Sentences with "bread, bred, bred, breading, breads"
Found: 162
- Art brings bread. T238428
- 芸は身を助ける。 T176038
- Well, I bake bread. T51129
- そうですね、パンを焼いたりします。 T213842
- White bread, please. T33102
- ホワイトブレッド、おねがいします。 T195927
- On what kind of bread? T34937
- パンの種類はどうなさいますか。 T197749
- I prefer rice to bread. T255448
- 私はパンよりご飯の方が好きです。 T159076
- We eat butter on bread. T262646
- 私達は、バターをパンにつけてたべる。 T151908
- This is a kind of bread. T55848
- これはパンの一種だ。 T218535
- Bread is made from flour. T34927
- パンは小麦粉で作られる。 T197739
- Bread is made from wheat. T527167
- パンは小麦から作られます。 T527165
- Flour is made into bread. T267674
- 小麦粉はパンになる。 T146887
- Bread is baked in an oven. T34929
- パンはオーブンで焼いて作られる。 T197741
- He likes bread and butter. T292413
- 彼はバター付きパンが好きだ。 T111270
- We live on bread and rice. T248273
- 私たちはパンと米で暮らしています。 T166231
- I need some bread and milk. T34943
- パンとミルクが必要だ。 T197755
- Is this bread's best-by OK? T328078
- このパンって賞味期限大丈夫か? T75640
- She bought a loaf of bread. T312016
- 彼女はパンを一個買った。 T91696
- Do you have bread for lunch? T15894
- 君は昼食にパンを食べますか。 T177046
- I like bread more than rice. T253767
- 私はごはんよりパンのほうが好きだ。 T160753
- I only took a bite of bread. T254943
- 私はただパンを一口食べただけだ。 T159580
- I bought two loaves of bread. T34921
- パンを2こ買った。 T197734
- This bread is very delicious. T60629
- このパンはとてもおいしい。 T223297
- Bread and milk are good foods. T34922
- パンやミルクはよい食べ物だ。 T197735
- He earns his bread by writing. T303075
- 彼は筆で生計を立てている。 T100623
- He spread butter on the bread. T292464
- 彼はパンにバターを塗った。 T111220
- Mother bought a loaf of bread. T320676
- 母はパンを一個買った。 T83040
- We do not have any more bread. T31118
- もこれ以上パンはありません。 T193950
- He earns his bread as a writer. T299427
- 彼は書くことで生計を立てている。 T104264
- He is a Parisian born and bred. T300490
- 彼は生粋のパリっ子です。 T103203
- The mice ate some of the bread. T35803
- ネズミがパンをかじった。 T198610
- Condors have never bred in zoos. T54804
- コンドルは動物園では決して育たない。 T217495
- How did he earn his daily bread? T291986
- 彼はどうやって日々の生計をたてているのですか。 T111697
- Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. T32370
- マユコは朝食にパンを食べる。 T195196
- Please give me a piece of bread. T38848
- どうか私にパンを一切れください。 T201638
- This job is my bread and butter. T59168
- この仕事が私の収入源です。 T221842
- Do they sell bread at that store? T67925
- あの店ではパンを売っていますか。 T230558
- He was born and bred a gentleman. T300005
- 彼は紳士として生れ育てられた。 T103688
- I'd like some more bread, please. T31300
- もう少しパンをください。 T194130
- May I have this bread and butter? T60669
- このバターつきパンをいただいてもいいですか。 T223336
- This bread is fresh from the oven. T60630
- このパンは焼き立てである。(オーブンから出てきたばかりである。)。 T223298
- We eat bread and butter for lunch. T22813
- 我々は昼食にバターつきのパンを食べる。 T185680
- Bread has gone up ten yen in price. T34936
- パンの値段が10円上がった。 T197748
- He cut his sister a piece of bread. T303848
- 彼は妹のためにひときれのパンを切ってやった。 T99849
- How will you earn your daily bread? T69866
- あなたはどうやって日々の生計をたてていくつもりですか。 T232497
- I ate nothing but bread and butter. T35192
- バターを塗ったパン以外何も食べなかった。 T198003
- She spread the butter on the bread. T312011
- 彼女はパンにバターを塗った。 T91701
- Which do you prefer, rice or bread? T54340
- ご飯とパンどちらがいいですか。 T217034
- He brings home the bread and butter. T283960
- 彼が生活費を稼いでいる。 T119702
- He used to have bread for breakfast. T301586
