English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "What" in Example Sentences
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2956067	Tom asked us what we wanted.	CK
2643619	Tom explained what happened.	CK
2643606	Tom has no idea what to say.	CK
2543369	Tom knows what he has to do.	CK
2835712	Tom knows what would happen.	CK
2543343	Tom told Mary what happened.	CK
2543342	Tom told Mary what John did.	CK
2269016	Try to recall what happened.	_undertoad
2954109	Wait. What did you just say?	CK
3310171	We've got what we need here.	CK
305968	What a nice couple they are!	CM
40319	What a pity you can't dance!	shanghainese
3200592	What am I going to tell Tom?	CK
797270	What are these people doing?	Chris
2561571	What are those people doing?	teek
1196601	What are those people doing?	nadsat
2737115	What are you doing in there?	Hybrid
1635312	What are you doing out here?	Amastan
2908109	What are you doing tomorrow?	Guybrush88
1012692	What are you doing tomorrow?	DanaDescalza
2915273	What are you doing up there?	Hybrid
2259864	What are you going to drink?	_undertoad
2460903	What are you hiding from me?	Hybrid
1123110	What are you not telling me?	Scott
803831	What are you planning to do?	FeuDRenais
707459	What are you so happy about?	papabear
24659	What are you talking about!?	NekoKanjya
1740923	What are you trying to hide?	Spamster
2947838	What are you two doing here?	Hybrid
70461	What are your strong points?	CK
1188183	What awaits you in New York?	Guybrush88
687338	What caused you to be angry?	ulyssemc1
812522	What crime have I committed?	FeuDRenais
310263	What did she whisper to you?	CK
2954125	What did Tom go outside for?	CK
3200590	What did Tom tell you to do?	CK
627287	What did you do this summer?	Guybrush88
2298281	What did you eat for dinner?	sysko
2715742	What did you eat last night?	Guybrush88
3200589	What did you tell Tom first?	CK
1337715	What do people eat in Egypt?	CK
1841546	What do these markings mean?	CK
2770771	What do you advise me to do?	carlosalberto
464536	What do you advise me to do?	lukaszpp
320992	What do you do after school?	CM
2569250	What do you know about love?	Hybrid
17643	What do you learn at school?	Swift
2039872	What do you think about Tom?	MarlonX19
29525	What do you think of reggae?	Dejo
2892582	What do you think Tom means?	CK