Sentences with "bite, bit, bit, bitting, bits"
Found: 299
- I bit my lip. T258760
- 私は唇を噛んだ。 T155777
- He is a bit on. T288197
- 彼は、少し酔っている。 T115473
- Bit cold though. T40032
- ちょっと寒いですが。 T202797
- Bite the bullet. T22606
- 我慢してくれ。 T185474
- I'm a bit tired. T258672
- 私は少し疲れている。 T155863
- 少しくたびれた。 T146867
- 少し疲れた。 T146779
- Bite your tongue! T268818
- 辱を知れ。 T145744
- How about a bite? T25079
- 何か食べようか。 T187940
- I am a bit drunk. T258666
- 私は少し酔っている。 T155870
- Can I have a bite? T27796
- 一口食べてもいい。 T190637
- I have a bad bite. T63571
- かみ合わせが悪いのです。 T226231
- That's a bit cold. T326045
- 冷たいなあ。 T77673
- Let's catch a bite. T238414
- 軽く食べましょう。 T176051
- He bit off the meat. T302186
- 彼は肉を食いちぎった。 T101509
- I'm not a bit tired. T258663
- 私は少しも疲れていない。 T155873
- The dog bit the man. T239217
- 犬は男に噛みついた。 T175249
- He looks a bit tired. T299601
- 彼は少し疲れているようだ。 T104091
- I'll bite the bullet. T22605
- 我慢しましょう。 T185473
- The milk's a bit off. T60457
- このミルクは少し古くなってしまいました。 T223126
- Bite together, please. T263596
- 歯をくいしばってください。 T150960
- Don't bite your nails. T39753
- つめを噛むんじゃない。 T202523
- 爪を噛むのはよしなさい。 T125561
- I need a bit of sugar. T33040
- ほんの少し砂糖が必要です。 T195865
- I was not a bit tired. T253991
- 私はすこしも疲れなかった。 T160531
- A mosquito just bit me. T23597
- 蚊が刺した。 T186461
- Every little bit helps. T36725
- どんなに少しでもすべて役に立つ。 T199523
- She bit into the apple. T29614
- リンゴをがぶりと齧った。 T192450
- This pork is a bit off. T57568
- この豚肉は少しいたんでいる。 T220249
- He is a bit of a coward. T284638
- 彼には、少し臆病なところがある。 T119025
- The radio is a bit loud. T29797
- ラジオが少しうるさい。 T192633
- A dog bit her on the leg. T239124
- 犬が彼女の足をかんだ。 T175342
- Barking dogs seldom bite. T29918
- よく吠える犬はめったにかみつかない。 T192752
- 吠える犬はめったに噛み付く事はない。 T82466
- 吠える犬は滅多に噛まないものだ。 T82465
- Clear up your desk a bit. T16220
- 君は机を少しは片づけなさい。 T177371
- He's a bit of a drunkard. T299614
- 彼は少々のんべえだ。 T104078
- I am bit weak at figures. T39982
- ちょっと数字に弱いのです。 T202746
- Let's catch a quick bite. T19723
- 急いで何か食べましょう。 T182582
- We're not a bit too soon. T267733
- 少しも早すぎることはない。 T146828
- Why don't you rest a bit? T40026
- ちょっと休んだらどうですか。 T202791
- 少し休んだらどうですか。 T146815
- Bite down tightly, please. T19223
- 強くかみ合わせていてください。 T180508
- He is every bit a scholar. T292012
- 彼はどこから見ても学者だ。 T111671
- 彼はどの点からみても学者だ。 T111493
- Add a bit of sugar, please. T243607
- 砂糖を少し足して下さい。 T170873
- He dug the hole bit by bit. T299575
- 彼は少しずつ穴を掘った。 T104117
- She wasn't a bit impatient. T315023
- 彼女は少しもいらいらしていなかった。 T88684
- The dog bit me in the hand. T239115
- 犬が私の手に噛み付いた。 T175351
- You had better relax a bit. T267707
- 少しのんびりしたほうがいいですよ。 T146854
- He is a bit like his father. T291757
- 彼はちょっと父親に似ている。 T111921
- 彼は少し父親に似ている。 T104089
- He is every bit a gentlemen. T292014
- 彼はどこから見ても紳士だ。 T111669
- I only took a bite of bread. T254943
- 私はただパンを一口食べただけだ。 T159580
- Our dog will bite strangers. T262583
- 私達の犬は知らない人にかみつく。 T151970
- 内の犬は噛み付きますよ。 T123246
- The snake bit me in the leg. T258416
- 私は蛇に脚をかまれた。 T156119
- A black and white dog bit me. T241496
- 白黒まだらの犬が私にかみついた。 T172977
- Bite down on the cotton roll. T276076
- 脱脂綿をかんでいてください。 T137160
- Don't bite on the right side. T27058
- 右側ではかまないでください。 T189902
- He did a good bit of waiting. T289571
- 彼はかなり長い時間待っていた。 T114101
- He is every bit a politician. T300745
- 彼は全く政治家だ。 T102949
- I'm a bit of a reader myself. T321398
- 僕だってちょっとした読書家なんだよ。 T82317
- I'm a bit short of money now. T241541
