Sentences with "declare, declared, declared, declaring, declares"
Found: 51
- Well, I declare! T64840
- おや、これは驚いた。 T227487
- Declare one's love. T28703
- 愛を告白する。 T191544
- 愛を打ち明ける。 T191540
- 恋を打ち明ける。 T77441
- He was declared guilty. T304437
- 彼は有罪と宣告された。 T99264
- He was declared insolvent. T303568
- 彼は返済能力がないと宣告された。 T100129
- I have nothing to declare. T436683
- 申告する物は何もありません。 T145014
- 申告ものはありません。 T145012
- In reply Jesus declared... T66670
- イエスは、答えて言われた・・・。 T229312
- Do you have anything to declare? T23665
- なにか、申告するものがありますか。 T199118
- 課税品をお持ちですか。 T186529
- 申告が必要な物をお持ちですか。 T145017
- 申告する物はありますか。 T145016
- She declared that she was right. T309979
- 彼女は、自分は正しいと言い切った。 T93728
- Do you have something to declare? T434586
- 何か申告するものはありますか。 T187925
- I don't have anything to declare. T269547
- 申告するものは何も持っていません。 T145015
- She declared him to be dishonest. T316233
- 彼女は彼が不正直だと断言した。 T87475
- The colony declared independence. T46158
- その植民地は独立を宣言した。 T208897
- Declare your position in a debate. T280094
- 討論では自分の立場をはっきり述べなさい。 T123901
- She declared that she was not guilty. T314757
- 彼女は自分は無実だと断言した。 T88950
- They declared that they were innocent. T303992
- 彼は無実だと断言した。 T99705
- The will was declared void by the court. T49645
- その遺言は法廷で無効と宣告された。 T212363
- The reason for declaring war is not certain. T273146
- 宣戦布告の理由は判明していない。 T141425
- He declared that the earth goes round the sun. T277101
- 地球が太陽の周囲を回るのだと彼は言った。 T126989
- The country declared war against its neighbor. T47839
- その国は隣国に対し宣戦を布告した。 T210569
- The colony has not declared independence as yet. T46159
- その植民地はまだ独立を宣言していない。 T208899
- I hereby declare the opening of the Olympic Games. T61827
- ここにオリンピック大会の開会を宣言します。 T224492
- The newspaper declared for the Republican candidate. T269423
- 新聞はその共和党候補を支持する立場を表明した。 T145140
- The American Government declared a state of emergency. T67461
- アメリカ政府は非常事態宣言を行った。 T230096
- He said that America declared its independence in 1776. T67550
- アメリカは1776年に独立を宣言したと彼は言った。 T230184
- The colony declared independence and become a republic. T46157
- その植民地は独立を宣言し、共和国となった。 T208898
- Japan declared war on the United States in December, 1941. T281468
- 日本は1941年12月に合衆国に宣戦布告をした。 T122535
- The government has declared its intention to reduce taxes. T271464
- 政府は減税の意向を明言した。 T143104
- I advised the shy young man to declare his love for the beautiful girl. T254602
- 私はその内気な青年にその美しい少女への愛を告白するように勧めた。 T159920
- As a disinterested third-party I can declare that she secretly loves him. T327955
- 彼女が彼に惚れてるのは岡目八目疑いのないところだよ。 T75763
- The mayor declared that he would announce the result of the investigation. T246170
- 市長は調査の結果を公表すると宣言した。 T168323
- A ceasefire was declared. T806876
- No Translation T806876
- Have you anything to declare? T693863
- No Translation T693863
- He basically declares anyone who doesn't agree with him a Communist. T812135
- No Translation T812135
- He declared that they had been friends for 30 years. T439824
- No Translation T439824
- He was declared bankrupt. T919006
- No Translation T919006
- I declare Allan as our vice president. T533250
- No Translation T533250
- I declare this supermarket open. T610053
- No Translation T610053
- In 1847, they declared themselves independent. T802587
- No Translation T802587
- In Belgium, Flemish people want to declare their independence someday. T938082
- No Translation T938082
- Military law was declared in some areas. T807387
- No Translation T807387
- On December 13, 1981 martial law was declared in Poland. T553590
- No Translation T553590
- The court declared him innocent on the charge of murder. T387431
- No Translation T387431
- The magazine declares a new king of hipster "music" every two weeks. T812144
- No Translation T812144
- The nation recently declared its independence. T681545
- No Translation T681545
- Yolanda only declares love in person. T812137
- No Translation T812137
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).