2233743 This is unique. CK 1 2892607 What makes it so unique? CK 1 388322 These flowers have a unique smell. CK 1 2094643 Everyone is unique. AlanF_US 1740830 It's rather unique. Spamster 2094641 Every person is unique. AlanF_US 239740 Language is unique to man. Eldad 3069639 This is a unique situation. Hybrid 2009472 This book is unique in many ways. halfb1t 58579 This custom is unique to America. CK 682397 Every website has a unique address. Source_VOA 681504 Each molecule in our body has a unique shape. Source_VOA 280577 Unique ideas helped him to earn a high income. CM 285868 His technique was unique and absolutely amazing. CK 522309 His unique perspective helped shed light on the situation. darinmex 49125 The rapid growth of the firm was attributed to its unique strategy. CM 281517 Japan is unique among the Asian countries in having modernized completely. CM 21747 The more unique each person is, the more he contributes to the wisdom of others. NekoKanjya