Sentences with "bloom, bloomed, bloomed, blooming, blooms"
Found: 62
- Flowers bloom. T23749
- 花は咲く。 T186613
- The roses are in bloom. T35089
- バラが咲いている。 T197900
- The roses bloom in the spring. T35067
- バラは春に咲きます。 T197878
- The roses are in full bloom. T35083
- バラの花が満開だ。 T197894
- This rose has a white bloom. T60641
- このバラは白い花をつける。 T223309
- Tulips come into bloom soon. T40177
- チューリップはまもなく咲く。 T202942
- She is in the bloom of youth. T313655
- 彼女は今が若い盛りだ。 T90059
- 彼女は今が青春の盛りだ。 T90058
- The hydrangea blooms in June. T71852
- あじさいは6月に咲く。 T234475
- Tulips are in full bloom now. T40179
- チューリップは、いまが満開です。 T202944
- These flowers bloom in the spring. T55262
- これらの花は春に咲く。 T217953
- Many plants bloom in the spring. T274876
- 多くの植物は春に花をつける。 T138359
- The roses are now in full bloom. T35069
- バラは今満開です。 T197880
- The cherry trees are in full bloom. T244914
- 桜の木が満開だ。 T169572
- The flowers are already out of bloom. T23753
- 花はもう盛りをすぎている。 T186617
- The roses are in bloom in our garden. T65525
- うちの庭ではバラが咲いている。 T228171
- The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. T244897
- 桜が満開である。 T169589
- 桜の花は満開です。 T169575
- Many beautiful flowers bloom in the spring. T40999
- たくさんの美しい花が春に咲く。 T203758
- 春にはたくさんの美しい花が咲く。 T147630
- The cherry trees are in full bloom now. T244908
- 桜の花は今満開です。 T169578
- The roses are blooming early this year. T243136
- 今年はバラが早く咲いている。 T171339
- A lot of flowers begin to bloom in the spring. T266929
- 春にはたくさんの花が咲き始める。 T147631
- The flowers in the garden bloom in the spring. T278492
- 庭の花は春にさく。 T125500
- The roses in the garden are in full bloom. T278487
- 庭のバラは今花盛りです。 T125505
- The tulips are in bloom in the flower bed. T23710
- 花壇のチューリップが咲いている。 T186574
- These flowers bloom earlier than others do. T60055
- この花は早咲きだ。 T222725
- Cherry trees are now in bloom in Washington. T29138
- ワシントンでは今桜が咲いている。 T191976
- The cherry trees are getting ready to bloom. T244899
- 桜の花が咲こうとしています。 T169587
- The delicate, graceful flowers are in bloom. T41094
- たおやかな花が咲いている。 T203853
- Cold weather keeps many plants from blooming. T278930
- 天候が寒いと多くの植物が開花できない。 T125063
- Musical talent usually blooms at an early age. T25426
- 音楽の才能は普通早く開花する。 T188284
- My garden is filled with sweet-smelling blooms. T23573
- 我が家の庭は甘い香りの花で満ちている。 T186437
- In Tokyo, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. T279720
- 東京では、桜が満開だ。 T124274
- Some flowers bloom in the spring and others in the autumn. T266934
- 春に咲く花もあれば、秋に咲く花もある。 T147626
- All the cherry trees in the park are in full bloom. T240440
- 公園の全ての桜の花は咲きそろっている。 T174030
- It is in early spring that daffodils come into bloom. T29735
- ラッパスイセンが咲くのは早春の頃だ。 T192571
- The roses were in full bloom in the botanical garden. T46160
- その植物園は薔薇の花が満開だった。 T208900
- It is such warm weather that the roses will bloom soon. T275982
- 大変暖かい陽気なので、ばらの花がすぐ咲くでしょう。 T137254
- This week the cherry blossoms in the park are in full bloom. T242105
- 今週は公園の桜が満開だ。 T172370
- A flower bloomed to the tree that withered to the strange case. T20634
- 奇妙なことに枯れた木に花が咲いた。 T183511
- Rose and lilies are in bloom in the garden. I like these better than those. T278469
- 庭にバラとユリが咲いている。私は前者よりも後者の方が好きだ。 T125523
- The next morning I woke to see the fruit trees in bloom underneath my window. T324965
- 翌朝、目がさめると、私の窓の下で果実の木の花が咲いているのを目にした。 T78751
- It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry-blossoms are in full bloom. T244903
- 桜の花の盛りのころには、曇りでなければ風の強い日になりがちである。 T169583
- Since PlayStation 2 came out the game software store shelves have bloomed riotously with colorful new titles. T34101
- プレステ2発売後、ゲームソフト売り場は百花撩乱状態だ。 T196921
- A lot of flowers begin to bloom in spring. T266929
- No Translation T266929
- Different flowers bloom in each season. T681992
- No Translation T681992
- Let a hundred flowers bloom! T435720
- No Translation T435720
- Let the fruit-tree come to bloom. T683926
- No Translation T683926
- Many beautiful flowers bloom in spring. T40999
- No Translation T40999
- Many flowers start blooming in springtime. T713407
- No Translation T713407
- Many pretty flowers bloom in the spring. T453669
- No Translation T453669
- North China is cold in spring, so flowers don't bloom outdoors. T766030
- No Translation T766030
- On the edge of the cliff blooms the most beautiful flowers. T453906
- No Translation T453906
- Some flowers bloom in spring and others in autumn. T266934
- No Translation T266934
- The flowers in the garden bloom in spring. T278492
- No Translation T278492
- The roses bloom in spring. T35067
- No Translation T35067
- The roses in the garden are blooming. T460376
- No Translation T460376
- There was lavender in bloom as far as the eye could see. T708268
- No Translation T708268
- These flowers bloom in spring. T55262
- No Translation T55262
- Tulips will bloom soon. T495620
- No Translation T495620
- While broth boils, friendship blooms. T896151
- No Translation T896151
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).