264515 The number of automobiles has been increasing. CM 807568 The number of houses being built was dropping. Source_VOA 48865 The nurse cared for the patient very tenderly. CM 43404 The old man attempted to swim five kilometers. CK 43405 The old man lived in the three-room apartment. CK 43353 The old man was accompanied by his grandchild. CK 2044295 The oldest brother became a successful trader. AlanF_US 2662776 The only problem is where do we start looking? CK 1102459 The only thing I can do is bring a cup of tea. alexmarcelo 562254 The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. darinmex 1260059 The only true language in the world is a kiss. Scott 239457 The original was written as a school textbook. CM 275026 The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. CK 48995 The painting will cost at least 1,000 dollars. CK 1597388 The paper was beginning to peel off the walls. trieuho 1451674 The park is located in the center of the city. CK 245041 The participants were for the most part women. CM 27785 The party flew nonstop from New York to Paris. NekoKanjya 50040 The party has been put off until next Tuesday. CK 50987 The people there made way for the fire engine. CK 25802 The picnic was called off because of the rain. NekoKanjya 1210116 The pilgrims brought gifts from distant lands. CM 3150638 The place where I bought my stove burned down. CK 59523 The plan was doomed to failure from the start. CM 48498 The plan will be brought into effect tomorrow. TheDQN 318034 The plane flew at an altitude of 3,000 meters. CM 1734744 The plane was late because of the bad weather. futurulus 46166 The plants withered because they had no water. CM 282485 The plum blossoms are at their best this week. CM 1549301 The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. trieuho 238243 The police are going to investigate the crime. CK 238347 The police are looking into his disappearance. CK 238210 The police arrested the pickpocket in the act. CK 2953362 The police believe the victim knew his killer. CK 238403 The police considered the crime to be serious. CK 238329 The police found out where the criminal lived. CK 238228 The police have decided to look into the case. CK 3142690 The police have picked Tom up for questioning. CK 2953365 The police promised to investigate the matter. CK 238089 The police roped off the street near the spot. CM 2009247 The police went over every inch of this place. CK 48452 The policeman was confronted by the angry mob. CM 238120 The policeman wrested a gun from the murderer. CK 795769 The polka is from Poland, as is the polonaise. BraveSentry 2268455 The pond was completely frozen in the morning. _undertoad 63451 The poor child was on the verge of starvation. Dejo 270351 The population explosion is a serious problem. CK 59259 The population of this country is diminishing. CM 324542 The post office is just across from the store. CK 792562 The potato was so hot that it burned my mouth. ryanthewired