English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "What" in Example Sentences
Page 21

37571	What are the symptoms?	CK	1
2646229	What are these things?	CK	1
2646228	What are they exactly?	CK	1
41955	What are they made of?	CK	1
2646227	What are those called?	CK	1
2646226	What are those noises?	CK	1
1839608	What are you drinking?	CK	1
38923	What are you implying?	Swift	1
2646225	What are you knitting?	CK	1
1169786	What are you learning?	Chrikaru	1
2646224	What are you offering?	CK	1
2646223	What are you planning?	CK	1
1169787	What are you studying?	Chrikaru	1
2273903	What are you thinking?	CK	1
1841548	What are you watching?	CK	1
2646222	What are your hobbies?	CK	1
2646221	What are your reasons?	CK	1
1037900	What can I do for you?	CK	1
2060267	What did she do today?	CK	1
2646220	What did they replace?	CK	1
2646219	What did this Tom say?	CK	1
3152243	What did Tom give you?	CK	1
3151185	What did Tom give you?	CK	1
2954126	What did Tom just say?	CK	1
3199907	What did Tom tell you?	CK	1
51010	What did you do there?	CK	1
2481353	What did you do today?	Opiejay888	1
2852042	What did you do wrong?	CK	1
1886783	What did you find out?	CK	1
3151183	What did you give Tom?	CK	1
2763475	What did you major in?	CK	1
1886779	What did you see next?	CK	1
1839613	What did you tell Tom?	CK	1
2646218	What do they do there?	CK	1
2892528	What do we do with it?	CK	1
3178389	What do we have to do?	CK	1
3178388	What do we need to do?	CK	1
1886767	What do you call that?	CK	1
1841545	What do you call this?	CK	1
2954131	What do you guys want?	CK	1
2892530	What do you have here?	CK	1
2884542	What do you people do?	CK	1
65040	What do you recommend?	CK	1
1886756	What do you think now?	CK	1
2011721	What do you want here?	CK	1
2011722	What do you want next?	CK	1
2011723	What do you want, Tom?	CK	1
2870202	What does it all mean?	CK	1
42558	What does it refer to?	CK	1
2646217	What does that matter?	CK	1