- 今、ちょっとお金が足りなくてね。 T172932
- I could not eat another bite. T31230
- もう食べれないよ。 T194061
- She is a bit like her mother. T310028
- 彼女は、母親に少し似ている。 T93679
- Hang on a bit until I'm ready. T266971
- 準備ができるまでちょっと待ってくれ。 T147589
- He is a bit on the heavy side. T299616
- 彼は少々太りぎみです。 T104076
- I feel a bit feverish tonight. T243247
- 今晩は少し熱っぽいのです。 T171230
- I will bite just a little bit. T27800
- 一口で食べてみよう。 T190640
- The dog bit meat off the bone. T239224
- 犬は肉を骨からかじりとった。 T175242
- This soup wants a bit of salt. T60987
- このスープは塩が少し足りない。 T223651
- You bit the hand that fed you. T25481
- お前は恩を仇で返したな。 T226934
- 恩をあだで返すな。 T188338
- A cornered rat will bite a cat. T19548
- 窮鼠猫をかむ。 T182372
- Barking dogs don't always bite. T33764
- ほえる犬が必ずしもかみつくわけではない。 T196585
- Could you move the chair a bit? T40095
- ちょっといすをずらしてくれない? T202860
- He ate every bit of his dinner. T289846
- 彼はごちそうをすっかり平らげた。 T113827
- He doesn't care a bit about me. T250314
- 私のことには少しも気を使ってくれません。 T164196
- I just wanna nose around a bit. T39963
- ちょっと調べてることがあるから。 T202728
- Mayuko took a bite of my apple. T32377
- マユコは私の林檎を一口食べた。 T195204
- Please take the pants in a bit. T40073
- ちょっとこのズボンにつめて。 T202838
- There was a bite in his remark. T286139
- 彼の言葉にはとげがあった。 T117525
- Your proposal is a bit extreme. T16974
- 君の提案は少し過激だ。 T178122
- He is getting better bit by bit. T299571
- 彼は少しずつよくなっています。 T104121
- His bark is worse than his bite. T285421
- 彼のほえるのはかむのよりひどい。 T118243
- 彼は口やかましいが本心は悪くない。 T107420
- Let me give you a bit of advice. T17463
- ひとこと君に忠告させて欲しい。 T197502
- 君に一つ忠告しておきたい。 T178637
- 君に少し忠告したい事がある。 T178611
- 少し忠告したい事がある。 T146792
- She's every bit an English lady. T311718
- 彼女はどこから見てもイギリスの淑女だ。 T91994
- He collected bits of information. T288993
- 彼はいくらかの情報を集めた。 T114678
- He looks a bit tired, doesn't he? T299602
- 彼は少し疲れているようですね。 T104090
- If you bite at it, you're a fool. T41436
- そんなものに飛びつくのはばかだ。 T204194
- I had a bite at around 3 o'clock. T252552
- 私は3時頃軽い食事した。 T161963
- It was that dog that bit my hand. T251107
- 私の手にかみついたのはあの犬です。 T163405
- My father is a bit old-fashioned. T319278
- 父は少し頭が古い。 T84437
- The dog gave his leg a mean bite. T48284
- その犬に酷く足を噛まれた。 T211014
- This shirt is a little bit loose. T61031
- このシャツは少し緩いです。 T223695
- Every dog is entitled to one bite. T36660
- どんな犬でも一度噛み付く権利がある。 T199458
- He ate one bite, and then another. T293681
- 彼は一口食べてまた一口食べた。 T110007
- He had a bit of a cold last night. T244789
- 昨夜、彼は風邪気味だった。 T169697
- We have just a tiny bit of garden. T65521
- うちの庭は猫の額ほどの狭さなんですよ。 T228167
- Don't bite the hand that feeds you. T71047
- あなたに食べさせてくれる人の手をかむな。 T233674
- He bit off more than he could chew. T302423
- 彼は背伸びをして失敗した。 T101274
- I'm not in the least bit happy now. T241801
- 今はちっともうれしくない。 T172674
- When I bite down, this tooth hurts. T21189
- 噛むとこの歯が痛みます。 T184061
- I don't care a bit about the future. T261875
- 私は未来については関心がない。 T152674
- It was a delightful bit of nonsense. T42856
- それは、いくぶんナンセンスな趣きの楽しさがあった。 T205611
- She was a bit hasty in answering me. T250177
- 私に返事をするのに彼女はややせっかちであった。 T164332
- The lion ate the rabbit in one bite. T29848
- ライオンはウサギをひと口で食べた。 T192684
- Can't you bring down the price a bit? T31284
- もう少し安くならない? T194115
- His way of thinking is a bit extreme. T286235
- 彼の考えは少し極端だ。 T117429
- 彼の考え方は少し極端だ。 T117415
- I've got a bit of an ache in my back. T259910
- 私は背中が少し痛い。 T154630
- I don't need any bit of your charity. T257091
