425843 It's completely visible. blay_paul 1 495467 There was no visible danger. adjusting 35176 There were no visible dangers. CM 1541485 Mary's bruises are barely visible. Spamster 18314 Numerous stars were visible in the sky. CM 1020595 It is not really visible to the naked eye. Guybrush88 281024 Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye. CM 707000 There still weren't any visible signs of spring. papabear 1521841 When I got up to go to school, the moon was still visible in the sky. erikspen 3020390 Using high heat settings while ironing synthetic fabrics will melt the synthetic fibers and cause visible permanent damage, which often looks like a shiny area where the too-hot iron had the longest contact with the fabric. Delian