- 彼は朝食にはきまってパンを食べたものだった。 T102108
- His bread is buttered on both sides. T25560
- 牡丹餅で腰打つ。「諺」 T188417
- I ate bread and butter this morning. T257535
- 私は今朝バターつきのパンを食べた。 T156999
- My mother bakes bread every morning. T251857
- 私の母は毎朝パンを焼く。 T162657
- Please slice a loaf of bread for me. T34924
- パンは切ってください。 T197737
- She has special way of making bread. T316026
- 彼女は特別な作り方でパンを焼いている。 T87682
- You omitted telling me to buy bread. T16431
- 君はパンを買ってくるように私に言うのを怠った。 T177579
- The bread was baked light and fluffy. T327243
- パンがふんわり焼けた。 T76477
- There is enough bread for all of you. T17627
- 君たち全員に足りるだけのパンはある。 T178774
- We have bread and eggs for breakfast. T249074
- 私たちは朝食にパンと卵をとります。 T165431
- He gave me some bread, also some milk. T297533
- 彼は私にパン、それに牛乳もくれた。 T106153
- Mother went to town to get some bread. T320677
- 母はパンを買いに町へいきました。 T83039
- She baked bread and cakes in the oven. T310566
- 彼女はオーブンでパンとケーキを焼いた。 T93143
- Bread and butter is my usual breakfast. T35191
- バター付きパンは私のいつもの朝食です。 T198002
- I bought a loaf of bread for breakfast. T259479
- 私は朝食に食パンを1つかいました。 T155060
- Bread is better than the songs of birds. T23739
- 花より団子。 T186603
- I bought a loaf of bread at the baker's. T255450
- 私はパン屋で食パンを1つ買った。 T159075
- She bought a loaf of bread this morning. T242157
- 今朝、彼女はパンを1個買った。 T172316
- Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. T271779
- 生業の苦情を言うな。 T142790
- If you are hungry, you can eat the bread. T64958
- おなかがすいているなら、そのパンを食べてもいいよ。 T227605
- Bread and butter is their usual breakfast. T35196
- バターをぬったパンを、彼らは普通朝食にしている。 T198007
- Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. T34925
- パンは粉と水とイーストから作られる。 T197738
- He is rich, what is more, he is well-bred. T295481
- 彼は金持ちだ。そのうえ、育ちがいい。 T108205
- The settlers subsisted on bread and water. T281946
- 入植者たちはパンと水でかろうじて生き延びた。 T122057
- We have barely enough bread for breakfast. T277821
- 朝食用のパンは何とかある。 T126171
- I bought bread, coffee, sugar and the like. T255447
- 私はパンやコーヒーや砂糖などを買った。 T159078
- I ate some bread and a boiled egg for lunch. T259452
- 私は昼食にパンとゆで卵を食べた。 T155087
- Won't you have some bread hot from the oven? T268179
- 焼き立てのパンはいかがですか。 T146383
- Yeast acts as an agent in making bread rise. T66759
- イースト菌はパンを膨らませる際の作用剤だ。 T229399
- She got a piece of bread stuck in her throat. T312017
- 彼女はパンを喉に詰まらせた。 T91695
- My mother bakes bread and cookies on weekends. T320797
- 母は週末にパンとクッキーを焼く。 T82919
- He was so poor that he could not buy the bread. T292163
- 彼はとても貧しかったので、そのパンを買えなかった。 T111520
- There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread. T34935
- パンの皮にむせ返る骸骨。 T197747
- Pan is a monkey that can spread butter on bread. T34939
- パン君はパンにバターを塗れる猿です。 T197751
- We cannot earn our bread with the present wages. T248699
- 私たちは今の賃金では食べてゆけない。 T165805
- Bread is made from flour, water, and often yeast. T34926
- パンは小麦粉と水と、それにしばしばイーストを加えてから作られる。 T236738
- He had barely enough money to buy bread and milk. T292463
- 彼はパンと牛乳がどうにか買えるだけのお金を持っていた。 T111221
- The knife we used to cut the bread with was sharp. T28319
- 以前私達がパンを切っていたナイフは鋭かった。 T191159
- Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. T274927
- 多くの日本の若者が朝食にパンを食べます。 T138308
- They bargained additional rations of bread and milk. T305993
- 彼らはパンと牛乳の追加配給を交渉で決めた。 T97711
