Sentences with "destroy, destroyed, destroyed, destroying, destorys"
Found: 72
- Destroy this temple. T58333
- この神殿を壊してみなさい。 T221011
- Who destroyed the garden? T278513
- 庭を荒らしたのは誰だ。 T125481
- That destroyed all his dreams. T47274
- その事が彼のすべての夢を壊した。 T210011
- The city was destroyed by fire. T45050
- その町は火災で焼け野原になった。 T207795
- The house was destroyed by fire. T49355
- その家は焼失した。 T212076
- The typhoon destroyed many houses. T45522
- その台風は多くの家を破壊した。 T208265
- The storm destroyed the whole town. T43498
- その嵐は町全体を破壊した。 T206252
- The troop was altogether destroyed. T319635
- 部隊は全滅した。 T84081
- We've destroyed the enemy flagship! T328584
- 敵の旗艦を撃破しました! T75135
- Many cities were destroyed by bombs. T274924
- 多くの都市が爆弾によって破壊された。 T138311
- Most houses were destroyed to pieces. T33330
- ほとんどの家屋が粉々に破壊された。 T196154
- The fire destroyed the tall building. T49232
- その火事が高いビルを破壊した。 T211954
- The building was completely destroyed. T49973
- そのビルはすっかり壊された。 T212690
- The town was destroyed during the war. T45041
- その町は戦争中に破壊された。 T207787
- But my heart goes to destroy the truth. T268977
- 心は真実を破壊していく。 T145584
- They destroyed the native civilization. T306464
- 彼らは元々あった文明を破壊した。 T97238
- All of the town was destroyed by a fire. T277877
- 町は火事で全焼した。 T126115
- I watched them destroy the old building. T304998
- 彼らが古い建物を壊すのを見た。 T98702
- Many animals have been destroyed by men. T274925
- 多くの動物が人間によって滅ぼされた。 T138310
- The tornado destroyed the whole village. T325504
- 竜巻で村全体が破壊された。 T78214
- The devil destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. T49677
- その悪魔は広島と長崎を破壊した。 T212395
- Not a few houses were destroyed by the typhoon. T63607
- かなり多くの家が台風で壊された。 T226267
- Not a few houses were destroyed in the typhoon. T267800
- 少なからず家が台風で壊れた。 T146761
- The house was altogether destroyed by the fire. T49376
- その家は火事で完全に焼けた。 T212097
- The soldiers' mission was to destroy the bridge. T320100
- 兵士たちの使命はその橋を破壊することだった。 T83616
- We think nuclear weapons will destroy our earth. T21725
- 核兵器はわが地球を滅ぼすと思う。 T184597
- The accident destroyed all his hopes for success. T246206
- 思いがけない事故で彼の成功への夢は打ち砕かれてしまった。 T168287
- My lust is so blind, it begins to destroy my mind. T324954
- 欲望は盲目になり、精神を破壊し始める。 T78762
- Crows all but destroyed the farmer's field of corn. T63529
- カラスはその農夫のとうもろこし畑をほとんどだめにしてしまった。 T226189
- The white building was destroyed by the earthquake. T67862
- あの白い建物が地震でこわれた。 T230494
- The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm. T277888
- 町は嵐の後の洪水で破壊された。 T126105
- The whole world could be destroyed by an atomic war. T273777
- 全世界が1回の原爆戦で破壊されよう。 T140795
- The building was totally destroyed by the earthquake. T49968
- そのビルは地震で完全に破壊された。 T212685
- The atomic bomb destroyed the entire city of Hiroshima. T239478
- 原爆は広島全体を破壊した。 T174989
- The rebel concealed his ambition to destroy the regime. T282771
- 反乱軍の兵士が政権を打倒する野望を隠していた。 T121235
- They had their houses destroyed by a strong earthquake. T306377
- 彼らは強い地震で家を壊された。 T97325
- Three-fourths of the town was destroyed by the typhoon. T45527
- その台風で町の4分の3が破壊された。 T208270
- Much of London was destroyed in the seventeenth century. T29281
- ロンドンの大部分は、17世紀に破壊された。 T192118
- It was in the 1920s that a big earthquake destroyed Tokyo. T275840
- 大地震が東京を破壊したのは1920年代のことだった。 T137396
- They have demanded that all copies of the book be destroyed. T43929
