Sentences with "assist, assisted, assisted, assisting, assists"
Found: 28
- He will assist this project. T289892
- 彼はこの計画を手伝うだろう。 T113781
- He assisted me with my business. T297864
- 彼は私の仕事を助けてくれた。 T105823
- I'd be most happy to assist you. T409119
- 私は喜んであなたのお手伝いをさせていただきます。 T157766
- They were kind enough to assist us. T306928
- 彼らは親切にも我々を援助してくれた。 T96776
- He went out of his way to assist me. T293426
- 彼はわざわざ私を手伝ってくれた。 T110262
- They assisted the painter financially. T305727
- 彼らはその画家を財政的に援助した。 T97976
- He will assist us in changing the tire. T297322
- 彼は私たちがタイヤの交換をするのを助けてくれるだろう。 T106364
- I assisted her in moving the furniture. T308207
- 彼女が家具を動かすのを手伝った。 T95498
- He had no intention of assisting my job. T284827
- 彼には私の仕事を援助する気がなかった。 T118836
- He took the trouble to assist the poor man. T293418
- 彼はわざわざその貧しい人を援助した。 T110270
- She assisted her brother with his homework. T315906
- 彼女は弟の宿題を手伝ってやった。 T87801
- I often assist my sister to do her homework. T253893
- 私はしばしば妹が宿題をするのを手伝う。 T160627
- I will be happy to assist whoever needs help. T266026
- 手助けが必要な人は誰でも喜んで手伝わせてもらうよ。 T148533
- They assisted him in performing the operation. T307326
- 彼らは彼が手術をするのを手伝った。 T96379
- As head of the team I was ably assisted by him. T40262
- チームの長として私は彼に有能な助力を得た。 T203027
- She assisted her mother in caring for the baby. T316937
- 彼女は母親が赤ん坊の世話をするのを手伝った。 T86773
- I would like you to assist me with my gardening. T71037
- あなたに庭の手入れを手伝って頂きたいのですが。 T233664
- A lot of members assisted at the general meeting. T274960
- 多数の会員が総会に出席した。 T138275
- If you could assist me, it would be a great help. T383887
- あなたが手伝ってくれれば私は本当に助かる。 T234013
- The airplane used a rocket motor to assist with takeoff. T44347
- その飛行機は補助ロケットを使って離陸した。 T207097
- The students assisted the professor in the investigation. T21434
- 学生たちは教授の調査の助手を務めた。 T184306
- Mary always assists her boyfriend in doing his assignments. T31963
- メアリーはボーイフレンドの宿題をいつも手伝っている。 T194789
- What's the technical terminology for assisting someone to go to the toilet with a urine bottle? T329025
- 尿瓶でおしっこするのを手伝ってあげることを専門用語でなんと言いますか? T74694
- Our company is a small but elect venture business that assists in entry and totalling of questionnaires. T327871
- 当社はアンケート入力、アンケート集計のお手伝いをする少数精鋭のベンチャーです。 T75847
- The best efforts of the human race, in addition, were necessary to assist the gods in their cosmic task. T53998
- さらに、人類の最善の努力が神々の宇宙的御業を補助するのに必要であった。 T216692
- Could you assist me, please? T680267
- No Translation T680267
- I can't get anyone to assist me. T680265
- No Translation T680265
- They can't assist you if you don't have your receipt. T680266
- No Translation T680266
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).