Sentences with "attack, attacked, attacked, attacking, attacks"
Found: 149
- I had a heart attack. T269006
- 心臓発作を起こしました。 T145555
- I had an angina attack. T18956
- 狭心症の発作が起きました。 T180096
- I had an asthma attack. T326617
- 喘息の発作が起きました。 T77102
- They attacked the enemy. T307209
- 彼らは敵を攻撃した。 T96495
- He died of a heart attack. T299846
- 彼は心臓発作で死んだ。 T103846
- We prepared for an attack. T22989
- 我々は攻撃に備えた。 T185857
- A cold wave attacked Europe. T21119
- 寒波がヨーロッパを襲った。 T183992
- The enemy attacked the town. T278672
- 敵はその町を攻撃した。 T125322
- Everyone attacked my opinion. T32161
- みんなが僕の意見を攻撃した。 T194987
- Smith died of a heart attack. T51563
- スミスは心臓麻痺で死んだ。 T214271
- Our army attacked the kingdom. T29218
- わがぐんはそのおうこくを襲った。 T192056
- A fierce dog attacked the girl. T38303
- どう猛な犬が女の子に飛びかかった。 T201097
- Chris nimbly dodged the attack! T422480
- クリスは素早く身をかわした! T422478
- The enemy attacked us at night. T278686
- 敵は夜に私達を攻撃した。 T125307
- He was attacked by a high fever. T47481
- その子は高熱におそわれた。 T210216
- The dog attacked the little boy. T239116
- 犬が小さな男の子を襲った。 T175350
- The enemy attack ceased at dawn. T278663
- 敵の攻撃は夜明けにやすんだ。 T125331
- They are immune against attacks. T306533
- 彼らは攻撃を受ける心配はない。 T97170
- It could attack us at any moment. T66011
- いつ私たちを襲うかもしれない。 T228653
- The hostile army began to attack. T278693
- 敵軍が攻撃を開始した。 T125300
- This country is safe from attack. T59249
- この国は攻撃を受ける心配がない。 T221923
- He's going to have a heart attack. T68067
- あの人心臓発作を起こすわよ。 T230700
- The enemy's attack ceased at dawn. T278664
- 敵の攻撃は夜明けに止んだ。 T125329
- The fort was attacked by surprise. T244190
- 砦は不意に攻撃された。 T170293
- Attack is the best form of defense. T240888
- 攻撃は最大の防御。 T173582
- 攻撃は最大の防御である。 T173581
- 攻撃は最大の防御なり。 T173580
- The enemy launched an attack on us. T278676
- 敵は我々に攻撃を開始した。 T125318
- The first attack missed the target. T244025
- 最初の攻撃は目標を外れた。 T170458
- We have no notion of attacking him. T249269
- 私たちは彼を攻撃する気持ちはありません。 T165237
- We were attacked by swarms of bees. T22666
- 我々は蜂の群れにあった。 T185533
- He was attacked there by the rebels. T290427
- 彼はそこで反徒の襲撃を受けた。 T113247
- A band of robbers attacked the party. T279859
- 盗賊の一団が一行に襲いかかった。 T124135
- Nature is under attack on all fronts. T264461
- 自然はあらゆる領域で侵されている。 T150096
- The cause of death was a heart attack. T246360
- 死因は心臓発作だった。 T168135
- After our first attack, the enemy fled. T23409
- 我々の最初の攻撃で敵は逃走した。 T186273
- A group of youths attacked the old man. T265802
- 若者のグループがその老人を襲った。 T148757
- He died of a heart attack on the stage. T303381
- 彼は舞台の上で心臓発作で倒れました。 T100316
- The enemy kept up the attack all night. T278687
- 敵は夜通し攻撃を続けた。 T125305
- The enemy kept up their attack all day. T278662
- 敵の攻撃は一日中続けた。 T125330
- The soldiers resisted the enemy attack. T320111
- 兵士たちは敵の攻撃に抵抗した。 T83606
- The spider responds with a swift attack. T50543
- そのクモは素早い反撃をする。 T213257
- A dog seldom bites unless it is attacked. T239193
- 犬は攻撃されなければめったにかまないものだ。 T175273
- The robber attacked her on a back street. T19194
- 強盗は裏通りで彼女を襲った。 T180463
- A swarm of bees attacked us without mercy. T321077
- 蜂が容赦なく襲ってきた。 T82640
- Macbeth raised an army to attack his enemy. T32871
- マクベスは敵を襲撃するために軍隊を召集した。 T195696
- The soldiers were ordered to make an attack. T320121
- 兵士は進撃を命じられた。 T83595
- We anticipated where the enemy would attack. T278657
- 敵が攻撃しそうなところに先回りして手を打っておいた。 T125336
- A tiger will attack people when it is hungry. T36936
- トラは空腹の時は人を襲うものだ。 T199734
- I was on the spot when he had a heart attack. T283878
- 彼が心臓発作を起こしたとき、私はその場にいた。 T120078
- Our army attacked the enemy during the night. T29191
- わが軍は敵に夜襲をかけた。 T192029
- The secret service guards him against attack. T280558
- 特務機関が彼を襲撃から守っている。 T123439
- The Supreme Court attacks school segregation. T243947
- 最高裁が人種分離教育を攻撃。 T170534
- The missile attack took a heavy toll of lives. T32290
- ミサイル攻撃で多くの人命が失われた。 T195116
- They were attacking against overwhelming odds. T306147
- 彼らは圧倒的に優勢な敵と戦っていた。 T97555
- He was attacked by a sharp pain in his stomach. T295774
- 彼は激しい腹痛に襲われた。 T107911
- Three big men attacked him and stole his money. T72667
- 3人の大男が彼を攻撃して彼のお金を盗んだ。 T235289
- Formidable looking spiders do not attack people. T239273
- 見かけの恐ろしいクモは人を攻撃することはない。 T175193
