English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "What" in Example Sentences
Page 158

2839258	I know what might happen here.	CK
1723698	I know what they are thinking.	Spamster
1956031	I only did what was necessary.	CK
1961199	I thought about what you said.	CK
2542651	I told Tom exactly what I saw.	CK
619794	I was horrified by what I saw.	ulyssemc1
2542596	I was wondering what that was.	CK
403314	I wonder what happened to him.	CK
2542563	I wonder what Tom is planning.	CK
2542562	I wonder what Tom is thinking.	CK
2542561	I wonder what Tom plans to do.	CK
24703	I'm at a loss for what to say.	CM
2267226	I'm intrigued by what you say.	_undertoad
1915923	I'm not ashamed of what I did.	Spamster
36150	I've no idea what's happening.	CK
2713102	Is that really what you think?	CK
2013997	Is that what you want to hear?	CK
3178594	It must be true what they say.	CK
686369	It's not what I wanted to say.	Eldad
3200993	Just do what I tell you to do.	CK
1030606	Just do what you've got to do.	darinmex
2848078	Just what are you insinuating?	CK
1140078	Let me know what you find out.	CK
250791	Let me make plain what I mean.	CM
3168373	Let me tell you what Tom said.	CK
1108036	Let's see what you're made of.	Scott
369600	Men believe what they want to.	MUIRIEL
274373	My son owes what he is to you.	CM
1172145	No one believed what you said.	teapot
286059	Pay attention to what he says.	CK
3153772	Please give Tom what he needs.	CK
954245	Please tell me what you heard.	CK
70669	Please tell me what you think.	CK
264634	Reflect on what you have done.	CK
3181724	Remember what we talked about?	CK
3181723	Remember what we talked about.	CK
3022450	See what can be done about it.	sharptoothed
3096365	See what you can come up with.	CK
3200986	Shall I tell you what I think?	CK
455120	Show me what's in your pocket.	CK
3200982	So tell me, what do you think?	CK
3129861	Tell me exactly what happened.	CK
1860551	Tell me what I can do to help.	CK
68102	Tell me what that man is like.	CK
279725	Tell me what you did in Tokyo.	CK
240998	Tell me what you have in mind.	CK
3200978	Tell me what you use this for.	CK
3200974	Tell the truth no matter what.	CK
3200968	Tell Tom what Mary did to you.	CK
3129576	Tell Tom what really happened.	CK