18604 The price of gold varies from day to day. piksea 1 265341 Social customs vary from country to country. CK 1 2549693 Symptoms vary. CK 2693474 Tom has varied tastes. WestofEden 1901688 It varies a great deal. Spamster 269908 Opinions vary from person to person. CM 282636 The boxes vary in size from small to large. CM 327407 Music preferences vary from person to person. CM 39590 Table manners vary from one country to another. CM 324119 The price of vegetables varies from day to day. CM 67236 The prices of certain foods vary from week to week. CK 319798 Manners and customs vary greatly from country to country. Nero 1327485 The length of days and the length of years hardly vary at all. CK 1539931 The amount of time spent asleep can vary from person to person. SHamp 329403 There are various types of wines and the way they are matured varies accordingly. fcbond