- I'm allowing all attacks except on vital organs. T329126
- 急所を除くすべての攻撃を認める。 T74593
- The enemy made a strong attack on that building. T278670
- 敵はその建物に対して激しい攻撃をした。 T125323
- The general commanded that the city be attacked. T267462
- 将軍はその都市の攻撃を命じた。 T147098
- Do you know John's father died of a heart attack? T52760
- ジョンのお父さんが心臓発作で亡くなったのを知っていますか。 T215458
- He was suddenly attacked by a mysterious disease. T47454
- その子は突然わけのわからない病気に襲われた。 T210189
- The chief massed his warriors to attack the fort. T266445
- 酋長はとりでを攻撃するために戦士を集結させた。 T148115
- He attacked the government's policy in his speech. T294109
- 彼は演説で政府の政策を攻撃した。 T109581
- Sleep deprivation increases risk of heart attacks. T327747
- 睡眠不足で、心筋梗塞リスクが上昇。 T75971
- The fortress was secure from every kind of attack. T47810
- その砦はどのような攻撃にも安全であった。 T210542
- When attacked he defended himself with an umbrella. T266408
- 襲われた時、彼はカサで自分の身を守った。 T148151
- He enlightened me on how I should attack the subject. T297509
- 彼は私にその問題をいかに攻めるべきかについて教えてくれた。 T106177
- They began to make violent attacks against the enemy. T307202
- 彼らは敵に激しい攻撃を開始した。 T96502
- He immediately started the next attack on the republic. T499991
- 彼はすかさず共和国への次の攻撃を開始した。 T489490
- The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. T281728
- 日本人は1941年12月7日パールハーバーを襲撃した。 T122275
- The man attacked her with the intention of killing her. T45319
- その男は殺意を抱いて彼女を襲った。 T208062
- The force held out bravely against their enemy's attacks. T48598
- その軍勢は敵の攻撃に対して勇敢に抵抗した。 T211324
- If UFOs were to attack the earth, what would become of us? T25340
- 仮にUFOが地球を攻撃して来たら、我々はどうなるだろう。 T188200
- Her father became an invalid as a result of a heart attack. T309711
- 彼女の父は心臓病で病人になってしまった。 T93995
- How long can we hold out against the superior enemy attacks? T262707
- 私達はいつまで優勢な敵の攻撃に持ちこたえることができるだろうか。 T151847
- After his heart attack, Jim had to cut down on his sugar intake. T269005
- 心臓発作の後、ジムは砂糖の摂取量をへらさなければならなかった。 T145557
- All the officers and men joined their efforts against the attack. T51749
- すべての将兵が力を合わせて反撃した。 T214457
- America's radioactive waste may be targeted in terrorist attacks. T329088
- 米国の核廃棄物、テロ攻撃の標的になりうる。 T74631
- However not attacking your partner in sparring is not a kindness! T328276
- だが、組み手で手を出さないのは優しさではない!! T75442
- The reformers were subject to every attack from the Establishment. T22273
- 改革者たちは支配層からのあらゆる非難にさらされた。 T185142
- What with having no exercise and being overweight, he had a heart attack. T26550
- 運動を全然しないことやら肥満やらで、彼は心臓発作を起こした。 T189399
- He was found guilty of attempted murder for attacking his mother with a knife. T398104
- 彼は自分の母親にナイフで切り付け殺人未遂で有罪になった。 T398103
- Even if you boss attacks you and tells you to go away, you should make your point. T40809
- たとえ、上役に怒られて顔を見たくないと言われても、自分の主張は十分わかってもらうべきだ。 T203571
- A critically wounded elephant went berserk and attacked every living thing in his path. T34736
- ひどい傷を負った象は、興奮し、通る道で出会った生き物という生き物を襲った。 T197550
- My father had a heart attack yesterday, but he was lucky to have a clinic close at hand. T244672
- 昨日父が心臓発作を起こしたが、診療所が近くにあるのは好運だった。 T169814
- Mimura Yasuyuki (Konichika LTD, Managing Director) died of heart attack on the third, age 45. T327602
- 三村・泰之氏(みむら・やすゆき=コニチカ株式会社取締役)三日、心不全で死去。45歳。 T76116
- Pac-Man, when a certain condition is reached, can counter attack and eat the monsters chasing him. T329580
- パックマンが、ある条件を満たすと追ってくるモンスターを逆襲して食べることができる。 T74140
- They'll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint, so they only report on the safe options. T327410
- 下手に独自の方向性を出すと、攻撃されてしまうから、安全パイの報道しかしない。 T76310
- A swarm of hornets attacked the children. T543753
- No Translation T543753
- A week later, Germany attacked Poland. T807313
- No Translation T807313
- Acid attacks metal. T662611
- No Translation T662611
- Allied forces were attacking from the west. T807461
- No Translation T807461
- At the Battle of Verdun, French forces stopped a German attack. T804164
- No Translation T804164
- Did you know that John's father died of a heart attack? T958799
- No Translation T958799
- Do you have attacks of dizziness? T698934
- No Translation T698934
- Even poisonous snakes will only attack if they feel threatened. T870766
