48596 The troops had plenty of arms. CK 1 237801 The troops marched past. CK 237794 The troops landed in Greece. CM 485021 The troops were annihilated. FeuDRenais 804054 British troops held that area. Source_VOA 283458 He is commander of our troops. CK 804247 Manila fell to Japanese troops. Source_VOA 805431 Lincoln said troops were needed. Source_VOA 681220 The general inspected the troops. Source_VOA 237793 The troops advanced twenty miles. CM 29193 Our troops engaged with the enemy. CK 237796 The troops maintained their ground. CM 2255709 Those troops are going into action. _undertoad 275896 The President called out the troops. CK 45513 That captain handles his troops well. CM 805261 The American troops held their ground. Source_VOA 278692 The enemy troops closed in on the city. CM 320126 The troops refused to obey the command. CM 237797 The troops soon put down the rebellion. CM 48597 The troops easily put down the rebellion. CK 803236 In December 1989, he sent troops to Panama. Source_VOA 803239 He called on state troops to end the strike. Source_VOA 807518 Troops inside the walls were well protected. Source_VOA 278684 The enemy flung fresh troops into the battle. CM 807574 The troops would protect trains carrying mail. Source_VOA 805276 American troops stayed in Nicaragua until 1933. Source_VOA 807598 The arrival of the troops led to more violence. Source_VOA 804072 The British had more troops than the other side. Source_VOA 807635 The other colonies began sending troops to help. Source_VOA 807653 More than half of the Union troops were captured. Source_VOA 321209 Troops were swiftly called in to put down the riot. CM 41255 The Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan. CM 804294 Lee no longer had a way to supply his troops in Petersburg. Source_VOA 681225 The United Nations sent troops to intervene in the conflict. Source_VOA 273342 Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle. CM 804099 The British troops fought hard, but could not stop the Germans. Source_VOA 804266 In the summer of that year, more Japanese troops moved into China. Source_VOA 271066 A few years ago it would have been inconceivable for Japan to send troops overseas. CK