Sentences with "bury, buried, buried, burying, burys"
Found: 47
- Dogs often bury bones. T239178
- 犬はよく骨を地面に埋める。 T175288
- He is buried in thought. T303477
- 彼は物思いにふけっている。 T100220
- He is dead and buried now. T296565
- 彼は今地下に眠っている。 T107121
- His ashes are buried here. T285531
- 彼の遺骨はここに埋められている。 T118133
- Bury one's head in the sand. T239601
- 現実のことを見ようとしない。 T174866
- She has buried her only son. T310105
- 彼女は1人息子に先立たれた。 T93602
- They buried him in his grave. T307928
- 彼を墓に埋めた。 T95777
- Who buried the gold bars here? T276188
- 誰がここに金塊を埋めたのだろう。 T137048
- She was buried in her hometown. T315356
- 彼女は生まれ故郷に埋葬された。 T88351
- He buried his head in his hands. T304706
- 彼は両手で頭をかかえこんだ。 T98994
- He was buried in this graveyard. T289962
- 彼はこの墓地に埋葬されている。 T113711
- She buried her face in her hands. T317423
- 彼女は両手で顔をおおった。 T86288
- The town lay buried for centuries. T45049
- その町は何世紀もの間埋もれていた。 T207796
- I wonder who's buried in that tomb. T68722
- あのお墓には誰が入っているのだろう。 T231355
- I wish to be buried in this country. T253597
- 私はこの国に骨を埋めるつもりです。 T160921
- We were looking for buried treasure. T22660
- 我々は埋められた宝をさがしていた。 T185528
- The treasure was buried on the island. T320989
- 宝物はその島に埋められていた。 T82727
- I hear it's buried under all that snow. T272560
- 雪にうずもれちゃってるんですって。 T142010
- The facts are buried in a few old books. T47060
- その事実は古い文献のいくつかに見出される。 T209797
- This is a place where animals are buried. T61619
- ここは動物たちが埋葬されている場所です。 T224284
- This is the church where Blake is buried. T56300
- これがブレークの葬られている教会です。 T218984
- J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery. T72213
- J.F.ケネディはアーリントン墓地に埋葬された。 T234836
- Keiko buried her head in the pillow and cried. T329195
- けいこは枕に顔をうずめて泣いた。 T74524
- They buried him in the graveyard by the church. T307408
- 彼らは彼を教会の近くの墓地に埋葬した。 T96297
- It is said that treasure is buried in this area. T59605
- この区域に財宝が埋まっているという話だ。 T222278
- The pirates buried their treasure in the ground. T22160
- 海賊は宝を地中に埋めた。 T185029
- To make a long story short, we buried the hatchet. T266038
- 手短にいけば、我々は仲直りをした。 T148520
- They explored the desert in quest of buried treasure. T63481
- かれらは埋蔵された宝物を求めて砂漠を探検した。 T226141
- 彼らの埋蔵された宝物を求めて砂漠を探索した。 T98402
- Many people visited the shrine where the saint lay buried. T45907
- その聖者が埋葬されている聖堂を多くの人々が訪れた。 T208648
- The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree. T44028
- その宝はまだ森の中にあって、そこの木の下に埋めてある。 T206780
- Isn't it about time you guys buried the hatchet and let bygones be bygones? T237727
- 君達はいさかいを止めて、過去のことは水に流してもいい頃じゃないのかい? T176735
- Her classmates folded three hundred and fifty-six cranes so that one thousand were buried with her. T309184
- 彼女の級友達は356羽の鶴を折り、千羽が彼女と一緒に埋葬された。 T94523
- At one time we were enemies, but we've buried the hatchet and we are now on friendly terms with each other. T27759
- 一時、私たちは敵だったが、和解したからには、もうしたしい間柄である。 T190597
- Abraham Lincoln was buried in his hometown of Springfield, Illinois. T639213
- No Translation T639213
- After the dog died, they buried him in the backyard. T680456
- No Translation T680456
- He wrote how he wished to be buried. T803102
- No Translation T803102
- I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. T6048
- No Translation T6048
- It is said that there is a treasure buried around here. T729017
- No Translation T729017
- Most of the bodies were buried where they fell. T802600
- No Translation T802600
- Muslims bury their dead in graves. T607293
- No Translation T607293
- Rachel was buried two days later. T807149
- No Translation T807149
- She's burying her money in the sand. T680457
- No Translation T680457
- The dog was busy burying his bone in the garden. T671197
- No Translation T671197
- They asked Mrs. Lincoln where she wanted her husband buried. T802815
- No Translation T802815
- They buried her dead husband. T680455
- No Translation T680455
- We will bury you. T442601
- No Translation T442601
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).