- No Translation T870766
- Finally, on January eighth, the British attacked. T804074
- No Translation T804074
- General Montcalm attacked several British forts in 1757. T804087
- No Translation T804087
- German forces attacked British soldiers near Amiens, France. T804091
- No Translation T804091
- Grant attacked Vicksburg several times. T807355
- No Translation T807355
- Have you ever had a heart attack? T696972
- No Translation T696972
- He had suffered a heart attack. T803026
- No Translation T803026
- He planned the attack carefully. T803044
- No Translation T803044
- He told his men they would attack the next night. T802631
- No Translation T802631
- His men began their attack on Mexico City. T807447
- No Translation T807447
- In general, wolves do not attack people. T872888
- No Translation T872888
- In late November, they attacked Finland. T802422
- No Translation T802422
- Japan's attack had brought America into the war. T804243
- No Translation T804243
- John Brown had attacked with about twenty men. T807555
- No Translation T807555
- Lee knew they would attack with full force the next day. T802721
- No Translation T802721
- Lee's army fought off each attack. T805373
- No Translation T805373
- Most Germans expected the Allies would attack at Calais, in France. T804122
- No Translation T804122
- News of the British attack spread quickly. T804065
- No Translation T804065
- She attacked him with a baseball bat. T886993
- No Translation T886993
- She attacked him with a pair of scissors. T886994
- No Translation T886994
- She attacked him with her fists. T886995
- No Translation T886995
- She attacked him. T886996
- No Translation T886996
- She seemed to be suffering a heart attack. T803216
- No Translation T803216
- She was looking for the keys in her purse when he attacked her. T799849
- No Translation T799849
- Southern newspapers attacked Lincoln. T805432
- No Translation T805432
- Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York City in 2001. T682164
- No Translation T682164
- The angry mob attacked the building. T681502
- No Translation T681502
- The army was unexpectedly attacked. T777613
- No Translation T777613
- The attack began without enough planning. T807424
- No Translation T807424
- The attack was shown on video. T680287
- No Translation T680287
- The Brazilian army got ready for the attack. T871378
- No Translation T871378
- The British began with a land attack against Baltimore. T804084
- No Translation T804084
- The British fought hard and stopped the attack. T804070
- No Translation T804070
- The British started to attack from across the river. T804079
- No Translation T804079
- The British withdrew, but attacked again the next year. T804086
- No Translation T804086
- The enemy ran after our first attack. T755204
- No Translation T755204
- The Germans then attacked the English forces on the right side. T877842
- No Translation T877842
- The hot-blooded are prone to heart attacks. T502658
- No Translation T502658
- The Iranian nuclear program has just been attacked by malware. T537496
- No Translation T537496
- The soldiers started their attack. T680288
- No Translation T680288
- Their next attack was northeast of Paris in May. T807632
- No Translation T807632
- There was an attack on a worker last night. T680286
- No Translation T680286
- They attacked a group of Frenchmen and killed ten of them. T802737
- No Translation T802737
- They attacked soldiers who were sent to arrest them. T802688
- No Translation T802688
- They began with a strong attack against the enemy. T942543
- No Translation T942543
- They could not stop the southern attack. T802428
- No Translation T802428
- They decided to launch a major attack. T802398
- No Translation T802398
- They felt that some of his attacks were unjust. T802605
- No Translation T802605
- They said his army was not strong enough to attack. T802679
- No Translation T802679
- They waited for the enemy to attack. T802380
- No Translation T802380
- We didn't intend to attack him. T410105
- No Translation T410105
- Wolves won't usually attack people. T2465
- No Translation T2465
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).