Sentences with "defeat, defeated, defeated, defeating, defeats"
Found: 79
- Even I was defeated. T327661
- 自分でも負けた。 T76057
- We defeated the enemy. T28768
- われわれは敵を破った、 T191605
- He took his defeat hard. T303369
- 彼は負けたことを深刻にうけとめた。 T100328
- He accused me of his defeat. T298819
- 彼は自分の敗因を私のせいだと責めた。 T104870
- He admitted himself defeated. T303370
- 彼は負けを認めた。 T100327
- He didn't acknowledge defeat. T303371
- 彼は負けを認めなかった。 T100326
- Rumors of defeat were abroad. T282436
- 敗戦のうわさが広まった。 T121569
- We defeated them in baseball. T263302
- 私達は野球で彼らを負かした。 T151254
- Chris defeated the vampire knight! T422499
- クリスはヴァンパイア・ナイトを倒した! T422498
- Our team defeated our opponent 5-4. T247402
- 私たちのチームは5対4で相手を負かした。 T167100
- He will on no account accept defeat. T295840
- 彼は決して敗北を認めないだろう。 T107845
- He defeated his powerful antagonists. T295316
- 彼は強力な競争相手を打ち破った。 T108370
- The defeat didn't dampen his spirits. T282433
- 敗れても彼の意気はくじけなかった。 T121573
- The French were defeated at Waterloo. T430162
- フランス軍はワーテルローの戦いで敗北した。 T196990
- He tried his best only to be defeated. T294992
- 彼は頑張ったが結局負けた。 T108697
- They defeated our team by three goals. T306265
- 彼らは我々のチームを3ゴール差で打ち負かした。 T97437
- Tom acknowledges that he was defeated. T37021
- トムは負けた事を認めた。 T199819
- We defeated the other team by 3 points. T262675
- 私達は3点差で相手チームを打ち負かした。 T151879
- The defeated team slowly left the field. T319431
- 負けたチームはゆっくりと競技場を去った。 T84284
- He defeated his opponent in the election. T291103
- 彼はその選挙で対立候補を破った。 T112573
- Defeat and failure make people too humble. T282438
- 敗北や失敗は人間を非常に卑屈にする。 T121567
- Every team was defeated without exception. T37585
- どのチームも例外なく打ち負かされた。 T200384
- His lack of cooperation defeated our plan. T285894
- 彼の協力がなかったので我々の計画はだめになった。 T117770
- Our team defeated them by 5-0 at baseball. T247690
- 私たちの野球チームは彼らに5対0で勝った。 T166812
- The chances of victory or defeat are even. T267363
- 勝ち負けの確率は五分五分だ。 T147198
- The Giants were well on the way to defeat. T53196
- ジャイアンツの負けるのは目に見えていましたからね。 T215895
- The two parties allied to defeat the bill. T280836
- 二つの政党は提携してその法案をつぶした。 T123164
- The lawsuit is likely to end in our defeat. T244213
- 裁判はこちらの負けにおわりそうだ。 T170271
- The defeated army retreated from the country. T282437
- 敗北した軍はその国から撤退した。 T121568
- But I'll never be defeated, never lose my way. T321795
- 僕は決して負けません一糸の迷いもありません。 T81920
- They exulted over the defeat of their enemies. T307210
- 彼らは敵を破って大喜びした。 T96496
- To our surprise, he was defeated in the match. T18898
- 驚いたことに彼はそのその試合で負けてしまった。 T180039
- 驚いたことに彼はその試合で負けてしまった。 T180038
- Actually, we had prepared ourselves for defeat. T265096
- 実は我々は敗北を覚悟していた。 T149462
- A miserable sequence of defeats discouraged us. T32281
- みじめな連敗で我々は意気消沈した。 T195107
- Bravely though they fought, they were defeated. T307629
- 彼らは勇敢に戦ったけれども、敗北した。 T96076
- I didn't want to be defeated in front of my friends. T262049
- 私は友人の前で負けたくなかった。 T152501
- What's more our first battle is to defeat that dragon! T327041
- しかも初陣があのドラゴン退治! T76679
- He is very strong so much so that no one can defeat him. T302975
- 彼は非常に強い、あまり強くてだれも彼には打ち勝てない。 T100722
- The allies defeated the evil empire in the fierce battle. T280356
- 同盟国はその激しい戦いで悪の帝国を打ち破った。 T123640
- The Upper House seems bent on defeating any reform bills. T245045
- 参議院はどんな改正案も通さない構えないようです。 T169441
- Tom boasts of never having been defeated in a horse race. T37340
- トムは、乗馬競技でまけたことがないのを自慢している。 T200139
- Tanks and planes may defeat the troops but they cannot conquer the people. T273252
