Sentences with "announce, announced, annouced, annoucing, annouces"
Found: 64
- He announced the next singer. T298430
- 彼は次の歌手を紹介した。 T105259
- The maid announced each guest. T31861
- メイドは客を一人一人大声でとりついた。 T194689
- Unexpected results were announced. T28232
- 意外な結果が発表された。 T191072
- He announced his engagement to her. T302612
- 彼は彼女との婚約を公表した。 T101085
- He announced my statement to be true. T251260
- 私の申し立ては本当だと彼は発表した。 T163252
- They have announced their engagement. T72812
- 2人は婚約を発表した。 T235434
- She announced her intention to retire. T312615
- 彼女は引退するつもりでいることを発表した。 T91099
- They announced that a storm was coming. T325255
- 嵐が接近していると発表された。 T78461
- They announced the results as of May 1. T305436
- 彼らは5月1日現在でその結果を発表した。 T98266
- The butler announced Mr. and Mrs. Smith. T245494
- 使用人がしらは声を上げて「スミスご夫妻がおいでになりました」と告げた。 T168993
- He announced his engagement to Miss Brown. T292593
- 彼はブラウン嬢との婚約を発表した。 T111093
- They announced an increase in tuition fees. T21517
- 学校は授業料の値上げを発表した。 T184389
- His bearing announced him as a military man. T319948
- 物腰から彼が軍人であることは歴然としていた。 T83768
- Black clouds announced the coming thunderstorm. T241492
- 黒雲は雷雨の到来を告げていた。 T172981
- He officially announced himself as a candidate. T304660
- 彼は立候補することを公式に発表した。 T99039
- The Government's domestic policy was announced. T271416
- 政府の国内政策が発表された。 T143152
- They announced the engagement of their daughter. T307586
- 彼らは娘の結婚をひろうした。 T96119
- Mr. Smith was announced as the succeeding chairman. T51552
- スミス氏が後任の委員長として発表された。 T214260
- She announced her engagement to her lawyer friend. T316918
- 彼女は弁護士の友人との婚約を発表をした。 T86792
- The dark clouds announced the coming of a typhoon. T241481
- 黒い雲が出て台風が近づいていることを示していた。 T172992
- It was announced that the meeting would be put off. T22497
- 会議は延期されると発表された。 T185365
- The result of the election will be announced tomorrow. T273532
- 選挙の結果はあす発表される。 T141040
- It was announced that a typhoon was approaching Kyushu. T275423
- 台風が九州に接近していると発表された。 T137813
- The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign. T246156
- 市長は近く辞意を表明するだろう。 T168337
- His untidy room announced that he had abruptly departed. T287453
- 彼の部屋の散らかりようで彼があわてて出かけたことがわかった。 T116216
- The final proposal will be announced sometime next week. T243966
- 最終提案は来週中に発表されます。 T170516
- It was announced that the athletic meet would be put off. T275243
- 体育祭が延期になると発表された。 T137992
- The company announced a profit of $200 million after tax. T280327
- 同社の税引き後利益2億ドルを計上した。 T123669
- The government announced that they would pay their debts. T271440
- 政府はその負債を支払うと発表した。 T143128
- Will Apple's new model notebook be announced on schedule? T326813
- アップルの新型ノートは予定通りに発表されるか。 T76907
- The results of the survey will be announced in due course. T44708
- その統計の結果はそのうちに発表されるだろう。 T207455
- They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper. T306443
- 彼らは結婚の日取りを新聞に発表した。 T97259
- The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts. T23781
- 火曜日に発表されたこの方針は、540億ドルの減税を求めています。 T186645
- GE announced the acquisition of the Lake company for $30 million. T932995
- GEはレイク(株)を3000万ドルで買収したと発表した。 T234849
- American forces announced the completion of their mission in Iraq. T506751
- アメリカ軍はイラクでの戦闘任務を完了することを発表した。 T506750
- The engagement of Mr. Rogers and Miss Smith was announced yesterday. T244555
- 昨日ロジャース氏とスミス氏の婚約が発表された。 T169931
- Red Mulligan has announced that he'll fight Rocky Luciano next month. T29505
- レッド・マリガンが来月、ロッキー・ルチアーノの挑戦を受けると発表した。 T192342
- The Prime Minister announced that he would resign within a few weeks. T266162
- 首相は数週間以内に辞任すると発表した。 T148397
- A number of student announced their readiness to engage in the contest. T274961
- 多数の学生が、その競争に喜んで参加すると言った。 T138274
- Toyota Corporation announced that it would cut 1,000 positions this year. T36968
- トヨタは今年従業員を1000人削減することを発表した。 T199764
- The mayor declared that he would announce the result of the investigation. T246170
- 市長は調査の結果を公表すると宣言した。 T168323
- Researchers announce method of circumventing Windows Vista security features. T329357
- Windows Vistaのセキュリティ機能を迂回する方法を研究者が公表します。 T74363
- Because a new commodity is announced, it is in good supply every three months. T72727
- 3ヶ月に一回、新商品が発表されるのできりがない。 T235349
- He was caught off guard when his wife announced they were going to have a baby. T294142
- 彼は奥さんが妊娠したといわれてびっくりした。 T109548
- The premier announced his intention to undertake drastic reforms in parliament. T266151
- 首相は議会の抜本的な改革に着手するつもりがあることを表明した。 T148408
- Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program. T24774
- 何らかの技術的問題により、予告された番組の代わりに映画が放映された。 T187636
- Stock prices soared in active trading as corporations announced good financial results. T20737
- 企業の好業績発表を受けて株価は活発な取引の中で値を上げた。 T183615
- We, ACME Ltd., hereby announce that we will resist with all our strength this hostile takeover. T328392
- 我々ACME Ltd.としては、全力を持って敵対的買収に対抗するものと、明言しておこう。 T75327
- It has been announced that railway fares will be raised by 10 per cent on and after March first. T72713
- 3月1日から鉄道運賃が1割あがると発表された。 T235335
- We were having a quiet supper when out of the blue my mother announced she was going back to school. T23502
- 我々が静かに夕食をとっていると、突然、母がもう一度学校に行くつもりだと言い出した。 T186366
- The Mexican government announced the banning of all imports of second-hand cars, except for 1998 models. T329092
- メキシコ政府は1998年型の中古車以外の中古車の輸入を禁止すると発表した。 T74627
- As soon as one airline announced its plan for airfare reductions, the rest of the companies followed suit. T67248
- ある航空会社が運賃値下げ計画を発表すると、他社もすぐに追従した。 T229886
- GE announced the acquisition of the company Laku for $30 million. T72225
- No Translation T72225
- He announced that he would come at once and investigate the matter. T405048
- No Translation T405048
- Mr Smith was announced as the succeeding chairman. T51552
- No Translation T51552
- On July tenth, the veto was announced. T807327
- No Translation T807327
- Senor Smith was announced as the new president. T974177
- No Translation T974177
- She announced her engagement to him. T886947
- No Translation T886947
- The airline announced that the plane had landed. T680209
- No Translation T680209
- The engagement of Mr Rogers and Miss Smith was announced yesterday. T244555
- No Translation T244555
- The name is to be announced. T754140
- No Translation T754140
- They announced their engagement to the family. T680208
- No Translation T680208
- Tom announced that he was quitting football. T680207
- No Translation T680207
- Tom found a new way to announce his news. T680210
- No Translation T680210
This page is part of English Verbs: English-Japanese Sentences which is part of Interesting Things for ESL Students.
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Kelly, All Rights Reserved
These sentences come from the Tanaka Corpus
and possibly include corrections and additions by members (CC-BY License).