- They sell fruit, bread, cakes, and many other things. T306250
- 彼らは果物、パン、ケーキやその他多くのものを売る。 T97452
- We usually have a slice of bread and a cup of coffee. T249092
- 私たちは通常パン一切れとコーヒー1杯をいただきます。 T165413
- Will you go across to the baker's and buy some bread? T240589
- 向かいのパン屋へ行ってパンを買ってきて。 T173881
- A piece of bread was not enough to satisfy his hunger. T34702
- ひとかけらのパンでは彼の飢えを満たすには足りなかった。 T197516
- I like to bake bread and give a loaf to my friend Mie. T34919
- パンを焼いて友達のみえにあげるのが好きです。 T197732
- The number of Japanese who live on bread has increased. T34918
- パンを主食にする日本人の数は増えた。 T197733
- Is tomorrow's breakfast bread or a proper one with rice? T323204
- 明日の朝食はパンですかご飯ですか。 T80513
- Putting pieces of bread prevented them from getting lost. T305994
- 彼らはパンのかけらを置くことによって道に迷わなかった。 T97710
- Well, I bake bread, listen to music, or read comic books. T51130
- そうですね、パンを焼いたり、音楽を聴いたり、漫画を読んだりします。 T213843
- It says in the Bible, "Man shall not live on bread alone." T270019
- 人はパンのみにて生きるにあらず、と聖書に書いてある。 T144546
- I am not so foolish as to quarrel with my bread and butter. T258299
- 私は自分の職業を捨てるほど馬鹿ではない。 T156235
- I took a cooking class last spring and learned to bake bread. T19430
- 去年の春、料理教室に通って、パンの焼き方を覚えました。 T182221
- Which would you like to have with your bread, butter or cheese? T34938
- パンにはバターとチーズのどちらをつけて食べますか。 T197750
- Sandra takes a slice of bread and a cup of coffee for breakfast. T53923
- サンドラは朝、パンとコーヒーを一杯飲みます。 T216619
- サンドラは朝パンを一枚とコーヒーを一杯飲みます。 T216618
- He gave the poor woman some bread and a five dollar bill besides. T291249
- 彼はその貧しい女にパンとそのうえ5ドル紙幣をやった。 T112428
- It'd be great if you could pick up some bread before you come home. T20449
- 帰りにパンを買ってきて下さるとありがたいんだけれど。 T183326
- We have lots of bread, and as for butter, we have more than enough. T34928
- パンはたくさんある。またバターについては十分すぎるほどある。 T197740
- The exception was in China, where flat bread was probably not eaten. T326040
- 例外は中国で、おそらく平らなパンは食されていなかった。 T77678
- Within a couple of minutes, she had eaten up all the bread and cheese. T280992
- 二分以内で彼女はパンとチーズを全部たいらげた。 T123010
- The toaster-oven's timer rings. The fragrant smell of well toasted bread. T326891
- オーブントースターのタイマーが鳴る。食パンがコンガリ焼けた、香ばしい匂い。 T76829
- Heaving a great sigh I plunk my bread on the table and flump onto the chair. T327770
- 盛大な溜息をつきながら、テーブルの上にどさどさとパンを置き、椅子にどっかりと腰掛ける。 T75948
- Before forks and chopsticks, people usually ate food with a piece of flat bread. T34384
- フォークやはしが使われる以前は、人々はふつう平らなパンを使って食べていた。 T197202
- She's pure bred blue-blood you see. Unfortunately that's no sort of put-on but her natural self. T327768
- 生粋のお嬢様だからな。残念ながら悪戯とかじゃなくてあれで素だ。 T75950
- What, you having bread again? I see you're still leading the same thrilling dietary life as ever. T328119
- 何あんた、またパン?相変わらず変わり映えのしない食生活送ってんのね。 T75599
- While on a mountain trip, I was chewing on some hard, stale bread when I happened upon a huge snake. T327452
- 乾いてぼそぼそになったパンをかみながらの山の旅で、大蛇にあった。 T76268
- A moldy loaf of bread lay on the table. T619785
- No Translation T619785
- And a little bread. T403130
- No Translation T403130
- At the market, the farmer is selling his farmer's bread. T630159
- No Translation T630159
- Bread and games. T432509
- No Translation T432509
- Eat the bread! T801146
- No Translation T801146
- He has less bread. T434902
