English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "What" in Example Sentences
Page 18

2892666	What'll you do there?	CK	1
3171005	What'll you give Tom?	CK	1
2892668	What're we up to now?	CK	1
2646739	What're you counting?	CK	1
2646738	What're you doing up?	CK	1
2254568	What're you drinking?	CK	1
2547475	What're you planning?	CK	1
2254569	What're you thinking?	CK	1
2547474	What're you watching?	CK	1
2892684	What's all the hurry?	CK	1
2876102	What's been going on?	CK	1
2234071	What's bothering you?	CK	1
2234075	What's for breakfast?	CK	1
61911	What's going on here?	CK	1
2234078	What's happening now?	CK	1
2646737	What's in the basket?	CK	1
2646736	What's in the bottle?	CK	1
1841535	What's in the bucket?	CK	1
2547473	What's in the closet?	CK	1
2646735	What's in the coffee?	CK	1
62426	What's Ken doing now?	CK	1
2234081	What's my assignment?	CK	1
2234085	What's not necessary?	CK	1
2646734	What's on the agenda?	CK	1
2646733	What's on your plate?	CK	1
2713621	What's our situation?	CK	1
68433	What's that building?	CK	1
1839620	What's the big hurry?	CK	1
1273509	What's the commotion?	Scott	1
2234107	What's the diagnosis?	CK	1
2234108	What's the emergency?	CK	1
25289	What's the good news?	papabear	1
2713620	What's the next stop?	CK	1
2234118	What's the objection?	CK	1
2646732	What's the plan, Tom?	CK	1
2234122	What's the prognosis?	CK	1
2234125	What's the situation?	CK	1
2234135	What's their problem?	CK	1
2646731	What's their purpose?	CK	1
2713619	What's this used for?	CK	1
1023768	What's Tom doing now?	CK	1
2713618	What's Tom up to now?	CK	1
2234152	What's Tom's concern?	CK	1
2234160	What's Tom's opinion?	CK	1
1886677	What's Tom's problem?	CK	1
38219	What's wrong with me?	CK	1
2234169	What's your decision?	CK	1
2234175	What's your location?	CK	1
2646730	What's your nickname?	CK	1
2234179	What's your position?	CK	1