- 私は君のお情けなど少しもいらない。 T157441
- I think the soup needs a bit of salt. T52334
- スープに多少の塩が必要だと思う。 T215038
- I'm not a bit interested in chemistry. T256350
- 私は化学にまったく興味がない。 T158180
- Can I hear a little bit of this record? T60343
- このレコード視聴できますか。 T223012
- He's every bit as clever as his friend. T291368
- 彼はその友人と全く同じように利口だ。 T112309
- He is a bit of a grouch in the morning. T301584
- 彼は朝は幾分不機嫌だ。 T102110
- He is a little bit more careful than I. T298055
- 彼は私より少し注意深い。 T105633
- He knows it, and he doesn't care a bit. T291511
- 彼はそれを知っている、なのに少しも気にしていない。 T112167
- This is a bit too tight around my neck. T55583
- これは首まわりがすこしきつすぎる。 T218271
- How about adding a little bit more salt? T31563
- もうちょっと塩味をきかせてみたら? T194390
- It seems a bit feudal to call him "sir". T307732
- 彼を「サー」と呼ぶのは少し封建的に思える。 T95973
- My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing. T65095
- おじいさんはすこし耳がとおい。 T227742
- The bear is quite tame and doesn't bite. T48604
- その熊はとても飼い慣らされていて噛みついたりしない。 T211330
- There is a bit of whisky in this bottle. T60597
- このビンの中には少量のウイスキーがある。 T223265
- There is quite a bit of water remaining. T270785
- 水はかなり多く残っている。 T143782
- Would you just move along a bit, please? T267703
- 少しつめてください。 T146857
- I am still a bit sore after my operation. T266022
- 手術を終えて私はまだ少し痛い。 T148537
- You are carrying your joke a bit too far. T268441
- 冗談が少し過ぎるぞ。 T146121
- You could try and be a bit more civilized. T31561
- もうちょっと上品にできないの。 T194387
- Would you like to go and get a bite to eat? T40034
- ちょっと何か食べに行かない? T202799
- I became very sleepy after a bit of reading. T267772
- 少し読書すると私はとても眠くなった。 T146789
- 少し読書すると私はとても眠たくなった。 T146788
- I am grudged even the least bit of happiness. T33053
- ほんのひとかけらの幸せさえ私には許されない。 T195878
- I felt a bit tired from swimming all morning. T257334
- 私は午前中ずっと泳いで少し疲れを感じた。 T157199
- It's a bit much to expect me to pay the bill. T250062
- 私に勘定させるのは少々虫が良すぎる。 T164446
- There were bits of broken glass on the floor. T268082
- 床にガラスの破片が落ちていた。 T146480
- We are inclined to think that most dogs bite. T23152
- 我々はたいていの犬はかむものだと考えがちである。 T186020
- At first I felt a bit too shy to speak to her. T267024
- 初めのうち、私は少し恥ずかしくて彼女に話し掛けられなかった。 T147536
- I collect every bit of information about food. T258756
- 私は食品についてどんな情報でも収集します。 T155781
- This is a little bit too loose around my waist. T55951
- これはウエストが少しゆるすぎます。 T218636
- Could you please speak a little bit more slowly? T31566
- もうちょっとゆっくり言って下さい。 T194392
- I love the taste when I bite into a juicy peach. T32274
- みずみずしい桃をかじった時の味が何とも言えません。 T195100
- It is tastes every bit as good as Japanese rice. T322651
- 味も日本に比べて遜色はありません。 T81064
- She has to take in the waist of her pants a bit. T311041
- 彼女はズボンのウエストを少し詰めなければならない。 T92668
- She is a bit indignant about being kept waiting. T275290
- 彼女は待たされて少々お冠です。 T137946
- I'm a bit serious today, but please bear with me. T242897
- 今日は少し真面目な話をしますがおつきあいください。 T171578
- Pull your car out a bit, I can't back my car out. T17079
- 君の車を引き出してくれよ、俺の車が後へ出られないから。 T178227
- The dog that bit the child was caught soon after. T47428
- その子をかんだ犬はその後まもなく捕らえられた。 T210164
- This dictionary is every bit as good as that one. T58849
- この辞書はあの辞書にまったく引けを取らない。 T221525
- If you taste this sauce you'll find it a bit salty. T329603
- ここのソースは舐めてみるとちょっと塩っぱい。 T74117
- Don't scratch your mosquito bite. It'll get inflamed. T23595
- 蚊に刺されたところをかいちゃだめだよ。はれちゃうから。 T186458
