73474 Count from 10 down to zero. CK 1 2280194 It's six degrees below zero. _undertoad 1 241851 It is ten degrees below zero now. CK 1 2655081 Last night, the temperature went down to ten degrees below zero. CK 1 682520 Zero comes before one. Source_VOA 2797850 Zero is a special number. carlosalberto 1669565 The default value is zero. Spamster 680358 It's thirty degrees below zero. Source_VOA 21122 Thermometers often go below zero. CK 2259453 The temperature's fallen below zero. _undertoad 21121 The thermometer went down below zero. Swift 681014 Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. Source_VOA 22909 We had to start our business from zero. NekoKanjya 682519 There are two zeros in the number "2010." Source_VOA 242172 It was ten degrees below zero this morning. CK 244752 The temperature fell below zero last night. CK 25463 The thermometer reads three degrees below zero. NekoKanjya 1873240 The temperature fell to five degrees below zero. al_ex_an_der 2475 Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, doesn't it? Zifre 2737803 The temperature outside is four degrees below zero. catcher 1155819 In my city, the temperature is one degree above zero. alexmarcelo 1008938 The temperature has been below zero for many days now. AOCinJAPAN 242231 It was below zero this morning, but I cycled to school. CK 307581 They conducted a series of experiments under zero gravity. CK 268346 A good lawyer will always zero in on a key piece of evidence. CM 241785 In the current slump, economic growth has fallen to zero percent. CM 269185 The new birth policy is aimed at achieving zero population growth. CK