1543309 What are the men doing? Bah_Dure 1 2645667 What are those numbers? CK 1 2645666 What are Tom's chances? CK 1 2645665 What are Tom's hobbies? CK 1 2645664 What are Tom's options? CK 1 2882445 What are we up against? CK 1 1886814 What are you afraid of? CK 1 2892458 What are you all doing? CK 1 241947 What are you doing now? CK 1 2645663 What are you inferring? CK 1 1357461 What are you mad about? NekoKanjya 1 2645662 What are you proposing? CK 1 280927 What are you two doing? CK 1 3219323 What are you two up to? Hybrid 1 2892483 What are you up to now? CK 1 2645661 What are you whittling? CK 1 2645660 What are your concerns? CK 1 2892488 What can all that mean? CK 1 2892489 What can they do to us? CK 1 2892492 What can we do for Tom? CK 1 2892493 What can we do for you? CK 1 2892494 What can we do to help? CK 1 2892497 What can you do for me? CK 1 3199946 What can't you tell me? CK 1 3129465 What could've happened? CK 1 3199945 What did they tell you? CK 1 1886793 What did Tom do to you? CK 1 1839611 What did Tom look like? CK 1 3199944 What did Tom tell Mary? CK 1 2645659 What did you do before? CK 1 2645658 What did you do it for? CK 1 1841431 What did you do to Tom? CK 1 2281822 What didn't I tell you? CK 1 435201 What disease do I have? CK 1 266094 What do you do for fun? CK 1 2645657 What do you have there? CK 1 1886765 What do you have to do? CK 1 42964 What do you mean by it? Dejo 1 405508 What do you plan to do? CK 1 1839614 What do you think, Tom? CK 1 16263 What do you want to be? CK 1 24759 What do you want to do? CK 1 72230 What does EC stand for? CK 1 1841543 What does it look like? CK 1 72166 What does UN stand for? CK 1 1841542 What else can go wrong? CK 1 3129323 What happened in there? CK 1 3129324 What happened out here? CK 1 3023203 What happened with Tom? CK 1 3129325 What happens next time? CK 1