- その本はすべて廃棄せよと彼らは要求した。 T206681
- With the bridge destroyed, there was nothing to do but swim. T18998
- 橋が壊れていたので、泳ぐしかなかった。 T180138
- He was ignorant of the fact that the town had been destroyed. T294765
- 彼は街が破壊されていたという事実を知らなかった。 T108926
- Only part of the building has been destroyed by the earthquake. T48322
- その建物の一部分だけが地震で破壊された。 T211048
- The road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake. T277206
- 地震の結果、その道路は一部破壊された。 T126884
- This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake. T277205
- 地震の結果、その道は一部破壊された。 T126885
- A row of old houses is being destroyed to make way for new flats. T27179
- 一列に立ち並んだ家が新しいアパートに席を譲るためにとりこわされつつある。 T190023
- More than half of my books were destroyed by the fire last night. T274345
- 蔵書の半分以上が昨夜の火事で焼失してしまった。 T140228
- Man may well, in his attempt to be too ambitious, destroy himself. T270241
- 人間はあまりにも野心的になりすぎると、自分を滅ぼしてしまうことになる。 T144324
- The fire, driven by an east wind, destroyed the center of the city. T44581
- その日は東風にあおられて市の中心部を焼き尽くした。 T207329
- With respect to these documents, I think the best thing is to destroy them. T55184
- これらの書類に関しては破棄することが一番いいと思う。 T217874
- It's a tragedy that rainforests are being destroyed for the sake of profits. T282135
- 熱帯雨林がお金のために破壊されているのは残念なことだ。 T121869
- Rev. King's house was destroyed by a bomb. But still, the buses went on empty. T63067
- キング牧師の家は爆弾で破壊された。しかし、それでもなお、バスは空っぽのまま走り続けた。 T225729
- We adults shouldn't destroy the intelligent and creative capacity of children. T249537
- 私たち大人は子供の知的で創造的な能力をだめにしてはいけない。 T164969
- Each year, twenty-seven million acres of the tropical rainforests are destroyed. T322452
- 毎年、2700万エーカーの熱帯雨林が破壊されているのである。 T81263
- The neighbouring house was destroyed, but mine survived just a bit of cost for repair. T328865
- 近隣の家は壊れたが、自宅は少しの修繕費ですんだ。 T74854
- What does destroying evidence get you? The usual thing would be to contact the police, wouldn't it? T328316
- 証拠隠滅どーすんのよ!普通は警察に連絡するもんでしょっ。 T75403
- Zen's latest mission is to save the Earth from ecological destruction at the hands of a plant-destroying madman. T51268
- ゼンの最新の任務は、緑の絶滅を図る狂人による生態系破壊から地球を救うことです。 T213979
- A portion of the island was destroyed by the massive waves. T450584
- No Translation T450584
- Almost all of Atlanta was destroyed. T807249
- No Translation T807249
- An earthquake destroyed the building. T680680
- No Translation T680680
- Cold weather and insects destroyed their crops. T805290
- No Translation T805290
- Earthquakes destroy buildings. T680774
- No Translation T680774
- He believed they were destroying it. T802368
- No Translation T802368
- He wanted to destroy it. T802927
- No Translation T802927
- Santa Ana's army was destroyed. T805369
- No Translation T805369
- The car was destroyed in the accident. T680679
- No Translation T680679
- The Japanese destroyed Pearl Harbor. T804249
- No Translation T804249
- There are many houses destroyed by the earthquake. T792591
- No Translation T792591
- They destroyed stores and factories. T802371
- No Translation T802371
- This vending machine was destroyed by hoodlums last night. T386212
- No Translation T386212
- Tom destroyed his marriage by lying to his wife. T680678
- No Translation T680678
- You always destroy everything. T620102
- No Translation T620102
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).