- I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. T268880
- 唇をかんで、笑いをこらえなければならなかった。 T145682
- Don't go too near the dog for fear it should bite you. T63574
- かまれるといけないから、その犬にあまり近づいてはいけません。 T226234
- He squashed up a bit to the side to leave a seat free. T328364
- 彼は少し横に詰めて席を空けてあげた。 T75355
- Tajima ... can't you talk a little bit more genteelly? T329188
- 田島くん・・・。君はもう少し品のいい話はできないのか? T74531
- The new law should take a bite out of organized crime. T269236
- 新しい法律は組織犯罪を減少させるでしょう。 T145327
- You had better chain up the dog so that he won't bite. T239108
- 犬が噛み付かないように鎖で繋いだ方がよい。 T175358
- It's impressive that he's popular with just a bit part! T329070
- ほんのちょいやくで人気があるのはすごい! T74649
- Please let me tell you a little bit about this position. T58384
- この職について少し説明させてください。 T221062
- She bit off more than she could chew and was laughed at. T314872
- 彼女は手に余ることをしようとして笑われた。 T88835
- We're a bit busy at the moment. Can you hang on a minute? T241802
- 今はちょっと忙しいので、すこしお待ちいただけますか。 T172673
- Let your food cool off a bit; don't eat it while it's hot. T39942
- ちょっと冷まして、熱いうちに食べないように。 T202706
- It's nothing impressive. It's just a bit part in that play. T48422
- たいしたことじゃありません。その劇中のほんの脇役です。 T211148
- Tell her you like her. Don't be afraid. She won't bite you. T64971
- オドオドしてないで、はっきり言ってしまえば?「好きだ」って。 T227618
- After the rain had let up a bit, we made a dash for the car. T26828
- 雨が小降りになってから、私達は車に向って全速力で走った。 T189676
- An accident is often brought about by a bit of carelessness. T263720
- 事故は、しばしばちょっとした不注意によって起こる。 T150837
- A little bit of luck sometimes leads to an unexpected success. T40065
- ちょっとした幸運が予期せぬ成功につながるときもある。 T202830
- Bit of a worry with the way she dotes on her brother, isn't it? T327959
- 彼女のブラコンっぷりにも困ったものね。 T75759
- I am becoming accustomed to the severe climate here bit by bit. T259687
- 私は当地の厳しい気候に慣れつつあります。 T154852
- It's nearly lunchtime. Why don't we stop to have a bite to eat? T31601
- もうすぐ昼食時です。手を休めて軽く食べませんか。 T194428
- Love isn't a game, so you can't just cherry pick the best bits! T329051
- 恋はゲームじゃないから、いいとこ取りはできないんだよ。 T74668
- The "twin tiger cubs get separated ..." story felt a bit trite. T328928
- 「双子のトラの子が離れ離れになって・・・」というストーリーでちょっとありふれたような感じでした。 T74791
- I am a bit hard up now and I can't afford such an expensive meal. T241589
- 今あまりお金がなくて困っているので、そんな豪華な食事はできない。 T172884
- Sorry, "my hands shuddered with the cold" was a bit over the top. T329678
- 手が寒さで震えたは、少しオーバーですみません。 T74042
- You may find it a bit inconvenient if you can't use the Internet. T65743
- インターネットを使えないと、少し不利になるかもしれません。 T228387
- They didn't kill him, they just roughed him up a bit as a warning. T307412
- 彼らは彼を殺しはしなかった。ただ警告の意味で殴ったり蹴ったりした。 T96293
- I have neglected you so long that I feel a bit shy in visiting you. T66828
- あんまりご無沙汰してしまって、どうも敷居が高くなってしまいました。 T229469
- He tore up his letter into small bits and threw them out the window. T299234
- 彼は手紙を粉々に引き裂いて窓からばら撒いた。 T104457
- I got a bit carried away when I was dancing and got up on the table. T262118
- 私は踊っていた時すこし夢中になり、テーブルの上に立ってしまった。 T152432
- Federal budget cuts will take a bite out of Social Security benefits. T326307
- 連邦政府の予算削減は社会保障の給付に影響が及ぶでしょう。 T77412
- "Might be a bit stiff..." "Stiff?" "I mean the viscosity is too high." T329630
- 「ちょっとカタいかな〜」「カタい?」「粘度が高すぎるってことさ」 T74090
- Everything was allowed: You could kick, trip, hit, or bite your opponent. T36782
- どんなことでも許されたのです。つまり、相手を蹴っても、つまずかせても、殴っても、あるいはかんでも良かったのです。 T199580
