her living by giving piano lessons. T53955
- サリーはピアノで生計をたてている。 T216650
- She reckoned that she had earned 1,500 dollars. T310070
- 彼女は1500ドルの収入を得たと計算した。 T93637
- We cannot earn our bread with the present wages. T248699
- 私たちは今の賃金では食べてゆけない。 T165805
- Drake earns his living by working for the lawyer. T36879
- ドレークは弁護士のために働くことで暮らしを立てていた。 T199677
- My brother earns half as much money as my father. T250681
- 私の兄の収入は父の半分である。 T163829
- The job earns him half a million yen every month. T47617
- その仕事は毎月50万円になる。 T210350
- He earns no less than three hundred dollars a day. T302196
- 彼は日に300ドルもかせぐ。 T101499
- His kind acts earned him the respect of the people. T286857
- 彼の親切な行為により彼は人々の尊敬を得た。 T116811
- I don't earn enough money to buy clothes regularly. T324844
- 洋服を定期的に買う余裕はありません。 T78872
- Mike earns no less than three hundred dollars a day. T32907
- マイクは日に300ドルも稼ぐ。 T195732
- The average skilled workers now earn over $10,000 a year. T239592
- 現在平均的熟練労働者は1年に一万ドル以上稼ぐ。 T174875
- His diligence and good conduct earned him the scholarship. T18845
- 勤勉と品行方正とが彼にその奨学金を受けさせた。 T179985
- Jack's problem is that his wife spends more than he earns. T53154
- ジャックの悩みの種は妻が彼の稼ぐ以上にお金を使うことだ。 T215853
- The company earned $300 million on sales of $4,000 million. T280335
- 同社は40億ドルの売上で、3億ドルの利益をあげた。 T123661
- He earns more than five hundred dollars a month in that job. T288769
- 彼はあの仕事で月に500ドル以上稼ぐ。 T114902
- It's by no means impossible to earn one million yen a month. T238796
- 月に100万円稼ぐのは決して不可能ではありません。 T175670
- He earned as much as 100,000 yen working part-time last month. T300623
- 彼は先月、アルバイトをして10万円も稼いだ。 T103070
- I hope to earn a respectable income by the time I settle down. T269820
- 身を固めるまでにはかなりの収入を得たい。 T144744
- Money takes a long time to earn, but you can spend it in no time. T64603
- お金は、稼ぐには時間がかかるが、いざ使うとなるとあっという間になくなる。 T227254
- They earns their living by collecting and selling old newspapers. T306476
- 彼らは古新聞を売り生計をたてている。 T97226
- It is from advertising that a newspaper earns most of its profits. T269377
- 新聞が、その利益の大部分を得るのは広告からである。 T145186
- 新聞の収益の大部分は広告からです。 T145149
- You've worked hard for months and have certainly earned a holiday. T16271
- 君は何ヶ月もよく働いたのだから休暇をもらったには当然のことだ。 T177421
- Earn money on the races! Know-how collection on horse racing will have you raking it in! T327486
- 競馬で稼ぐ!ありえないほど儲かる競馬ノウハウ集! T76232
- Ill-gotten gains are short-lived. The only way to make real money is to earn every penny. T28563
- 悪銭身につかず、というじゃない。結局は地道に稼ぐしかないと思うよ。 T191401
- The amount of money the government earns in taxes determines the amount of money it can spend on welfare. T272084
- 税金から得られる金額によって政府が社会福祉に支出する金額を左右する。 T142486
- America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. T1338
- No Translation T1338
- Blondes earn 7% more than women with any other hair color. T825615
- No Translation T825615
- Does someone know how to earn money in time of crisis? T845988
- No Translation T845988
- Does Tom earn enough money to live in the city? T680765
- No Translation T680765
- Don't spend more than you earn. T682060
- No Translation T682060
- Girls, you did terrifically. You've truly earned this victory. T402736
- No Translation T402736
- He earned the money he needed to go to college. T803275
- No Translation T803275
- He earns a living. T667312
- No Translation T667312
- He earns at least $1,000 dollars a week. T373260
- No Translation T373260
- He earns double my salary T349706
- No Translation T349706
- He earns his living by writing. T435292
- No Translation T435292
- He earns twice as much as me. T387577
- No Translation T387577
- He earns twice my salary. T496602
- No Translation T496602
- His ideas never earned him a dime. T472096
- No Translation T472096
- His ideas never earned him a single penny. T472098
- No Translation T472098
- His ideas never earned him even one penny. T474995
- No Translation T474995
- How much money do you want to earn? T680767
- No Translation T680767
- I earn 100 Euros a day. T757392
- No Translation T757392
- She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars. T507390
- No Translation T507390
- They wanted to earn money. T802184
- No Translation T802184
- Three kings and two eights earned him a full house. T818455
- No Translation T818455
- Tom changed jobs to earn more money. T680766
- No Translation T680766
- When I was in high school I used to earn extra money babysitting. T562085
- No Translation T562085
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).