English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Truth" in Example Sentences
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1638298	Just tell him the truth.	Spamster
3168570	This can't be the truth.	Serhiy
2266199	He didn't tell the truth.	_undertoad
2360848	I hid the truth from you.	CK
3134034	I need to know the truth.	Serhiy
2012140	I want to know the truth.	CK
2645055	Is Tom telling the truth?	CK
2300582	There's some truth to it.	Hybrid
3060560	Are you telling the truth?	sharptoothed
289215	He always tells the truth.	mamat
1771723	He can't handle the truth.	Spamster
2258393	He kept the truth from us.	_undertoad
2374013	I just told Tom the truth.	CK
252335	I made him tell the truth.	CK
2544972	I want the absolute truth.	CK
2012452	I want the truth from you.	CK
433639	I'm telling you the truth.	CK
2367563	That's actually the truth.	eastasiastudent
3172780	Tom was telling the truth.	CK
3023242	Was Tom telling the truth?	CK
349843	We'll soon know the truth.	human600
3002741	You hid the truth from me.	Hybrid
839377	How can we learn the truth?	mahdiye
2544434	I intend to tell the truth.	CK
3129805	It happens to be the truth.	CK
1869611	There's some truth to this.	Spamster
3172956	Tom kept the truth from us.	CK
3200397	Were you telling the truth?	CK
1436319	Will you tell me the truth?	CK
1771722	You can't handle the truth.	Spamster
1193328	He always told me the truth.	rheotaxis
1623970	There is some truth in that.	al_ex_an_der
1869610	There is some truth to this.	Spamster
2741264	Tom already knows the truth.	CK
2643659	Tom and Mary know the truth.	CK
2770593	Tom hid the truth from Mary.	CK
2543370	Tom knows this is the truth.	CK
2643565	Tom might tell us the truth.	CK
2958434	Tom usually tells the truth.	CK
3172781	Tom will tell you the truth.	CK
666318	We don't know the truth yet.	Samer
3310967	We're looking for the truth.	CK
1818293	Where can we find the truth?	AsliAbbasi
3172782	You must tell Tom the truth.	CK
3071830	Are you telling me the truth?	sharptoothed
3200909	Are you telling us the truth?	CK
1991027	Don't let him know the truth.	CK
3172818	I have to tell you the truth.	CK
1437923	I want to tell her the truth.	caspian
2013610	I want you to know the truth.	CK