- 戦車や飛行機は軍隊を打ち破ることはできようが、国民を征服することはできない。 T141319
- The general had 20/20 hindsight about the defeat, but no foresight at all. T267463
- 将軍は結局のところ敗北を認めたが、予想だにしなかったことである。 T147099
- The victorious country dictated the terms of peace to the defeated country. T273255
- 戦勝国は敗戦国に講和条件を指令した。 T141316
- The manager threw in the towel in defeat and planned how to win the next game. T32501
- マネージャーは敗北を認めた。そして、次のゲームに勝利を収める計画を立てた。 T195327
- But, if by that, morale drops wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the exercise? T328523
- でも、それで士気が下がっては本末転倒ではないかと。 T75196
- It is important for us to learn to handle defeats as well as triumphs properly. T267396
- 勝利はもちろんであるが、敗北を上手に処理できるようになることは、私達にとって重要である。 T147165
- He threw in the towel in defeat when his favorite chorus girl married another man. T288174
- 彼は、自分のお気に入りのコーラス・ガールが、ほかの男と結婚した時、敗北を認めた。 T115496
- Putting his trust in God and taking the bull by the horns, the Christian gladiator defeated many adversaries. T269671
- 神を信じ、敢然と敵に向かった、そのクリスチャンの剣闘士は、たくさんの敵を倒した。 T144893
- Allied military leaders found a way to defeat the Japanese plan. T804264
- No Translation T804264
- Both victory and defeat are but an everyday occurrence to a soldier. T564634
- No Translation T564634
- For the first time, the Japanese Navy had been defeated. T804256
- No Translation T804256
- Germany and Japan were defeated. T804245
- No Translation T804245
- Grant refused to accept defeat. T807095
- No Translation T807095
- He was defeated by the fly swatter. T861090
- No Translation T861090
- His illness defeated all his hopes. T400130
- No Translation T400130
- In the battle of ideas, science defeated conservatism. T804160
- No Translation T804160
- Japan had defeated Russia in a war in 1905. T804223
- No Translation T804223
- Muiriel had no other choice but to accept her defeat. T761158
- No Translation T761158
- Republicans were defeated in many states. T807421
- No Translation T807421
- Roosevelt refused to accept the idea of defeat. T807595
- No Translation T807595
- Rumors of defeat were circulating. T958845
- No Translation T958845
- She defeated him. T887062
- No Translation T887062
- The battle was an important defeat for Japan. T804139
- No Translation T804139
- The biggest defeat for an atheist is ending up in paradise. T753321
- No Translation T753321
- The British defeated the French in North America in 1763. T804090
- No Translation T804090
- The British defeated the French. T804057
- No Translation T804057
- The communist forces quickly defeated the Marines. T831302
- No Translation T831302
- The Confederate leaders refused to accept defeat. T805396
- No Translation T805396
- The German army made a final effort to defeat the Allies. T804118
- No Translation T804118
- The Marines quickly defeated the communist forces. T807695
- No Translation T807695
- The people united will never be defeated! T552827
- No Translation T552827
- The treaty was defeated. T805469
- No Translation T805469
- They had been defeated in battle. T802339
- No Translation T802339
- They knew they must fight together to defeat the common enemy. T802818
- No Translation T802818
- To those who would tear the world down: we will defeat you. T347784
- No Translation T347784
- Victory and defeat aren't solely decided by the size of your army. T558520
- No Translation T558520
- We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist. T410276
- No Translation T410276
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).