- "Say, you, the lady over there." "Eh?" "Could you give me a bit of advice?" T329597
- 「なあ、そこの姉さん」「え?」「ちょっと相談に乗ってくれないか?」 T74123
- I was disappointed to see that my bonus was a bit less than I was expecting. T33716
- ボーナスがいつもより少なかったのでがっかりした。 T196537
- At the party the other night, my brother drank a bit too much and passed out. T273098
- 先日の夜のパーティーで、兄は少しのみ過ぎて酔いつぶれてしまった。 T141472
- I'm a bit down because a blogger friend of mine has decided to stop blogging. T328738
- お友達ブロガーさんがブログ閉鎖を決心されて凹み気味です。 T74981
- If you are not satisfied with your share, I'll make it a bit more attractive. T44128
- その分け前で不足ならもう少し色をつけよう。 T206879
- You could at least try to be a bit more polite, even though it's not like you. T328585
- 君らしくないかも知れないが、せめて礼儀くらい守ったらどうだ。 T75134
- I think John is quite selfish, and a little bit vain. He isn't easy to get on with. T52568
- ジョンは実に利己的で、ややうぬぼれもある。彼は仲良くやっていくにはむずかしい男だ。 T215270
- I got bit by mosquitoes all over this area, and it itches so badly I can't stand it. T50855
- そこらじゅう蚊に刺されてかゆくてしょうがない。 T213568
- When the dog tried to bite me I held him down by the neck and thoroughly scolded him. T394490
- その犬が噛みつこうとしたときに、首を押えつけてとことん叱りつけた。 T394489
- I planned to say this later on but in Katahane there is no such thing as a 'bit part'. T327007
- これも後で言うつもりなんだけどカタハネのキャラに端役というのは存在しないのよね。 T76713
- The neighbouring house was destroyed, but mine survived just a bit of cost for repair. T328865
- 近隣の家は壊れたが、自宅は少しの修繕費ですんだ。 T74854
- "Good morning. You're a bit late today aren't you?" "Yes, I ran into a bit of trouble." T328178
- 「おはようございます。今日は遅かったですね」「うん。ちょっと手間取っちゃって」 T75540
- You can complain 'til the cows come home, but it's not going to make a bit of difference. T66142
- いつまでもぶつくさ言っているのは君の勝手だけどね、それじゃあ事態は何一つ変わらないよ。 T228784
- I like this town as it is. Although, there being so many stone stairs is a bit of a pain... T327399
- 俺はそんなこの町が好きだ。石段とかが多いのはネックだが・・・。 T76321
- If the door doesn't fit, you might have to shave off a bit of the wood until it closes properly. T39123
- ドアがきちんと閉まらない時はドアを少し削らなければならない。 T201912
- Come to that the uniform had a bit more starch than that I usually wear, it's a bit uncomfortable. T327753
- 制服だって、いつも着ているのより糊がきき過ぎていて、ちょっぴり違和感すら覚えてします。 T75965
- When the shooting died down a bit, Daddy ran over to our flat and brought us back some sandwiches. T238486
- 撃ち合いが少し静まったとき、パパが走ってフラットに行って、私たちにサンドイッチを持ってきてくれたわ。 T175979
- It might be a bit big but this envelope will do just fine. It's better to be too big than too small. T39967
- ちょっと大きいけど、この封筒でいいや。大は小を兼ねるって言うし。 T202732
- When I was a kid, touching bugs didn't bother me a bit. Now I can hardly stand looking at pictures of them. T272157
- 昔は、平気で昆虫触れたのに、今は、図鑑を見るだけでもだめ。 T142413
- "Is that implying that I go get some sugar in me and then work more?" "Er?" "No, sorry. I'm just sulking a bit." T326695
- 「それは糖分を供給してもっと働けと暗に・・・?」「はい?」「いや、ちょとやさぐれてるだけ。ごめん。」 T77024
- It's ludicrous to continue business operations while selling off bit by bit the land on which your business depends. T327643
- 事業を継続しながら、事業が依拠している不動産を切り売りしていくことなど非現実的なのだ。 T76075
- Curious gazes, gazes carrying a bit of murderous goes without saying that I couldn't be more uncomfortable. T327542
- 好奇の視線と、若干の殺意のこもった視線・・・言うまでもなく居心地が悪いことこの上ない。 T76176
- A bit more chocolate please. T535657
- No Translation T535657
- A rattlesnake's bite is filled with poison. T681753
