Sentences with "attract, attracted, attraced, attracting, attracts"
Found: 52
- Flowers attract bees. T23754
- 花はミツバチを引きつける。 T186618
- I'm attracted to him. T260342
- 私は彼に引かれる。 T154201
- A magnet attracts iron. T264384
- 磁石は鉄を引きつける。 T150173
- I tend to attract colds. T253315
- 私はかぜをひきやすい。 T161203
- I was attracted to the girl. T321649
- 僕はその少女にひかれた。 T82066
- She attracted our attention. T314477
- 彼女は私達の注目を集めた。 T89229
- Moths are attracted by light. T63582
- がは灯に集まる。 T226242
- He was attracted by her smile. T302805
- 彼は彼女の笑顔に魅せられた。 T100892
- He was attracted to the woman. T291252
- 彼はその婦人に心引かれていた。 T112426
- She attracted me at first sight. T27195
- 一目で彼女に魅了された。 T190039
- We are attracted by what you are. T23036
- 我々は君の人格にひかれているのだ。 T185904
- He tried to attract her attention. T302771
- 彼は彼女の気を引こうとした。 T100926
- His concert attracted many people. T285337
- 彼のコンサートにはたくさんの人が集まった。 T118326
- The mountain attracts many climbers. T47710
- その山は人気がある。 T210443
- This district attracts well-off people. T57935
- この地域には裕福な人が集まってくる。 T220613
- Her bathing suit attracts our attention. T309480
- 彼女の水着は目に付く。 T94225
- The soccer game attracted a large crowd. T50349
- そのサッカーの試合は大観衆を引き付けた。 T213065
- A stimulating new book attracts attention. T245499
- 刺激的な新刊書が注目をひく。 T168988
- I am attracted to a certain boy in my class. T253405
- 私はクラスのある少年に惹き付けられた。 T161113
- Children often cry just to attract attention. T245921
- 子供はただ注意を引きたくて泣くことが多い。 T168571
- He attracted votes away from both candidates. T300817
- 彼は双方の候補者から票を奪った。 T102877
- The magic of his words attracted the audience. T285313
- 彼のことばの魔力が聴衆を魅了した。 T118350
- We're very attracted to life in the countryside. T249099
- 私たちは田舎の生活にとても引かれている。 T165406
- Her dress attracted everyone's eyes at the party. T309026
- 彼女のドレスはパーティーに来ていた皆の目を引きつけた。 T94680
- Her clothes attracted much attention at the party. T309724
- 彼女の服はパーティーでおおいに注意をひいた。 T93982
- She attracted all the young men in the neighborhood. T313293
- 彼女は近所の全ての若者の心を引いた。 T90420
- 彼女は近所の男達をみんな引き付けた。 T90419
- People in towns are attracted by life in the country. T279433
- 都会の人はいなかの生活にあこがれる。 T124561
- They attract customers by offering high-quality goods. T306546
- 彼らは高品質の商品を提供する事によって顧客を引き付けている。 T97157
- I want to build my corporate site to attract customers. T240026
- 顧客を惹きつけるようなサイトを作りたいと思っています。 T174443
- The magnetite is attracted to the earth's magnetic field. T58887
- この磁鉄鉱は地球の磁場に引きつけられる。 T221563
- The way he spoke attracted the attention of a famous writer. T287852
- 彼の話し方は有名な作家の注意をひいた。 T115818
- The first subject that attracted my attention was philosophy. T32771
- まず私の注意をひいたのは、哲学だった。 T195597
- Greenwich Village is a place which especially attracts the young. T62790
- グリニッジヴィレッジはとりわけ若者をひきつける場所です。 T225453
- Gravity is the natural force by which objects are attracted to each other. T27133
- 引力とは物体が相互に引き付け合う自然界の力のことである。 T189977
- That girl is so beautiful that she attracts even the most self-possessed men. T43828
- そのこはたいそう美しいので非常に冷静な男でさえも彼女に惹かれる。 T213106
- その娘はたいそう美しいので非常に冷静な男でさえも彼女に惹かれる。 T206580
- Coral reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine life. T681352
- No Translation T681352
- Gina's sheer coldness attracted scads of men with low self-esteem. T796754
- No Translation T796754
- Her beauty attracted everyone in the room. T688040
- No Translation T688040
- Her dress attracted everyone's attention at the party. T899873
- No Translation T899873
- Her voluptuous body attracted me. T688036
- No Translation T688036
- His charade attracted negative attention. T688041
- No Translation T688041
- I did not want to attract attention. T688038
- No Translation T688038
- I was attracted to the idea of helping others and getting money. T688039
- No Translation T688039
- Negative electrons attract positive electrons. T688037
- No Translation T688037
- She attracted the wrong kind of people. T688035
- No Translation T688035
- Simplicity in design attracts users. T777046
- No Translation T777046
- The bird's beautiful tail helps it attract females. T680374
- No Translation T680374
- The peacock's beautiful tail helps it attract females. T680373
- No Translation T680373
- The use of new technology is attracting more costumers. T928493
- No Translation T928493
- This conference attracted 150 diplomats. T708123
- No Translation T708123
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).