Sentences with "defend, defended, defended, defending, defends"
Found: 37
- Defend her from danger. T317585
- 彼女を危険から守りなさい。 T86126
- They defended their country. T307045
- 彼らは祖国を守った。 T96660
- Please defend me from such bad men. T38896
- どうかあのような悪人から私を守ってください。 T201686
- The dog defended his master from harm. T239205
- 犬は主人を危害から守った。 T175261
- The town was defended by a large army. T21773
- 街は大軍によって守られた。 T184645
- To defend myself, I had to tell a lie. T258338
- 私は自分を守るために嘘をつかなければならなかった。 T156196
- We must defend our freedom at all cost. T28867
- われわれは、どんな犠牲を払っても自由を守らなければならない。 T191704
- He was desperate to defend his reputation. T304047
- 彼は名声を守ろうと必死だった。 T99650
- To defend ourselves, we had to tell a lie. T263069
- 私達は自分を守るために嘘をつかなければならなかった。 T151487
- Paris did her best to defend her liberties. T35028
- パリは自由を守るために最善をつくした。 T237394
- We have to defend our country at any expense. T248243
- 私たちはどんな犠牲を払っても国を守らなければならない。 T166261
- Every person has a right to defend themselves. T276485
- 誰にも自分を守る権利がある。 T136751
- They defended their country against the invaders. T294757
- 彼は外敵から国を守った。 T108933
- It's a fort built to defend the town from invasion. T268876
- それは侵略から街を守るために造られた要塞だ。 T145686
- When attacked he defended himself with an umbrella. T266408
- 襲われた時、彼はカサで自分の身を守った。 T148151
- Young men and women fought to defend their country. T265799
- 若者たちは祖国を守るために戦った。 T148760
- The natives have to defend their land against invaders. T239475
- 原住民は土地を侵略者から守らねばならない。 T174992
- Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. T287807
- 彼の両親を別にすると、誰もその容疑者を擁護しないだろう。 T115862
- 両親はさておき、誰もその容疑者を弁護しないであろう。 T78023
- The little bird couldn't defend itself against the eagle. T267648
- 小鳥はわしから身を守れなかった。 T146913
- We have to defend our country from the foreign aggression. T23555
- 我が国を外国の侵略から守らねばならない。 T186418
- She went out on a limb defending him, and now she lost her job. T314753
- 彼女は自分の立場を犠牲にしてまで彼をかばったため、職を失う羽目になった。 T88954
- He defends suicide on the grounds that one's self-dignity is more important. T300115
- 彼は人の自己尊厳のほうが重要だという理由で、自殺を擁護する。 T103578
- A good lawyer would leave no stone unturned in his efforts to defend his client. T325866
- 良い弁護士は弁護依頼人を守るために、あらゆる手をつくすだろう。 T77852
- He was respected as a hero because he defended his country against the invaders. T299814
- 彼は侵略者から国を守ったので英雄として扱われている。 T103879
- I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. T321773
- 僕は君の意見に不賛成だがそれを述べる君の権利は最後まで護ってやろう。 T81942
- Robson's proposal is tantamount to defending terrorists because they have a cause. T29327
- ロブソンの提案は、大義名分があるからといってテロリストを擁護するようなものである。 T192164
- That was the only way we could defend ourselves against all this terrible shooting. T43047
- それだけが、この恐ろしい撃ち合いから身を守ることのできる唯一の方法だったの。 T205801
- All the soldiers were called out by the king to defend the castle against all opposition. T273723
- 全ての兵士は王様に敵からこの城を守るよう命ぜられた。 T140849
- If you try to defend the seniority-based corporate escalator these days all you'll get is flak from younger employees. T242077
- 今時、年功序列だなんて言っても、若い奴の反発を食うだけですよ。 T172398
- Johnson defended his policies. T807054
- No Translation T807054
- Jonathan Swift would defend me. T690211
- No Translation T690211
- Our football team defended well. T674437
- No Translation T674437
- She's not here to defend herself against these accusations. T546942
- No Translation T546942
- The militia was formed to defend citizens in an emergency. T681470
- No Translation T681470
- The navy defends our seacoast. T681551
- No Translation T681551
- We defend our family and the souls entrusted to us. T875655
- No Translation T875655
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).