- No Translation T434902
- I ate potato flavoured village bread in my hometown, Bolu. T728414
- No Translation T728414
- I bought fresh bread. T896148
- No Translation T896148
- I have a much fresher piece of bread than you. T663793
- No Translation T663793
- I like milk and bread. T845339
- No Translation T845339
- If they don't have bread, let them eat cake. T433933
- No Translation T433933
- Ignorance and error are necessary to life, like bread and water. T879690
- No Translation T879690
- In the meantime, cut the bread into cubes and fry them in hot oil. T491907
- No Translation T491907
- It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. T696998
- No Translation T696998
- Man does not live by bread alone. T877911
- No Translation T877911
- Man lives not by bread alone. T875918
- No Translation T875918
- One who wakes up late, for him, there may not be enough bread. T749321
- No Translation T749321
- Seed after seed will make bread. T396737
- No Translation T396737
- She has a little bread. T456691
- No Translation T456691
- She was a born and bred Londoner. T605818
- No Translation T605818
- Sheep are bred for their fleece and their meat. T676927
- No Translation T676927
- The boy eats bread. T767891
- No Translation T767891
- The boy is eating bread. T881343
- No Translation T881343
- The bread is old and hard. T681137
- No Translation T681137
- The bread landed on the floor upside down. T681324
- No Translation T681324
- The bread really smells good. T884459
- No Translation T884459
- The man ate bread. T767950
- No Translation T767950
- The man ate the bread. T890444
- No Translation T890444
- The man has more bread than his wife. T462792
- No Translation T462792
- The man is eating bread. T853262
- No Translation T853262
- The woman tastes the bread. T463010
- No Translation T463010
- There isn't enough bread for those who wake up late. T749318
- No Translation T749318
- There's mold on the bread. This means that we can't eat it anymore. T924147
- No Translation T924147
- They neither sold the vegetables nor bought the bread they needed. T877799
- No Translation T877799
- They tasted the bread. T463232
- No Translation T463232
- This bread is delicious. T430147
- No Translation T430147
- This has bred more fear and mistrust. T376859
- No Translation T376859
- This old bread is as hard as a rock. T681960
- No Translation T681960
- Tom divided the bread into two pieces. T680727
- No Translation T680727
- Was there fresh bread in the box? T851957
- No Translation T851957
- What is bred in the bone will come out in the blood. T711138
- No Translation T711138
- Where can you get the best fresh bread? T681017
- No Translation T681017
- Where did all the bread go? T396730
- No Translation T396730
- Who ate the bread? T371958
- No Translation T371958
- Whose ever bread one eats, his language one speaks. T453473
- No Translation T453473
- Will you buy me some bread, please? T742078
- No Translation T742078
- Would you like a piece of bread with your meal? T681727
- No Translation T681727
- Would you like bread? T687834
- No Translation T687834
- Would you mind buying me some bread, please? T742082
- No Translation T742082
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).