- No Translation T681753
- After a failed soldering job, this computer is a bit less than fixable. T718103
- No Translation T718103
- Barking dogs don't bite. T731782
- No Translation T731782
- Can I rest a bit? T338305
- No Translation T338305
- Dead dogs don't bite. T604331
- No Translation T604331
- Does your dog bite? T340503
- No Translation T340503
- Dogs dogs bite, bite. T651660
- No Translation T651660
- Dogs that bark don't bite. T731781
- No Translation T731781
- Don't bite off more than you can chew. T707318
- No Translation T707318
- Every little bit counts. T536660
- No Translation T536660
- Excessive work saps your strength, you need to rest for a bit. T967734
- No Translation T967734
- He craned his neck a bit in hopes of hearing what they were whispering. T608949
- No Translation T608949
- He was curious about how it would taste, so he took a small bite. T953317
- No Translation T953317
- He's a bit energetic. T551530
- No Translation T551530
- He's a bit lively. T551529
- No Translation T551529
- I am not the least bit happy with this e-book revolution. T954916
- No Translation T954916
- I am not the least bit worried. T40222
- No Translation T40222
- I bit my tongue until it bled. T841617
- No Translation T841617
- I bit the bullet and actually told her. T867572
- No Translation T867572
- I bit the inside of my lip and got a canker sore. T745764
- No Translation T745764
- I could run quite a bit faster when I was young. T869548
- No Translation T869548
- I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme. T1377
- No Translation T1377
- I had a little bit of a fever this morning. T724112
- No Translation T724112
- I hope spring sticks around just a little bit longer. I hate summers. T920416
- No Translation T920416
- I must bite the sour Apple. T586746
- No Translation T586746
- I need a table that's a bit farther away from the policemen. T840643
- No Translation T840643
- I think it's time for me to get a bit of exercise. T903834
- No Translation T903834
- I think we should use our time a bit more constructively. T953653
- No Translation T953653
- I think you should rest a bit. You look pale. T525687
- No Translation T525687
- I'd like a little bit of cake. T499986
- No Translation T499986
- I'd like to borrow your notes for a bit. T756872
- No Translation T756872
- I'll bite your head off! T62540
- No Translation T62540
- I'll see you in a bit. T953807
- No Translation T953807
- I'll stay here for a bit. T415436
- No Translation T415436
- I'm just going out for a bit. T454695
- No Translation T454695
- I'm not the least bit scared of you. T393877
- No Translation T393877
- If you bite me, I'll bite back. T430174
- No Translation T430174
- If you bite me, then I'll bite you, too. T452811
- No Translation T452811
- If you do it a bit slower, it goes quicker. T394690
- No Translation T394690
- If you get bit by a rabid dog you'll need a tetanus shot. T963960
- No Translation T963960
- Isn't it a bit small? T619708
- No Translation T619708
- It doesn't matter to me one bit. T435172
- No Translation T435172
- It's a bit further way. T456187
- No Translation T456187
- It's a bit strange as far as I'm concerned. T868548
- No Translation T868548
- It's a bit strange to me. T602869
- No Translation T602869
- It's still early. We should all just chill for a bit. T476475
- No Translation T476475
