2389841 I own a yacht. CK 1 1395330 Tom has a private yacht. Spamster 1 1095627 Tom can't afford to buy a yacht. CK 1 3241689 Tom has been saving up to buy a yacht. CK 1 1964339 This yacht is very expensive. Guybrush88 41044 Many yachts are in the harbor. CK 23451 Our yacht club has ten members. CK 29895 The yacht sailed around a buoy. CM 266427 I often go yachting on weekends. CK 1152293 I would like to charter a yacht. belgavox 326594 The bay has more yachts than sailboats. CK 16086 You are welcome to the use of my yacht. Swift 29891 They usually use an anchor to hold a yacht in place. CM 255898 I've always hoped to sail across the Pacific in a yacht. CM 270981 Several yachts were sailing side by side far out at sea. CM 278809 The yacht race will take place tomorrow, weather permitting. CM