- It's unlikely that you'll be successful if you don't study a bit harder. T954111
- No Translation T954111
- My stomach is often a bit upset after eating spicy food. T954196
- No Translation T954196
- Not bad, but I'm a bit tired. T755027
- No Translation T755027
- One day, while I was playing with my cat, I finally bit his ear. T435630
- No Translation T435630
- Open the door a bit! T476469
- No Translation T476469
- Please wait a bit. T423164
- No Translation T423164
- Shall we add a bit more salt? T662712
- No Translation T662712
- She bit him. T887002
- No Translation T887002
- She felt a bit tired. T695665
- No Translation T695665
- She pleaded with him to stay a little bit longer. T887331
- No Translation T887331
- Sho was 12 years old, prone to illness and a bit dumb. T605150
- No Translation T605150
- That couple spends quite a bit of money eating at nice restaurants. T954316
- No Translation T954316
- The dog bit my hand. T971766
- No Translation T971766
- The horse chafed at the bit put in its mouth. T950115
- No Translation T950115
- The man has a little bit of rice. T462786
- No Translation T462786
- The rent can be a bit expensive, but something nearby would be best. T747529
- No Translation T747529
- The style of this item of clothing is good; it's just a bit expensive. T717278
- No Translation T717278
- The tetanus shot hurt more than the dog bite. T661260
- No Translation T661260
- The woman has a little bit of fruit. T462998
- No Translation T462998
- There's a little bit of water in the glass. T454400
- No Translation T454400
- These charred bits are tasty. T888663
- No Translation T888663
- They are not working even a bit. T465170
- No Translation T465170
- They both ate their chocolates down to the very last bite. T576679
- No Translation T576679
- This bit isn't good, rewrite it. T819278
- No Translation T819278
- This film is really boring - the best bit is when it finishes. T504612
- No Translation T504612
- This is a bit too loose around my waist. T673753
- No Translation T673753
- This soup needs a bit more salt. T967744
- No Translation T967744
- Turn up the radio a little bit. T460040
- No Translation T460040
- Wait a bit. I'll prepare some for you. T574177
- No Translation T574177
- We suspect it's about a poisoning by snake bite. T412787
- No Translation T412787
- We'll have to do a bit of walking to get from here to the bank. T947466
- No Translation T947466
- We're not the least bit afraid of being subpar. T497489
- No Translation T497489
- With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous. T1554
- No Translation T1554
- Would you like to drink a bit tonight? T435632
- No Translation T435632
- Yes, a little bit. T880481
- No Translation T880481
- You might want to try working out a bit. T954779
- No Translation T954779
- You need a bit of courage to say that you love him. T888534
- No Translation T888534
- You're lucky because he didn't bite you. T1560
- No Translation T1560
- You're right. The noodle broth here is a bit expensive. T430853
- No Translation T430853
- You've got a bit of a fever today, don't you? T599139
- No Translation T599139
- Your playing sounds a bit stilted. You have to loosen up your fingers. T666773
- No Translation T666773
- Yumi's boyfriend is a bit antisocial. T745773
- No Translation T745773
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).